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Is the Rift Too Grindy?

With the current Tome as well as the Haunted by Daylight Event Tome happening at the same time I figured now is the good time to go for all the BP and Rift Fragments but after completing every challenge in Tome 1, 19 Challenges Total, 9 Regular Challenges worth 3 Rift Fragments Each, 9 Challenges worth 5 Rift Fragments each then the Epilogue worth 10 Rift Fragments. 82 Fragments Total 8 Rift Pass Reward Tiers.

Then you have the Haunted by Daylight Tome. 13 regular Challenges worth 3 Rift Fragments each, 1 Challenge worth 5 Rift Fragments then the Epilogue worth 10 Rift Fragments. 54 Fragments Total 5 Rift Pass Reward Tiers.

So by completely everything so far what's out that only gets you 13 Rift Pass Tiers, then of course you have extra for playing matches but even then now after finishing everything so far I am only currently at Tier 21/85, It just seems like very low reward for completing everything so far and just comes across as a very unnecessary grind especially when you can only have 1 Challenge selected at a time and most of them require multiple matches played to even achieve.

When it comes to Battle Passes I am currently progressing in Overwatch, Fortnite and DBD. Overwatch I am currently Tier 46, game has been out just under 2 weeks and that's only by completely near 2 weeks worth of Daily Challenges, you are rewarded for 3 at most worth 3000XP each, and near 2 weeks worth of Weekly Challenges 11 per week worth 5000XP each. 10,000XP is 1 Battle Pass Tier.

Fortnite I am currently Tier 106 Week 4 into the season and that's by playing both the PvP and PvE, PvE I use just for a VBuck daily's and PvP I go for the Daily, Weekly Challenges which I have completed all so far and the Milestone Challenges I just progress out throughout matches.

To me personally I believe the DBD Rift could potentially be just a bit too grindy with very little reward for how much you complete, completing a total of 33 challenges just to level you up 13 tiers just seems incredibly low. Yeah cool there are currently a few Rift Fragment daily's just by logging in but that doesn't always happen every Rift so I think BHVR should look into reducing the grind even if it means creating more Challenges worth 5 or more Rift Fragments. With how this time they have done the extra Tier 71-85 bonus skins maybe they could do extra bonus Challenges that could even be more difficult than current Challenges we get currently but as long as they aren't boring grindy challenges which basically just say "play our game". Or even just make it a select lot of challenges are unlocked at a time so you can complete multiple at once.

For example:

Bless 1 Totem as Mikaela Reid

Unlock 2 Chests using Clairvoyance

Finish repairing 2 Esoteric Generators

Earn 50,000 Bloodpoints

You could easily smash all these out in 1 match especially with the Event offerings giving a lot more BP per match, imagine if you could. That in itself would create less grind. I don't see a logical reason in only being able to do 1 challenge at a time, what other Battle Pass does this?

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  • Member Posts: 228

    I haven't played Siege in years so I cant say anything about their Battle Pass system but with Overwatch just by completing 3 very very easy Daily's per day gets you 9000XP which tied with playing the game itself is a Battle Pass tier. Then 11 Weekly Challenges worth 5000XP each, complete 2 and that's another Battle Pass tier up then you also have the Seasonal, Lifetime Challenges as well as the stacked 20% Bonus if you own the Premium Pass then more XP on top of that if you are queuing with someone, DBD gives none of this and every Battle Pass I know of by default give you a bonus XP% if you own the Premium part of the Pass.

    Is it though? Those other 2 games I mentioned you can complete multiple challenges in 1 match and you get the 20% bonus by owning the Premium part of the Pass. Also you mention you can complete the Rift in a few weeks how many hours are you having to play the game in order to reach Tier 70?

  • Member Posts: 488

    Overwatch 2 became scam in my eyes. Someone need to tell the developers that we have a life and not only want to play one game. Also the weeklys are far from the reality.

    Till now dbd had a fair battlepass effort. Me hopes that this has not changed now.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    Are you kidding?

    There are 4 pages of the tome. After completing 1 you've cleared 1/4 of the rift.

    How is that not fair?

    I've played two days at about 2-3 hours each and I'm already at page 14.

    "how many hours are you having to play the game in order to reach Tier 70?"

    Not many.

    Lets say I've done 10 pages/tiers so far, rounded down just to balance out the effect of the event tome, It's taken me about 5-6 hours over 2 days. 6 hours for 10 tiers = 51 hours for 85 tiers.

    3 hours a session = 17 days. You have 85 days to finish the rift, do you think you might play DBD 17 days in that time? That's approximately 1/5th of the time available. You think you can play DBD maybe 1 or 2 days a week?

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Member Posts: 2,811

    How are you at a non existent page? Even with the deep rift there's only 11 pages.

    Other than that, exactly this. I'm at Tier 20 something, I think 22, and I've really only played long enough to get all the currently available challenges done. Older rifts could be completed if you play for 1 tier per day, sure this one is a little more than that because I believe we have 82 days to do 85 tiers, but with how many tiers you can knock out with one tome level, that should still be a breeze. All people need to do is complete the challenges, and for all we know, you still don't need to complete all the challenges to max out the rift.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    What's only 11 pages?

    You just said you're at 20...

    It should be clear from the context what I meant. There's 1 page in the event tome, 1 available page of the current tome with a maxinum of 4, and 70 unlocked pages of the rift, so when I say I'm at 14... what do you think I mean?

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Definitely too grindy. It's intentionally built this way to keep players engaged. Don't forget that DBD was molded in an era where console games were being designed like phone games.

  • Member Posts: 228

    This isn't complaining this is asking as well as comparing to other games I am also playing which involves a Battle Pass. Yeah I am 1/4 done but that's because I have completed every single Challenge in not only the main Tome but the Event as well

  • Member Posts: 1,230

    For me the rift isn't too grindy since I always get it done before level 3 comes out. Now maybe with extra levels I can finish it after level 3 comes out. Remember that they also give us extra days compared to the past. Before it was 70 days, now it's 85.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    In comparison to other games? Not really, the Rift's only been open for less then a week and i'm already at level 17, granted that is because i have been doing all of the tome challenges but even then, it doesn't take that much time to get a level just from playing games

  • Member Posts: 547

    You should have been here at the start. It was WAY grindy. They improved it a lot. Even a casual gamer can get through it without too much hassle.

  • Member Posts: 437

    I'm at tier 19 with only the survivor and event challenges. I haven't touched the killer challenges yet

  • Member Posts: 614

    The Rift isnt Grindy because of the Bonus Rift Fragment u get in the Event Tome and since we most likely going to get a Winter Event Tome in December we also can get more Bonus Rift Fragment so yeah this Rift is very easy to compelte

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Nah it is fine, without a doubt the best one I have played during to date (I have taken long breaks from DBD). I have no complaints personally

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Just wanna chime in ^^

    You got 21/85 tiers with the first page of the book, 3 to come. The extra event page give you a bit more bang then normally, but not that much. All in all, you got about 1/4 done with 1/4 the content released. Not too shabby. And you still got some days to play till the next pages drop, so most likely you will stay ahead of the curve and finish well into page 2 or at the start of page 3 the latest.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I believe the confusion is you're calling the tiers "pages." There's 85 tiers that are split between 11 pages - it's why he questioned how can you be on page 14. Could be an in game translation issue if English isn't your first language and BHVR referred to them as pages in your native language.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's definitely generous. I don't get to play often, and even when I do I get quite far in. It's really not an issue, and rewards time put in, which makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 4,033
    edited October 2022

    I am fifteen days into the rift and already tier 42. I also have saved a lot of the challenges so could easily hit 47 right now.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm fine with it. It's open for a very long time, after all. 70 tiers might be healthier than 85, but you have a big window and a lot of challenges/freebies to lessen the number of games it takes.

    I'm not a great sample to use, but I'm already tier 58.

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited October 2022

    It's super fair, imo.

    I mean it's open for an eternity; I almost always finish with 2-3 weeks to spare. I'm actually glad they added the Deep Rift, since I am almost always done by the time the 4th level of the tome even opens, and the RF just go to waste.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Rift seems too easy imo, but like I hope they don't change it because I quite like how quick I can finish this rift and hop to a different game till the next rift comes out.

    After they reduced the xp grind from 800 to 500 can't you get like 1-2 rift fragments from just one game if it goes really well? As long as you don't give up in the start of the match or get killed early, you can easily get 1 rift fragment per match. Plus challenges that aren't possible to finish in one match can easily help you rack up some fragments.

    I dunno, I just quite like how the rift is atm and I like the idea of extending the rift by 15 levels to get more people to buy the rift pass for cosmetics even if just recolors. They even included bp in the standard rift pass now which is great!

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I find it too grindy. Every time I decide I'm going to try to do it, it feels like a horrible chore that just gets worse the farther I go. This time is better than usual because of the Halloween tome and the event, but, to me, it feels bad to see how little progress I make at the end of each match, and bad to get stuck at a bottleneck in the tome where I feel like I wasted an entire match by not completing the challenge.

    I'm really motivated by unlocking things, and the games I play most are ones where I feel like I'm always right on the cusp of getting a reward. The DBD rift doesn't feel that way to me -- it feels like I'm almost always super far away.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    It WAS somewhat too grindy before they'd made the change to how quickly you were able to move up Tiers a few Rifts back. Now, it's reasonable, assuming you're putting in just a decent amount of time in every week.

    I'm almost to Tier 50, and there's a whole bunch of challenges I haven't claimed from the first page of the Rift. My guess is that, by the time the 3rd page opens up (which is multiple weeks away), I'll be at least at 70 if not beyond. Granted, I play a lot, but I've never ever come close to not getting to the end since I first started playing the game, even before they made the changes to lessen any grind. My friend, whose gaming time has been severely reduced due to work of late, has been able to make it to the end, even with a lot less time put into the game on his end.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    It's free stuff you normally wouldn't get.

    So if it means you have to earn it so be it.

    If you've paid for the pass because you really want another set of pink hair then go for it, but you'll still have to earn it. Or stay in the shop.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    considering it's open for almost 3 months now, i wouldn't say so. i usually reach the final tier like a month before it ends

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    edited October 2022

    I’ve never had a problem with it. I always get it done with plenty of time to spare. I believe I’m at tier 33 right now

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I think the rifts are pretty fair. Doing every challenge pretty much guarantees you to finish it. I don't know how much extra will be needed for the bonus levels but I'm currently at 36 from doing the Halloween and lvl 1 stuff.

    When the they first came out, I agree they were way too grindy and I had to put in a lot of extra games. As they are now though, I think they're perfect, not counting the bonus levels at least. That has yet to be seen.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    No, prob one of the easier ones cause the game isn't free

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Not a fan of limited time challenges, and not a fan of them adding more levels to the rift. We reduced the grind, and now we're getting back the grind that we lost. Why?

  • Member Posts: 244

    Almost at page 7 and only do challenges most of the time. It's fairly simple to finish.

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