Reverse vaulting, lets talk about it

jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay I know I know what the low skill based killers will say... "No, the game is already survivor sided."

ok ok, calm down before you fill your diaper prematurely. We are only discussing here.

I know this was a happy accident with the flashlights, however, to pull it off required an amount of skill that a lot of survivors would not be able to pull off without practice. Survivor perks have been nerfed tremendously. Main one I had an issue with was Iron Will. No more getting to play mind games with killers. As a killer it takes the fun out of it, Not to mention the buff that perk gives to Fearmonger and any other killer perk/addon that causes exhaustion. My point, why not allow for a reverse vault? Skilled killers don't really fall for it and or know how to counter it properly. The only ones to really complain about are the ones who complain about everything. You know, the ones who would complain about water because its too watery.

I think it would be and is a nice change up to the cat and mouse game. It adds a little bit of a challenge for killers and also survivors to know when and where to properly execute the maneuver. I for one as a killer am not afraid of a little bit of a challenge. Killer has become stale and boring to play because it is so easy to do. Even without the crutch of perks. (which they should add the stats in for perkless killers).

As a survivor, the game is littered with baby killers who are hell bent on hard tunneling and facecamping because they lack the base skill of hunting and negotiating a chase. Which not only makes the game boring and frustrating to play, borderlines it unplayable. Every time I see that 100% bloodpoint incentive to fill the survivor role, I already know why. (I see it more often than not)

As far as the reverse vaulting, I think the devs should put it back in as it was, maybe fine tune the animation.

-Must be carrying a flashlight(once flashlight is depleted reverse vaulting is not available if a cap is needed)

-Must be timed perfectly to execute the maneuver. (Vault and click at same time or Vault and then click .5 seconds after. Both while looking the direction you are wanting to go. To make it a challenging maneuver.)

These are just some suggested requirements that I think would be fair.

Honestly I keep hearing the bullshit that the game is survivor sided or killer sided. It is more killer sided but that IS understandable because the game is called DEAD by Daylight... not SURVIVE by Daylight. However, the game is or at least WAS pretty balanced. The question isn't whether or not it is one side or the other as far as killer or survivor. It comes down to skill level as a gamer. This game is not hard but for those who ONLY play farmville or tap games it CAN be difficult to adjust to. It is a moderately difficult game but is not hard to master.

Also to make it more fair, killers can also reverse vault as well.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I think it was nice addition to the game (even if I didn't use it).

    The thing that made it awkward was need to use flashlight. That made no sense. Vaulting and flashlight make 0 things in common. What would actually make more sense would be maybe an addon on key? Like rubber neckband. Keys are useless the way they are now so having something useful for a change would make sense. And you would be able to use it only if you used key for whole duration of vaulting (meaning if you initiate it and have enough key energy left, then it will be applied and take out whole vaulting-duration worth of key energy).

    also @Crowman why do you think the game is better without it? I mean outside of hacky usage it required to this point. Why would it be bad for a game if this became feature attached to some more meaningful interaction?

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    I am curious though, why do you think it is better without it? Is it because you like to end chases quickly and the game quickly? Or another reason? Just curious.

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    I agree with you on that, the flashlight thing did make it awkward. Took me forever to get it and I STILL wasn't able to get it every time. I do like the key idea! Might actually give the Broken Key some actual use. lol I don't know if I would go with a one time use feature, because the vault is pretty quick and survivors going against a killer that actually likes to go into chases and hunt, may have multiple chases as well. I would say make it a difficult maneuver but keep it at a as long as the item lasts naturally. Non insta drains.

    Thank you for your feedback. :-)

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    So for the requirements, you're pretty much saying to undo the bug fix? Big downsides to needing a flashlight for this is killers will just start using Franklin's more as their response, denying survivors chances to try out the fake vaulting. Killer POV being in first person seems like it would hinder them more if they could do this as well, losing sight of their chase; not to mention all but 2 (Wesker and Legion) are locked to windows.

    If they decide to bring this mechanic in, it should just be a perk.

  • RobustLaser
    RobustLaser Member Posts: 15

    already mentioned plenty but coming in assuming bad faith on the part of detractors and actively insulting them is bad form BUT

    I think a fake-out vault would make for a decent exhaustion(?) perk. Already have a fakeout locker perk with Deception after all.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    it's too weak effect to be an exhaustion. Such a fake would do nothing if killer sees thru it and at most give you single miss cooldown time. Now compare this to any other exhaustion. Sprint burst, lithe and balanced landing 3s 150% speed. DH hit CD + after hit sprint burst. Smash hit 4s 150% speed. Head on - possibility to save another survivor in best case, ability to help tunneled survivor, but overall same-ish length of cooldown time.

    Overall this would be by far least rewarding exhaustion perk in the game. But if it only had internal cooldown (same as quick and quiet), then it could be a perk.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    In theory it should be ok. But either make it an exhaustion perk or fix the maps or both. A low tier killer on a bad map with several vaults against this extra feature on the side just adds another jab they could do without.

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    ahh you twisted the words... I said "the low skilled killers" implying those who are not as skilled at the game. However you misread and reorganized the words to "killers low skilled" which implies ALL killers are low skilled. I don't think that at all. There are a lot of great killers who are actually skilled at the game. Some it's their first time playing and others have been playing for the longest time.

    In no way shape or form did I ever say "all killers are low skilled" However, that is how you took it. I am sorry you took it wrong and assumed a harshed tone. :-) Thank you for your feedback. :-)

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    Pretty much yes, to undo it but fine tune it and make it better. I do see the downside with flashlights v franklins... ive seen an influx of franklin users recently. However, I think that is worth the risk. (balances) Risks of doing it fall on the survivor, and if the killer would like to waste a perk slot with franklins, so be it. I definitely see your point. May need to be thought through more, fine tuned. Could do away with the item completely and just make it base.

    Thank you for your feedback :-)

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    More so mentioning that this post doesn't need those comments. Actual feedback and discussion about it would be nice. However, dually noted.

    I believe someone already mentioned it in the next comment, but it is such a quick maneuver that exhaustion wouldn't make much sense. I kind of go back and forth on it being a perk, however same reasoning still applies it's so quick and would be so rarely used that it being a perk would be counterproductive, Now a perk that enhances it might be good and THAT could cause an exhaustion after three tokens are used.

    Thank you for your feedback :-)

  • jjthejetplane3
    jjthejetplane3 Member Posts: 24

    I get what you mean. However, the reverse vault or fakeout vault DOES cause the entity to block the windows. So there is already a limited use on one window. As far as pallets, killers can break those. Moreover, after a killer falls for it once, I doubt they are going to be so quick to fall for it again. Some might, but most probably won't.

    Thank you for your feedback :-)

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    It's also the idea of being tied to flashlights too when they don't really have anything in common with vaulting, along with seeing an uptick in FD users. I would say it would need a little more thinking through, if not a perk a new item may be something (running shoes just to name something random) that can let you do these fake vaults?

    Perk is just easier way I can think of lol. Making it similar to Quick and Quiet, Deception, etc. something with its own CD so it makes it a tad more strategic.

    And of course! :)

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    your opinion is invalid purely because you took your forum name from this ######### thing

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,174
    edited October 2022

    "Also to make it more fair, killers can also reverse vault as well"

    Because killers love being locked into a 2 second animation that does literally nothing nor has audio for the action to trick survivors? Do you not understand how different reverse vaulting is for survivors and killers because of auditory and visual feedback?