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Do you think that Deathslinger is balanced?

I haven't seen Deathslinger after the nerfs he gotten. Was it too much?

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  • Member Posts: 4,992
    edited October 2022

    I agree with Otz that he could use a slightly lower base terror radius, as a 110% killer. On the survivor side, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that his chain stays connected when dragging a speared survivor through a solid object. I know he’s already a less popular killer since his nerf and it’s a video game, but visually it’s so stupid and feels cheap. To compensate, he could have a buff where spearing a survivor already in deep wounds will immediately down them.

    Edited for clarity.

    Post edited by GoshJosh on
  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Honestly he could definitely do with a rework of sorts. I think a whole lot of things about him need to be changed if he needs to be simultaneously balanced and fun for both sides.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i think otz's suggestions are good, slinger is not nearly as weak as people think he is but monitor and reload add-ons can feel like a necessity sometimes. quickscoping was unhealthy and not really a necessary component of his ability.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I think he's in a decent spot balance wise, he just feels clunky to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    I need you to test the 28m TR.

  • Member Posts: 104

    They like to nerf killers like Billy, Deathslinger, Spirit, Wraith, Freddy to a state where nobody will play them and they don't have to worry about them with the increasing new perks list. Focus on the new killers and give them nerfs once purchased, Trickster was a huge mistake and lesson learn't when released as he was so weak nobody wanted to play him.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    As @GentlemanFridge said, he's clunky. It's that and not the balancing that makes him less fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 4,033
    edited October 2022

    I like playing him.

    Suggestions: Smaller TR; nerf M&A. Combine addons and add stronger more fun stuff.

  • Member Posts: 505

    hes pretty weak. they can make him a 4.6 and hell be decently well balanced

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    He isn't awful in terms of strength but feels like ######### to play, easily my least favourite killer atm.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Just give the poor sod a horse. Two birds one stone, bring back maurice

  • Member Posts: 515

    Outside of the common QOL of change's peaople bring up (terror radius being slightly smaller and 1 or 2 brown add-on's being base-kit), he does feel like he's in a decent but not quite good state. He share's a general issue with most killer's being map's, there are just a few map's where your power won't make any difference, but on the map's that this issue isn't heavily prevelant the power does feel like it work's well and feel's rewarding when used right.

    A factor probably falling on people not playing Deathslinger is his add-on's, he has half the add-on variety compared to most of the other killer's and since Slinger's power is alway's in the player's control like billy's/nurse or blight's, you would expect to feel or see the difference the add-on's make, outside of the Iri coin and reeling add-on's you sort of don't feel them as being useful. There's also the lack in variety with his add-on's with all of them being duplicate's just with higher number's that would proabably be better combined than being spread out to the 2 add-on's alot of them are. For example 2 of his add-on's increase his movement speed when ADS by 3.5% (when both are brought), this make's literally no difference to the distance saved when using them.

    Combining only the Yellow, Green and Purple add-on's that are duplicate's and giving some new add-on's for variety would probably be best. Thing's like the 3.5% movement speed when ADS would probably need to be buffed or changed simply for how bad it is. (the stun reduction add-on's would definitly not be combined.)

    His terror radius reducing add-on's made sense before his change's, but the drawback's compared to the perk's that provide the undetectabile or oblivous status effects are much better pick's over them. A change more along the terror radius being reduced by X when the redeemer isn't loaded would make for a better add-on as you wouldn't be able to use your power and the add-on at the same time.

    Another 2 add-on's are his deep wound extension add-on's. It's rare to be in a situation where you apply deep wound and leave said survivor alone, but both of these add-on's when combined grant an additional 5 second's, comapred to legion's 1 add-on which does the same with a power that hand's out deep wound's alot more frequently. It feel's rather odd that the killer with a power that can only affect 1 survivor when used has 2 add-on's that together grant 1 additional second over a killer power add-on that can deal it out on all 4 survivor's in a matter of seconds.

    It's tricky to say what should be better on deathslinger, since his power actually tread's a fine line of being useless to overpowered depending on what changes, but his add-on's are probably needing more attention atm.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    I have fun playing him, but he could use some quality buffs. I think the TR nerf was unnecessary since the only reason it was powerful before was due to the fact that survivors could be quickscoped easily when combined with Monitor and Abuse. Now that survivors can appropriately react to the shots, I'd say bring back the 24m TR. His penalty for bringing down his weapon after not shooting is justified, but maybe aiming down the sights could be slightly faster as to not make him feel clunky. Alternatively, they could encourage Deathslinger to stay aimed down more if you increase his base aiming movement speed. A slightly faster reload would be nice too, but his missed shot cooldown is justified as it stands. If they wanted to bring a fun new aspect to the killer, they could spawn survivor bounty sheets around the map and it could show the aura of the survivor for a bit when the bounty is picked up by Deathslinger just to give him a fun tracking mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Hes weak.

    I dunno why so many people dont think he is, maybe they arent as competitive but hes 110% with a big terror radius, limited range and cant down you over most pallets.

    He relies on reload to feel better and all the nerfs just over did him. I enjoyed playing and versing the old slinger. Dont play him now and I hardly seem him and when I do they lose massively so...

    More people want balance to be "fun" not actual balance

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I think he's below average... but not terrible by any means

    It's what the others have said... Aiming Down Sights (ADS) is too slow... He's TR doesn't make sense anymore

    If he's chain reached 32M then It'll be different

  • Member Posts: 427

    he shouldnt be so punishing for missing shots other than that hes fine

  • Member Posts: 589

    He isn't.

    Neither fun to play as or verse because instead of making quick reaction shots you have to resort to boring holding ADS or shooting in animation which is infuriating on both ends.

    I wish they reversed the nerfs and instead nerfed holding ADS so that slingers are encouraged to take insta ADS shots more often.

    They can keep cancelling nerf tho, it was completely justified and can even be increased.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    he's quite weak

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    The only thing I don't like about Deathslinger is he's the only ranged attack killer whose turning speed significantly slows while he's aiming. Huntress, Trickster, Plague, etc, all turn normally while aiming, Deathslinger though feels like he's in mud while turning. It's kind of annoying, I'd love to see him just be able to turn normally.

    Other than that though I think overall he's basically an average killer, basically on par with Huntress more or less. (I think Huntress is maybe just slightly better but not by much.)

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    More or less, but a lot doesn't sit well.

    He's 4.4 and a directional 32m TR. Why? I'd rather it be 28m since 24m proved problematic with M&A since his range was greater than his TR.

    Without reload add-ons, his base 2.75-second reload feels terrible. I'd make the brown basekit and have the add-on increase his reload movement speed or something. And for the love of the Entity, change some of his nonsensical add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    So the chain staying connected through windows, which are an open space that people can reach through is bad.

    But the chain staying connected through solid walls and objects is fine?

    That's ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Anyone that thinks this killer is fine has clearly never played as him on Mother's Dwelling, Eyrie of Crows, Midwich, Gas Heaven, Ormond, etc. Playing against players that hold W as soon as they hear the terror radius will make you want to die (in the video game)

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I'd argue that every single killer on Mother's Dwelling is an absolute nightmare, with the only potential exceptions being Nurse and Blight. People seem to have similar opinions about Eyrie of Crows, too, regardless of killer.

    Wouldn't that imply the problem isn't actually Slinger at all, but more that maps are unbalanced?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    It can literally be any map for Deathslinger. Survivors will make DS do several laps around Midwhich before he can even contend a chase.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Not at all, easily the worst killer in the game - better release a new killer before people start noticing.

  • Member Posts: 4,992
    edited October 2022

    I will edit my post to clarify. I meant it is ridiculous that the chain doesn’t break going through any solid object. I didn’t mean reeling them up to the window, but around it.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Come to think of it, the one really nice thing about Deathslinger is at least he hard counters Dead Hard. That's really nice to have in your kit if you're playing at higher levels where now everyone is running DH again

  • Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2022

    Personally at this point what I'd do is give the chain more left and right give so it's easier to move to towards objects as the survivor as a minor nerf mainly to make him less frustrating to deal with. Then I'd make the sound queue that plays when he's aiming slightly more loud/noticeable but not telegraphed any different (as in it happens at the same time, not like when he starts to ADS or anything).

    Then I'd reduce his TR to 28m. Make him 4.5 m/s while his gun isn't loaded. Increase his ADS speed just a hair (not sure what would be a good amount but it wouldn't be anything INSANE. Nothing to bring back quickscoping just for feel)

    Past that I think he needs an add-on pass. The lower half of his decent ones should get a slight buff and the rest should just get reworked into something else. Hellshire Iron in particular should just do something else entirely.

    P.S. I'd also give the Redeemer hitbox the Wesker treatment where the environment collision hitbox is the same as it is now, but the survivor hitbox is SLIGHTLY bigger. Mainly to get controller players to give him a shot again. Nothing to KILL dodging just to make like the mid range pathetic attempts at dodging fail more often to account for ping and other factors.

    Post edited by RonMan32 on
  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Not really but I dont think there is a way to balance him with his current mechanics and at the same time how do you change him without making him even more similar to Huntress?

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 2022

    As someone who mains him, he kinda is balanced, so hear me out, yes the changes were stupid and he feels horrible to play, but you can still have some effectiveness, the tr reduccion is needed 100%, literally cannot play without m&a due to prerun dunking on him.

    Now regarding addons, I think they are fine, some are useless like hellshire iron and some are incredibly powerfull like iri coin( I literally will argue iri coin is as busted as alch ring).

    Now all that said, slinger is a meme killer, it depends on how good survivors are how the match goes, with all the added warnings and sound cues, there is no excuse for getting sniped, it was a 100% misplay on the survivors part, he is easy af to loop if you are looking at him, since the new aim time lets you avoid every shot if you are paying attention.

    But as I and many people saw in the recent stats, if "high" mmr players somehow manage to die to sadako and other m1 killers, the possibility of finding good players even at high mmr seems so low you can argue trapless trapper is balanced because some people are so bad they'll die to that.

  • Member Posts: 761

    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a 110% movement speed killer to have a 32 meter terror radius. Either make the terror radios go back to 24 of make deaths linger a 115% movement speed killer

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Deathslinger is a bit on the weaker side but that's ok. I'd say the reason behind his low pick rate is not his strength but his time management being horrible.

  • Member Posts: 10,286
    edited October 2022

    He was balanced before his nerf, if not needing some buffs. Now he's trash.

    Also, because people are too survivor-biased or too cowardly to suggest this, revert the nerfs entirely, YES even the instascope. We thought before his nerfs that nerfing this killer in any way was a joke. What changed, people? Like Freddy and Wraith, other killers who were in dire need of buffs and qol changes before their nerfs, he was in a sad, weak spot. Now he's even more so.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    This game is ridiculous. What's your point? Deathslinger could not survive as a killer with the change you're suggesting.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Deathslinger's weaknesses is definitely also a problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I feel he could use some love. But I also think the top tier Killers need brought down to help the others shine more. Why play anything that isn't Spirit, Blight, or Nurse? Give some small buffs to the lower Killers and small nerfs to the higher Killers and help even the playing field a bit amongst the Killers themselves.

  • Member Posts: 357

    He needs a smaller TR and a reload buff

  • Member Posts: 333

    Longer range on the projectile. It's too short, especially with the increased terror radius and slow ADS. If it was about 25-35 meters instead of 18, he would be able to get a lot more injuries

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    That's kind of my point. I don't know that he is weak-- surely you'd agree that if the maps were all changed to be more universally fair for killers + universally smaller, as well as only slightly favouring survivors the way they're meant to instead of spawning innumerable busted setups, then Deathslinger would immediately end up in a much better spot balance wise?

    I really don't think that you fix Deathslinger by looking to make him "stronger", necessarily. I think you start at least with making him feel less clunky, and addressing universal issues like maps and items.

    I still maintain he's not that weak, he just feels bad. Solid middle of the pack, strength wise, which is a respectable place to be.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    No, fixing maps a bit would barely affect him. He's terrible. I've always been for reversing his nerfs, AND THEN giving him buffs on top of that. Every time a killer has been nerfed, they're pretty much doubly nerfed, because they don't get the qol changes they desperately needed before their nerf. Like how Freddy still has tons of spots where he can't physically place a snare.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Well, you can't just reverse the nerfs, because then he'd have quickscope/ADS back. Some of the nerfs could be safely reverted, like the Terror Radius nerf, I've always been in favour of giving him back the small radius but making up the difference with a quiet, subtle lullaby radius to help him be a bit stealthier and thematic.

    As for fixing maps barely effecting him, come on, you have to realise that's wrong. If he never had to deal with a map the size of Mother's Dwelling, or a map that spawns so many busted loops like Fractured Cowshed (though tbf the main building is pretty good for him there specifically), he wouldn't be any better? Not even slightly?

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Here's the thing. Unless you really want to play as the Cowboy killer, there's not really a reason to play him anymore.

    He's not bad... but he has no niche anymore. Also using his power is just clunky.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I'll not settle for anything less than a full nerf revert, especially the instascope which was the only thing that made him okay in chase. I've said this before, but shrinking maps in not the end all be all of DBD. Survivors can still rush gens and even overcome a 3-gen in a slightly smaller area. It's not that hard to understand.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I think you're going to be waiting a long time, they're not going to intentionally re-add something that was clearly a problem and clearly needed to be changed.

    If you think the quickscope/ADS thing was the only thing he had going for him (it wasn't) then he clearly has way bigger problems and other solutions are clearly better, because him being weak doesn't justify keeping something unhealthy in the game.

  • Member Posts: 499

    There is no reason to play him. He feels clunky and you have to be way more precise with him than you have to be playing huntress with her way more forgiving hitbox. Huntress can go for crazy snipes and doesn't get blueballed like deathslinger does.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I think a 28m TR and brown reload basekit would be good for him.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's unhealthy for players to be rewarded for good aim and reactions?

    And I guess by your logic, overheat for hillbilly is perfect as well, because we can't just undo the change that devs put time and effort into when nobody asked for it.

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