Devout emblem bug since patch 6.3.1

wimpy Member Posts: 271

• Platform PC-steam

Since patch 6.3.1, Devout Emblem SURVIVOR SACRIFICES only count for 3 survivors. I have hung survivors on hooks more than 9 times each time in 4 matches and killed them all. However, Devout Emblem never became Iridescent, and only 3 survivor kills counted for 60%.

66 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated



  • Jotanl
    Jotanl Member Posts: 12

    Next time this happens you should probably post game logs. If it happens to me i'll do it.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2022

    Thank you for your kindness. I have already attached the game logs when I posted this bug report.

    Various problems have been reported because of a bug which the number of survivor sacrifices is the actual number minus 1.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Jotanl
    Jotanl Member Posts: 12

    Didn't notice the log attached already, sorry. But yeah that does sound unfortunate

  • RobustLaser
    RobustLaser Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2022

    Here's my log, having just finished a game as Nemesis where I did a test equipped with a Cypress Mori to see if changing up the final kill counted for credit, but it didn't. My end game Devout score only showed 60 points for sacrifices, and was missing the 20 for the mori kill. Seems that no matter the method of your last (fourth) kill, you don't get credit for it.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Thank you for attaching the additional report.

    The bug is not simply in the SURVIVOR SACRIFICES count for the Devout Emblem, but also in the kill count for the Tome Challenge, etc.

    In other words, the kill count of the game itself seems to be bugged.

    The kill count in Dead by Daylight is a fundamental part of the game, and I think it is a very serious bug.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Up ,they really dont care about this.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    +also the 1000 points for killing the obsession is missing from devout category

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Can confirm its bugged as well.

    Being trying to do Hag Adept, and 4 times is should have gotten it, and its Devout that refuses to go past Gold.

    And im adamant that a least 2 of those matches that i got 9+ hooks and i killed everyone as well.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Thanks for agreeing to this.

    Regarding this one, I don't think Killing the Obsession was anywhere among the 4 categories of killer score events (Brutality, Deviousness, Hunter, and Sacrifice).

    Only in Survivor can you get +1,000 Blood Points in the "Obsession Dead" score event if the Obsession dies. Maybe you were confused with that.

    Thanks for the new report. I think this bug is detrimental to killer players in many ways.

    Hopefully it will be fixed ASAP.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
    edited October 2022

    Just to add a second set of evidence. Also can be seen that its the same game by the info at the top

    I feel like I should give more evidence in the match.

    4 sacrafices. Last sacrafice was during end game collapse when all 5 gens were completed.

    Post edited by Sharpefern on
  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    3 sacrifices. 11 hooks. 4 Gens complete. Last kill was with Rancor Mori. RPD.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Inputting this one because its different. 3 kills (only get credit for 2). 8 hooks. One kill occurred during EGC. I am hoping that the different scenerios help to narrow down what is causing it.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I am sorry wimpy for posting so much on your post but this has been something that has been bothering me so I am wanting to include as much evidence as I can. I decided to try and see what would happen if more kills happened in end game however every kill (2 rancor moris and 1 sacrifice) here occured prior to EGC and the score was calculated correctly. Which is making me think its an issue with EGC sacrifices and moris.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
    edited October 2022

    So there goes my theory. So this one is 4 sacrifices on 10 hooks prior to EGC (1 gen left, hatch didnt spawn yet/last two were hooked at the same time) Still only got 60 instead of 80.

    I also added the log for all the games on this comment.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Thanks a lot for the report. I was interested in the relationship between moris and sacrifices, so I gave it a try.

    ex.1. - False result

    ↑ In the match, all 4 were killed by Memento Moris. The result is only 3 Moris. Moris or not, it may not matter.

    ex.2. - True result

    ↑ In this match, 1 survivor was Moris, 1 survivor was sacrificed and 2 survivors escaped. The 2 survivors who escaped include the Killer's Obsession. (*the Killer's Obsession is Micaela.) The result was True.

    I hypothesized that the Killer's Obsession may be the only survivor not counted in the kill count.

    ex.3. - True result

    ↑ In this match, only the Killer's Obsession escaped and the 3 survivors were sacrificed. (*the Killer's Obsession is Bill.)

    I thought that the above hypothesis might be correct and decided to try to sacrifice only the Killer's Obsession in the next match.

    ex.4. - True result

    ↑ In this match, I tried to kill only the Killer's Obsession. (*the Killer's Obsession is Feng Min.) If I had said, "Only the Killer's Obsession does not count as a kill." is correct, then the number of kills should not be recorded in the result.

    Unfortunately, this hypothesis also seems to be wrong.


    I have also tried to verify if there is any difference in the results before and after the EoC. However, I could not find any correlation.

    Conceivably, any of the 2nd through 4th kills might not count, but it is difficult for me to verify any further.

    Or, if this bug is caused by a complex combination of factors, it is next to impossible for the player to determine the cause.

    Hopefully the developer's programmers can determine the cause of the bug and fix it.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Duplicates have been posted again, so I will let them up. Many people seem to be suffering from this bug.

    Please reiterate. Please fix it ASAP.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Wimpy so based on what I have seen I am think that it might only count kills while another survivor is still alive and in the trial. Which is why it never counts the last kill and is kinda flip floppy on if it will count the others. The only way I can think to test this though is to kill 2+ people after the others have escape via the end game collapse as that still counts as sacrificing. Unfortunately my twins gameplay on lerys or rpd isnt as strong as Otz and Dowseys.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Okay I am posting this because it gives another new information set. I managed to do my goal of killing 2 survivors with end game collapse, and felt terrible doing it. But 2 things happened with it.

    1) they didnt die at the exact same time like I thought they would. The sacrifices went one than the other.

    2) I got only 60 points again for survivor sacrifices with devout.

    Given that they didn't die at the same time my current working theory is still that it is only counting survivors when there is another survivor in the trial. This explains how if the last kill was a mori they they dont count the mori and if the last kill was a sacrifice they dont count that, as well as why I got full points on the game with Freddy where I rancored 2 survivors and sacrificed 1 before the last survivor escaped.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341


  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Thank you for your investigation and validation.

    A different report went to Acknowledged status a few days ago. The report is different from this one, but I suspect the same root cause. If so, I believe the devs have already started to investigate the cause of this bug. I only hope that it will be fixed soon...

    I am sure that the cause of the above bug is not limited to Tome, but maybe....

    But why doesn't this report get Acknowledged status no matter how long I wait lol.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I know man. Like this ticket has so much information as well including both logs and details of when the kill doesnt count. I am kinda wondering if they are going to do something for killers with regards to BP if it doesnt get patched by the 13th cause idk about others but I have lost several pips from this bug. I mean I still think I am making it to Iri 1 just because I play the game too much but there are definitely people with less hours who arent going to make it nearly as far.

  • Jotanl
    Jotanl Member Posts: 12

    Yeah... Not to be rude to the mods/devs on this forum but it really feels like there is a lack of communication sometimes. The only one I've seen post consistently is Mandy, and huge respect for that. But there is usually just complete radio silence if something is acknowledged or not. Would be nice with a "known issues" tab that gets updated every other day or so just so we know that the devs are aware.

    To clarify: Even if the tome issue is acknowledged, not everyone will automatically assume that it's related to this. And the only confirmation that it is is an edit to YOUR post by Mandy and not a comment on this thread.

  • RobustLaser
    RobustLaser Member Posts: 15

    Yeah so very specifically I think that it's an order of events thing. It's not a coincidence that it happened so often in end-game collapse. In the ones where somebody escaped and it still gave you -1 kill, it's probably because they left before the game marked the person on-hook as dead.

    I think that the things at the end of the game happen in the following order

    1. Death animation happens.
    2. Player is marked as dead
    3. Game notes no survivors left in trial, ends game.
    4. Game would mark cause of death here and award points accordingly, but the game already ended so it doesn't do that.
  • Jotanl
    Jotanl Member Posts: 12

    Does anyone know if this was fixed? It's not in the patch notes but it's not in known issues either despite being marked here as acknowledged.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    The devs are saying....Acknowledged does not mean that the bug is fixed; finding out what's causing a bug and fixing it can take a while. I am eagerly awaiting it too, but for now I trust that the devs do their best.

    I confirmed that it not fixed yet as well.

    Well... the devs say it would be more helpful to vote up or reply additionally to an existing report than to make a duplicate report....

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Well, got two killers ready to adept, Hag and Spirit, but cant do until this is fixed or rank reset :/

    And ill likely get more killers due to the Haunted Event + Double Bloodpoints making it REALLY fast to level up.

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 225

    So much harder to pip when you're permanently down some points

  • Amoutsukasa
    Amoutsukasa Member Posts: 1

    +1 it hurts when trying to pip up also missing bp points as well.

    Can confirm multiple games not hitting devout iridescent even though met all criteria.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 211

    Can't complete "Spilling Blood" without Devout...

  • kensaimage
    kensaimage Member Posts: 27

    So THIS is what has screwed me out of the Evil Incarnate trophy…THREE TIMES.

    My timing for attempting this could not have been more terrible.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    I just did the TOME 13 EXECUTION challenge.

    Even though I sacrificed all 4 survivors in 1 match, it still only counted for 3 in Devout Emblem, but it counted for 4 in the challenge.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 225

    This really needs to be fixed!If not bhvr needs to credit killers bp because we are missing out on pips and it’s also easier to depip.

  • Renfear
    Renfear Member Posts: 137

    Yeah, been trying to get the Iri rank 1 acheivement and keep missing that iri. And malicious will be like... two points short. Getting screwed out of pips is so frustrating

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    I actually managed to get Merciless Killer has Iri 1, anyone know if this bugged is fixed? cause this should be impossible.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    This bug has not yet been fixed. However, if a Survivor disconnects during a match, even a Iri 1 may be Merciless.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    That explains it then, both times i got it someone DC.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    But its more than that. DCs on hook. It has to count as both a DC and sacrifice. Or if the last survivor DCs I suppose (Maybe)

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I do wonder how many people will lose bloodpoints on rank reset due to this. Having an almost always downgrade to devout does make it much more difficult

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 225

    I'm pretty frustrated with it countless times I've barely missed a pip or even depipped by one point.

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    And I confirmed that the bug there is still not fixed in 6.4.0PTB.

  • Digfish
    Digfish Member Posts: 133

    I've also had luck with legion, as it's fairly easy to get iridescent emblems in the three other categories. Unfortunately, in iridescent ranks, it's not possible to get two pips. But you can at least almost guarantee you won't depip, and pipping is easier.

    I really wish they would more vocally confirm that this issue is being worked on rather than just putting an acknowledged tag on it and then letting it sit for several weeks with no word.