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Killer adepts are a nightmare to get.

Member Posts: 1,188

Title, imo a 3k or 4k should give the title no matter what... and if someoen escapes by hatch that also eliminate the chance of getting it thats so wrong at so many different levels, meanwhile a walk on the park to get survivor adepts, even if u lose u know u could.... u could.... u could bring a free gateaway wit ha key and guarantee it even when u did nothing all game......

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  • Member Posts: 2,123

    Isn't adepts just achievements\trophies? Why are they so popular? To they give something other than just achievement\trophies?

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    With grade reset every 13th putting you back into Ash grade where you only need 14 to double pip (2 golds + 2 iris or 1 silver + 3 iris). Even bronze has the same 14 to double pip. You can get a 3K and still double pip if you wait til reset.

    Obviously some killers are harder than others, because Legion has an easy time gaining pips compared to instant down killers. Though there's also a devout bug right now.

    Not saying killer adepts shouldn't be made slightly easier to get, but they certainly aren't a nightmare unless you are trying to get them in gold or iri grades. Which you shouldn't do, because you can just wait for reset.

  • Member Posts: 2,651

    Gives something to grind for in the game after thousands of hours

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    i know that, but still RNG based, if someone gets hatch BECAUSE THEY CAN HAVE A KEY they get a free gateaway. and is not like ignore lobbys with keys, they can get keys in game or just an unfortunate 1 v 1 where gates are miles away from eachother and u are not nurse or blight to patrol them wich is fair for the survivor cause "he earned" even if they got destroyed???????? is what it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,746

    They give nothing.

    But some people desperately want to get them.

    I sometimes get some by accident - i bought Onryo on PS4 and got adept first try :-) - i really could not believe it...

    And Wesker on i think second or third try on PC.

    Sometimes you just have to get lucky with your survs.

    If you always have to good survs try a different time of day to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Just because survivor adepts can be cheesed doesn't mean they're meant to be easier. If you're trying to get them naturally, you're in for a world of frustrations as well considering so much is directly out of your control.

    That being said, I understand the frustration. It is harder on some killers than on others.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    this is the thing, i got a 4k with wesker right now, 2 gens till remaining then what... +1 amazing and i got 3 golds and 1 iri, this is madness.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    thing is they are way easier specially if u play with a friend who will give his life for u, no one is holding hands with you when playing killer, neither can bring an item that will make u get it, can u see the difference?. its massive and there is no much frustration at getting a surv adept at all, i got 4 or 5 yesterday easily meanwhile as killer....

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    It doesn't help much if you're working on them retroactively, but the best time is right when a killer drops, and your MMR for that killer is at it's lowest.

    Once you have a lot of time in a killer, it's going to get a lot harder, especially if their perks are trash (Huntress comes immediately to mind), so I haven't bothered trying to adept most killers I have a lot of time in.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Are you trying these in the current patch. If so I would stop until the Devout bug is fixed. If you are not aware Devout will not give you the points for a kill if they are the last living survivor in the trial meaning the highest you can get is gold for hooking everyone killing 3 and having 9 hooks.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    In the example you're talking about you require the active intervention of someone else that makes their life disposable for you to get the adept. You're not doing it naturally, you're cheesing it.

    My point is that just because some people take a fast-pass at the queue for the rollercoaster doesn't mean the 2h wait aren't the same for everyone else who don't have an accomplice.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    why ignoring the second one? u play bad u did nothing all game to help progress the game STILL the key gives u the adept for free, u did nothing u were a bush all game and u get it, can u see the disparity and lets not pretend people dont bring keys when trying adepts because they do, especially before the nerf like 5 years of the same it was and still is when they try it.

    on top of that it doesnt matter if u get bad teammates or not, its completely irreelvant meanwhile as killer u better get bad survivors or u wish u will get it, just wish because u wont get it.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    In your second example, you're still not playing naturally, and still cheesing ; being a weight to your team, sacrificing their lives, so that you can get your achievement. Sure people do it, but that's not really in the spirit of the achievement.

    I already had a similar debate with another user recently, so I don't really want to keep a back and forth considering I can feel I won't change your mind and that you won't change mine.

    Let's just agree to disagree :)

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    so? just because its easy people wont try then? you know people do it all the time, why wouldnt u cheese it if u are allowed to. there is a disparity and people dont care about others when trying achivements.

    "thats not the spirit" lol what?... the achivement requires you to escape, not the rest. is on the title, "death is not an escape", people will do everything they can in order for them to survive during achivements especially and in solo q, no one gives an F about the rest, after 4.5k hours in this game i learned that but it took moe just a cou0ple hundred to realize tbh.

  • Member Posts: 84

    For the Power Moves achievement survivors have to do the equivalent of 1 gen, so Idk why killer basically have to pip twice and 4K for an adept achievement and survivors just have to escape. If that's the standard for survivors, Idk why a 4K sometimes isn't good enough. It's so sad thinking you've got it then getting "ruthless killer"

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    4K is not actually a requirement for adepts. Only double pipping. In Ash and Bronze grades it's possible to kill only 3 survivors and double pip, because you can afford to devout as gold.

  • Member Posts: 435

    They're really easy with how unbalanced and killer sided the game is now, they might as well hand adepts to you on a silver plate. Survivor adepts on the other hand are now virtually impossible unless a killer lets you escape. Skill issue?

  • Member Posts: 84

    Can you get adept with 3K if you get merciless? I haven't done it myself, and I haven't heard of anyone doing it. Although I will say double pipping as survivor is much harder.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Other than the devout bug the main issue with trying to get merciless is some killers are just built different. If you are playing a one down killer youre gonna struggle getting high chaser using your power as you have half the chases. Killers with mini moris dont count for hook states. Like you can 12 cage/chop survivors as pyramid head and you will not get iri devout (when its not bugged) because of the 9 hook requirement.

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    You can, I've done it on a few killers adepts in the past back in old grade based matchmaking.

    Double pipping as a survivor is much harder, because you compete with other survivors for emblems. The requirement for survivor is only escaping.

    Double pipping as killer by contrast is much easier, but some killers have bad emblem gains which can hurt. It feels harder, because the survivors you face won't be weaker on reset, but reset does make it easier to get merciless if you are trying to grab some adepts due to the lower limit of double pipping. But since earning Merciless Killer is all the system cares about, it doesn't matter how many survivors you kill as long as you get enough emblems to double pip.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    You can get your adept that way, yes ! I got both Adept Legion and Ghostface this weekend from 3Ks.

    It is only possible in Silver or below though I would presume since double pips are easier to get then :)

  • Member Posts: 265

    Be honest with us all, how long has it been since you last played the game? You keep talking about how survivors get a free adept if they bring a key and do nothing all game long... you know the hatch has been changed to make it so that it only spawns when a single survivor remains in the trial, right?

    Nowadays, a key will only help you escape if you outlive all your teammates and the killer closes the hatch on you.

    I know playing killer has its load of frustrations, but don't make up problems that don't exist on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 98

    I made a post not that long ago on the forums that didn't get much attention. As of patch 6.5.1 there is a bug where it doesn't count the last sacrifice when the match is practically ending. So for example you get a 4k everyone else is dead and your waiting for them to fully die so the match ends. The devout emblem and daily rituals aren't counting that kill and it isn't going to overall stats (I play on xbox I can see the amounts of kills I've had on my account). This is making adepts in iri ranks impossible to get because its not counting as a merciless killer game. It also doesn't count archive challenges like six feet under. My suspicion is it's something to do with the finishing mori update but still it troubles me why it would effect anything.

  • Member Posts: 9,424
    edited October 2022

    Who uses keys anymore? Also so what if one survivor escapes via hatch? You can double pip with a 3K even at gold grade.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    No, it's completely not nightmare and pretty fun, also bring some academical value in learing killer and general strategy (yeah, camping and tunneling not working, rip). Survivor is completely RNG, if you have good map, strong team and potato killer, you get it easily, but in any other case you just hope for hatch and could do it over and over again, very frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 266

    it's YOU that make them harder. just do some game, let them go out and when your SBMM is low enough do what you want , make more chases and take your time to do 12 hooks , simple enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited October 2022

    I force myself with each new killer to only use their 3 perks until I get adept. If you just play normally it will happen eventually.

    Twins were by far the hardest for me to get. I remember Plague being hard too but that was when she was first released which is also when the changes to killer adepts happened.

    I get that it can be hard but I feel that is a badge of honor. If killer adepts were as easy as survivor adepts it would feel like a hollow victory.

  • Member Posts: 2,651

    Pretty much wait for the monthly reset, or spend about 10 matches farming with survivors to get an easy enough squad that you can get the adept

  • Member Posts: 442

    I would love if adepts gave a prestige skin for the killers power, and maybe item skins for survivors. Doesn't need to be flashy, could be something like bully's chainsaw with the prestiged blood, and for killers like nurse or blight where their power isn't really physical it could be different color particle effects.

  • Member Posts: 422

    It depends on your current grade but yeah. If you want the achievement just to check it off your list. yeah wait for rank reset and get the achievement. But if you are wanting to challenge yourself at Red ranks, the nightmare is your own fault. From Ash through Bronze you can miss 2 emblems and still get merciless. So equips some strong add ons and focus with that.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I dont have too much trouble with them. Hell I got twins adept in 3 games.

    Just gotta find one of those chill games where you are clubbing a solo q team and just control the game. Mess about, actively avoid tunneling and camping hook to get max hook stages.

    Even on high mmr you get thrown a bone every so often

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