basekit locker lightborn ?

What do developers want to do.Over the years, people have talked about camping and tunneling many times, but we haven't seen the developers make the slightest improvement. (there’s not a whole lot the Killer can do to counter this) Note this sentence.In how many games do you encounter this situation?1 may be 2 in 10 games? These people have been complaining about EVERY GAME camp and tunnel for years.As if that wasn't enough, they're nerfing tunnel perks.When will develepors come out of their fantasy world and respond to players' requests?(there’s not a whole lot the survivors can do to counter this)


  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    Locker save attempts are such a rare thing to happen, and even rarer to succeed. I really don't understand why BHVR is removing the ability to flashlight/flashbang save people being pulled out of a locker. The saves are hard, exciting, thrilling, and you're taking that away.

    The argument "it has no counterplay" is bogus, since being facecamped by Bubba until you die has no counterplay either, and nothing has been done about this for.... 4-5 years now?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I think it was very good step, but they went a little too far for no real reason. 2 people in locker both having flashlight and being able to get it WAS unfair.

    Having someone close-by ready to be attacked on the other hand felt like a fair game. They should have removed the former, but kept the later. Alas they decided to remove both which is a shame (especially against insta-mori meyers)

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    "everyone says this thing is uncounterable but this other thing is also uncounterable so they're wrong!"

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2022

    I'm surprised they're addressing locker saves before something like CJ tec. You would think that players having the freedom to perform their desired action would outrank a locker flashlight save. Same thing goes for those double locker plays where the killer is forced to open the wrong one because the survivor jumped out immediately.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't understand. CJ is a gimmick that only works on less experienced killers. For every killer that knows what is about to happen, it's a free hit. Was it totally screwed by some update? Or what are you trying to say?

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2022

    What I mean is that, from a game design stand point, cj tec shouldn't be a thing. The killer wants to break the pallet, but is forced to pick up which gives the other survivor an advantage that shouldn't exist. I know that it's not a big deal, but were flashlight saves from locker really a bigger issue?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Yes they were if you ever encountered bully squad. 2 people in locker. You can pick any single one of them, the other one will flash save the other. Then they leave. Other 2 survivors are working at the gens. And if you go for them, they will just enter lockers together... Sounds like fun right?

    Compare that to CJ that usually ends up in killer's hit on survivor.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    What is the point in Locker-Blinds? The killer is stucked in an animation and cant do anything against it. This mechanic needs to go.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Regular locker blinds are very similiar to normal flash saves. If you miss that other hiding survivor, you loose your down. The animation was a bit longer, but the timing was somewhat harder. I will miss this one interaction (even if I was not able to pull it off). And yet I find it fair that double locker saves are no longer possible (from next patch that is)

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    cj techs are counterable, locker saves weren't, so they were a bigger deal yes.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    You misunderstood my point. BHVR saying they're removing locker saves because they have no counterplay, while keeping Bubba free to facecamp without any counterplay. Double standards, much? The former makes BHVR seem like they care about addressing things that have no counterplay, while the latter shows they don't. That's why I called their "care" for the things that have no counterplay "bogus".

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Yes because in certain situations there was no counterplay to locker saving. CJ techs are entirely avoidable and they don’t work at all against experienced killers.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Find the survivors who made the gene and finish the game easily.A very simple problem with a solution.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    They are also together. You just swapped real persons, but they will do the same to you (2 on gens will enter locker and 2 in lockers will go to different part of map to do gens).

    Realistically the only counter to it is to hope survivors screw up somewhere (timings are hard) or pick them from the locker as many times as it gets so they run out of juice (the game will be long anyway, because only 2 people will ever do gens)

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    You say that 4 people have flashlights and you don't feel the need to usea lightborn?

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    First of all they are working on a solution to camping and tunneling just because they can't give you one next week doesn't mean they aren't working on it. And second you can go thank the twitch/yt bubble for loosing lockersafes. Even one of my favorite streamers started to to pull that stuff on the artist map for like 2hours a day every week and there where a lot of videos lately just showing how you can troll the killer on certain maps as long as you want basicly

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    Camping Bubba suck, but so does Locker Saves; as like you said; no counter play for any sides in those predicaments. A Bubba has a power that can down multiple Survivors makes it very risky if not impossible to save without giving free extra down and kill to them. Same can be said for locker saves, as the animation is locked, just the same as the pickup and kicking animation; as well as locker placement makes it somewhat easy for a Survivor with a locker buddy to get into position and get free escapes. The Killer simple cannot stop what they are doing, they cannot relie on locker door to mitigate the chances of being stun by a flashlight blind, they simply are helpless in that state in which, the killer cannot down or hook anyone; and is simply wasting their time trying to catch two Flashlight users whom are "invincible" when they exploit this.

    They could have done other things like better locker placement or make it impossible for two lockers to spawn together, or even have a reduced stun time to flashlight burns from lockers; but this is a fine change, especially you get a extra window to get the regular Flashlight stun. Just simply camp at pallets or put in the open, and you are fine.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    camping = agreed they need to find a solution for that but you need to know that if it was easy they'd have done it by now there's no easy way to deal with camping without hurting the non camping killers but for now you have a lot of perks to help against it (reassurance, kinship, kindred, deli, basekit bt)

    tunneling? already dealt with with basekit bt what more do you want? it gives you another chance of a chase if you still can't hold your own then maybe it's a skill issue? and again there are perks to counter it even more you have off the record (a 3 in 1 perk) , ds , dead hard all very helpful against tunneling and if you run them all you have a million second chances.

    last can we stop with the "oh you fixed this but what about that" attitude?

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Have they been working for years?You don't need videos to camp and tunnel, just look at their faces.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Firstly.DS(- 2 second- During the animation of the survivor, he falls to the ground and is fixed on the ground for about 1 second.)You need to be within 6 meters to use Reassurance(The killers are setting up area camps in dead areas, how will you approach?)The killer who is already in the tunnel and at the camp, basic kit BT etc. he doesn't mind them.Then he gets his reward with 1 hit.Also, don't forget.

    1-Generator times increased

    2-Chase times shortened

    3-The killer's animations have been shortened

    4-The killer is rewarded when he drops the survivor(Jolt ,Eruption),Rewarded when hooked(Scourge Hook)Rewarded separately after hooking(Pop) (just for 1 survivor)

    5-Against all these boosts .You say a lot to basic BT(Hook duration is still too fast against all these buffs)

    While the abuse method that I can use is removed from the game, the abuse method of the killers is still in the game.If developers are very sensitive to abuse, it should be fair to both parties.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Reassurence really helps with camping. I will give you that. It does not work perfectly, but it helps a lot.

    For tunneling I have to disagree. Basekit BT does not work to give you second chance. It gives you first chance to actually get away from hook (you are locked in animation after unhook and it takes some time for you to speed up to full speed and killer is still quicker then survivor). The problem is, that real camping tunneler will smack you immediatelly - robbing you of perk BT or OTR or DH value - so now you are most vulnerable survivor in whole team with just a little head start distance. Very easy to tunnel out of game.

    Overall it is now easier to tunnel out survivor then prior to 6.1 patch. Because the only tool that could really help you against tunneling (DS) got nerfed (and I mean duration. Deactivation after last gen pops was fair change).