Do you think that Deathslinger is balanced?
It's unhealthy for survivors to have no options or counterplay in chase, and I'm sure you already know that's what I meant.
As for Overheat, that doesn't follow my logic at all. Deathslinger's changes were both necessary and asked for, at least as far as the quickscope/ADS nerfs go.
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But you were strict against reverting changes that were made, citing only that they were "clearly needed." I hope you'd at least also apply that to the removal of infinites, introducing Entity Blocker, and introducing Bloodlust, because the way I hear it "those were just survivors nerfs, pandering to baby killers."
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Can't counter Dead Hard if you never get a shot opportunity. Courtesy of being 110% and having laughably slow zoom in.
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survivor did ask for both changes. instant scope for survivor mains was unhealthy because they couldn't react to his gun. they had to predict and anticipate the shot. survivor mains are too bad at the game to win mindgames, so everything on survivor side has to be telegraphed. Only killer should have mindgames. survivor is all reactions.
Deathslinger is unfun to play post changes. Too underpowered. Its too much effort to land shots on survivors with good movement and hold-w before chases from 32 meter terror radius is not fun either with 110 m/s. Needs revert but who cares about killers.
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I... would apply that logic to those things, those were all necessary changes that the devs should not go back on. I'm not sure I'm following your logic here, I don't know what you position you think I hold?
All of the things you listed are necessary, as was removing quickscope/ADS cancel. Those were all good changes, in a vacuum- Deathslinger just needs looking at more for QoL reasons, and maybe some straight buffs if they're necessary after other things are changed.
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That's not what you said. You have the audacity to compare those changes to Deathslinger's quickscope being taken away, because they both "needed" to happen for the game's health. Pretty sure Deathslinger was one of the worst killers in the game before the nerf, especially since a crazy shot landing doesn't even guarantee him a hit. Now he still is, despite the "god update" of 6.1.0 and his reel in being slightly more consistent these days. So how was that change essential? Essential to killing a killer?
Survivors being able to react to everything the killer does puts them in control of the chase, not the other way around. That's why despite people calling Huntress and Pyramid Head OP, they're never that high in tier lists, because their attacks are choreographed as heck.
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What, you don't LOVE his amazing pink add ons? Lol
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...Yes it is? I said that they shouldn't add in something they removed for being a problem. Deathslinger's quickscope/ADS fake taking agency away in chase was a problem. Ergo, it was a good change that shouldn't be reverted. The logic isn't that hard to follow, even if you disagree with me.
Huntress and Pyramid Head are consistently high up in tier lists, though? Neither of them are OP, of course, but if you're good with their respective mechancis they offer quite a bit of value. I'm not saying the killer should never be able to do anything in chase, obviously, but equally survivors shouldn't be pitted against killers that take away all of their agency either.
Deathslinger was weak, and he still is. Release Legion was also weak despite having an obnoxious, unhealthy mechanic that took away survivor agency, and that clearly needed to be changed. Strength isn't the only reason for changing something, and as I said earlier, Deathslinger being weak doesn't justify keeping something unhealthy in the game.
Don't settle for him being weak and unhealthy. Push for him to be good.
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Before he was nerfed I played him all the time, and now I never play him. That's what I know.
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Sure, I buy that, he feels worse now. That doesn't mean they should go back on good changes, though, just because they didn't go far enough to make him feel good to play.
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his good changes are main reason why he feels bad to play. so revert the bad changes and he will feel good to play.
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...But if you do that, you're right back to him being a problem, and needing changes.
He can't be done after that. Something would need to be done, and the thing that would have to be done is the changes he already received. You have to move forward, you can't go backwards.
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there is no changes where moving forward would do anything beyond going backwards. He need reverts. There is nothing more to discuss about slinger.
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It's because people don't realize how big of nerf his TR is 32m and his ranged attack is limited to 18m(I believe) that gives the survivors 14m warning before he's max range to get a shot that's so much time for a survivor to make space and then he has to catch up at 110% MS.
He also feels really clunky.
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He isn't that bad balance wise, but he suffers from the same problem as Hillbilly. He's too clunky and unrewarding to play.
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Iri Coin is fine after its buff.
Hellshire Iron is.... #########? 10 seconds of Undetectable when it takes 2.7 to go through a weapon wipe + 2.75 to reload. 4.55 seconds of Undetectable! Amazing!
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The devs don't even play killer I'm pretty sure "feels good to play" isn't even an objective they're even thinking about lmao
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They don't play it at all... that's why you have play testers, they don't have time to play a game that they made
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He is the weakest ranged killer IMO. I enjoy playing him but feel he should definitely get a smaller terror radius. And the hitbox for his spear doesn't feel quite right.
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Maybe you should read my comment again? Either I'm not the person you meant to address or you've completely misunderstood what I wrote, I made no suggestion in my comment.
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You want the game to not let Deathslinger get rewarded, for good aim and reactions, simply because the chain going through is "ridiculous"? We'll never have it to where Deathslinger can reel people in over pallets, rocks, and crevices because of the game's limitations, so all we can do is keep this mechanic and assume that it's implied. Just like it's implied that Dredge came out of that locker, not just teleporting from 1 spot to another. Just like it's implied that Ghost Face is better at killing you because he watched you for a time.
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Yeah definitely, though even before all the nerfs I wouldn't say he was strong. I actually enjoyed versing him and did so very well not to mention he was the one killer on release I actually played and constantly played due to the fun I could have.
All that got taken away with SBMM and nerfs so hes kinda non existent to me atm
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Dude, I was replying to another person that made a suggestion that implied the thing I quoted. My comment was purposefully being sarcastic.
That person has since edited their comment to clarify what they had actually meant (if you scroll a bit farther, you'll see their reply) and the discussion I had with that person has ended. I'll reiterate again that my comment makes exactly zero suggestions. I'm not proposing any of the changes you are accusing me off, I have zero intention to nerf Deathslinger.
You're literally going all pitchfork and torches on me for no reason, so calm down.
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If you can aim properly, he is easily high end mid tier imo and can outplay a good range of tiles vs survivors.
However, most DS i meet can barely aim so no wonder most people complain about him.
And i disagree with the TR range reduction, you need to consider the counterplay also when balancing a killer. What's the point when a ranged killer can almost be on top of the survivor with a ranged attack ? Your chances of dodging a hit is almost non existent.
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Fun fact, Huntress has a 40m lullaby but can in fact throw hatchets further than that.
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No, it certainly isn't. Hag and Dredge supposed to have instant teleports? Let's leave a buffering, that destroys the full potential of their powers, unsolved for years because it's a killer problem.
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Deathslinger feels very bad to play atm. idk if bHVR thought they change some of his key numbers and still make it feel good to play,
I have decided not to play him until they do something. Please take my concern to the developers..
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no. hes below balanced