Trappers Agitation

Hey all,
I'm wondering if there is a DLC I can purchase that will make Trappers' perks teachable. Specifically, Agitation? I see that Blood Stained Sack, the DLC, has some cosmetics for Trapper, but I'm not sure if it also includes the teachable perks.
In order to get his teachables you need to prestige him at least once. This will unlock all his perks for all your other characters. Prestige 2 will unlock tier 2 and prestige 3 tier 3
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Alternatively, they might show up on the shrine, though I would consider this a wasted of shards, considering how easy it is to prestige a character once.
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Yeah, I know about prestiging. I was just hoping for a quicker solution. I'm working on a challenge in the first tome that requires me use agitation while hooking two survivors on basement hooks. I've tried doing this challenge as Trapper, but he seems quite clumsy in comparison to Pinhead. Like, I can win games as Pinhead but not as Trapper. I've been trying to do the challenge now for over a day. Thanks anyway!
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If it's a basement challenge you're working on, Trapper is your guy
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He has one of the best basement strats
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Trapper is basement king
Bubba is basement camping king
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The only alternative to getting the perk besides Prestiging a character is by obtaining the perk from the Shrine of Secrets. If it is not in the Shrine you are out of luck I guess.
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Trapper is quite adept at basement plays, as others have stated.
I would suggest you try it with him a bit more, adding iron grasp to your kit. Push for a 3 Gen around your basement and defend it.
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Yeah, I've really tried with Trapper. The controls feel different when I am playing him compared to other killers.
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Sad Hag noises :'(
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Just for reference, watch this video. Its a bit dated, but so hilarious and just an all-around feels-good video for Trapper sympathizers.
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Trapper Sack, with agitation and iron grasp basically ensures at a minimum a 2k in basement and you can get this done in 1 trial
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You can just play probably no more than 5 hours of games till have enough bp to prestige trapper to the level you need.
If you have Bubba literally just do the insidious Bubba, its famous for a reason.
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trap the ever loving crap out of the areas around the basement and push them towards the trapped spots. If you want to be aggressive bring the brown addon to stop from getting caught in your traps and you don't need to leave a way out for yourself.
Despite the jokes with bubba or others, that basement belongs to trapper. Trapper is the best boy.
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She's basement queen
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Set traps around basement shack, they will 100% go there at some point. Stay close to that area, but not so close that they avoid it. Bring the add on that drops them, when they get trapped in it. Also bring the add on that injures them if they disarm your traps.
Put survivor in basement. Carefully set a couple traps in/around basement area. They will come for save and they will get caught (most of the time), put another one in the basement. Rinse and repeat.
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Tiny clarification because I've seen people miss this detail: Once Trapper is prestiged once and his perks show up in others' loadouts, you can find tiers 2 and 3 in those characters' bloodwebs and level the perk up that way if you only want the perk on a specific character like Pinhead.
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Okay, so you were all right. I watched the video on Trapper setting traps for the basement. I didn't have the extra perks that make this easier to do. So I only used two traps, one at the entrance to the basement and one a little way down on the staircase. I got all 4 of the players on hooks with just the two traps. I honestly couldn't believe how well people fell for it, all clamouring to save their teammate on the hook. I uploaded the match to YouTube; you can watch it below! Sorry there's no sound, no idea why the video editor disregarded it.
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Good job! Trapper relies so much on good trap placement, and over altruistic teammates.