Cool small detail

Killers who don’t really want to kill survivors have white eyes. I believe this could be the entity making them see the survivors as someone they hate (azarov for wraith, spirit dad for spirit, etc)
Ex. Wraith, spirit, hillbilly, deathslinger, maybe blight?, artist (There is no mention of her eyes being taken out in artists lore, so I’ll assume the entity did something to them.
Note that tricksters eyes are confirmed to be contact lenses.
Absolutely with Wraith and Deathslinger. Those guys have been manipulated into killing through illusions, and with Wraith I'd say he's also been heavily tortured too.
Spirit could be seen as manipulated likewise, but also as a vengeful spirit her hatred knows no bounds. Like those ghosts in Ringu or The Grudge, her hate now is nearly uncontrollable. It's even stated the Entity struggles with the rage, so maybe it focuses her hate to aid control, so probably!
Not so sure about Hillbilly, because he's a raging monster, thanks to the stellar parenting he received. He slaughters animal and man alike, even before he was taken. Maybe he sees survivors as his parents, so he goes even more berserk, but my guess is that he'd be happy killing anyway.
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Yes, it's the popular "Entity touched eyes" for Wraith, Hillbilly, Spirit and Deathslinger. They all might see someone else instead of the survivors as a form of manipulation by the Entity.
Wraith could be seeing Azarov and the mercenaries he killed as a kid.
Hillbilly could be seing his parents and all the police officers that haunted him.
Spirit could be seeing her father and the bullies that bullied her.
Deathslinger could be seeing Bayshore, the prison warden and all of their assistants that took advantage of him.
Would be interesting to have a theory for the complete opposite case. The killers with pitch black eyes: Leatherface, Huntress and Clown. Who knows what those think of eyes mean.
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I am still hoping that it'll be revealed for wraith and slinger, especially slinger that they know what's going on. Cause lbr: Last time Caleb saw Bayshore his boys were dragging the bastard off with his lower intestines trailing behind him. Caleb's a fool, not an idiot. And he's also the kind of person to swear he'd punch God or the Devil in the teeth if the bugger even has one and he can find it. So he might be biding his time... That'd be cool
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Nobody is mentioning doctor?? His eyes are like the most white
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That's what I'm saying, the doctor has always had a thing for killing and as far as I'm aware he kills on his own, not because of the entity
So what's the explanation for that?
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Otto Stamper is the leader of The Black Vale and Doctor's mentor. His quote to doctor: "information is everything and knowledge is power"
Herman (doctor) does not use lery's as the institute but as the place to extract some info (dunno what info).
So the eyes or even the Doctor himself might be more related to Otto rather than the Entity itself.
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I like this theory !
I would like it a bit more if Hag had light eyes as well, but it would not go with her esthetics. She might also have been driven completely to madness before being taken and not need any more manipulation or prompting.
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Judging by her skins description, she kills to eat them. Once she does, bipidi bopidi boo, she doesn’t turn into a tree. hags skins are weeiiiirrddd man
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Yup, she's definitely a cannibal now. But from her lore, she was completely innocent before being "possessed" by the entity and brought to the fog.
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BEFORE being taken. She ######### up now, so she would totally eat her friends without needing to see them as someone else, as the white eyes theory states.
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I'm not defending tooth and nail that she should have white eyes. I just think it could have been.
Considering her rancor and negative emotions were enhanced by the Entity to give her strength to break her bonds and kill & eat her captors... The Entity exacerbated everything about her to turn her into a monster. She might have lost her mind completely. She might not. Who knows ?
She could be seeing the survivors as more of the adults of her village, as the butcher for example. But she could also have been turned completely animalistic by the Entity and not care for the lives of humans she does not know anymore.
An argument could be made for both. Lore is flexible.
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It's different with Doctor. His eyes aren't white due to entity magic but more so the fact they're always pried open and surging with electricity. Doctor doesn't really care about any lives, possibly even his own, if it means he can further his research.
Unrelated but I wish we would get more Doctor lore relating to that final part. What does he receive in return for his service? What goals does he have in the Entity's realm where seemingly anything is possible?
(edit: typo)
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Ah ok
So what's the full list on killers that have white eyes?
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I would say his motivation is just an infinite amount of test subjects
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White eyes is pretty much confirmed to be tricked by the entity, except doctor who's white eyes are noticibly different and caused by electrical surges
Other Killers either have a deal with the entity (Trickster, Clown), are only able to be forced through torture (Trapper, Nurse), or don't know better (Huntress, Bubba)