This game has no fun for soloq now
This game will be no fun at all as survivors, the basic game mode, using pallet and windows to get rid of killer broke down.
Firstly, every new killer now has ability to ignore or reduce the function of pallets or windows,as a soloq survivor you only can do nothing but fixing boring gens,be found then run few seconds before getting down. even you dropping a pallet,you still get a hit as most of pallet are not safe enough,killers just press w/s to hide the red light then left click, no surprise 80% you already down.
Secondly, your perks have been nerfed to the ground which deeply narrow survivors‘ skilled space. For example, without iron will, there is one-side mindgame only allowing killer to locate survivor who have no way to locate killer but guess. Not to mention killer with bloodlust and their ability. Furthermore DCs, kill themselves on hook,Camp,tunnel and 3 gens have expelled lots of player already out of this game, you can easily check the statistics of players now compare with last year.
People keep asking what the point of fun is as a soloq survivor? Press left click to gens to waste time? Or be the toys of killer?
If you find fixing gens boring, DBD isnt the game for you.
It is quite literally the most efficient and important thing you can do as a survivor.
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You mentioned DCs and people giving up on first hook. That's your teammates problem, not a game problem. What can you do other than "boring gens"? You can have chases with the killer. You can also make the "boring gens" a bit more fun with perks like blastmine. You can make chases fun with head on. There are things you can do. You just choose not to.
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Solo games have become extremely stale and stressful it can be.
I am glad that I no longer play solo at all.
Playing killer is okay and fun but I don't feel any need to play beyond archive challenges personally.
Maybe it is proper moment to drop DbD I guess.
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but where this problem comes from? its clearly from bad game design, people are frustrated xd, I can't even check killers perk, I have to wait for match to end, what a time waster
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I'm having lot of fun as soloq, more than killer tbh.
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Imagine not finding gens boring?
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Why have a need to see killer perks? That takes a full factor out of each match, which is guessing the killer's perks and outplaying them.
If survivors DC or suicide on hook, that's their problem. I don't care if they're facing SupaAlf and he has the most busted nurse build on Midwich, quitters are cowards.
As for OP, skill issue. I really don't know what else to tell you other than learn the killers' powers and mindgame better. I'm not ignoring that solo q has a lot of issues, but killers are not the majority of those issues.
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There is no point to see Killers Perks ahead of time except to make a build to counter thier build....then the same goes for why can't Killer see Survivors's fir that very same reason. It's bad enough that Killers are locked into what Killer they are playing while survivors can switch out their survivors yes Survivors are just Skins but still where is the fairness of that.
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You're playing a horror game, where your main objective is to repair gens to escape. You're meant to be on the edge of your seat, holding onto that gen as long as you can, wondering if the killer is going to suddenly appear and kill you.
I'm personally having tons of fun playing solo survivor. It's killer that's boring.
Running around and around and around a safe pallet 50, 100, 200 times because the survivor refuses to drop it unless they're 100% certain it's going to smack you in the face.
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Uff the irony in the iron will argument alone.
Now that iron will that iron will isn't 100% noise canceling it is a ONESIDED mind game? With survivors and their third person camera allowing them to see around corners, walls and above obstacles?
It was one sided back with old iron will as soon as survivor broke line of sight and the killer had to guess 50/50 if the survivor would commit to the loop or double back.
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maybe try killer then?
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I still greatly enjoy solo. If anything, these last few updates has made me enjoy solo queue even more than I had in the past.
Previously when I played, it felt like it was ALWAYS Blight or Nurse. No other killer could really keep up.
While I am dying more often, the variety of killers I've gotten to play against AND actually had to be worried about has greatly expanded. Certain killers were always glorified punching bags that you could speed through and I'd only lose when I got stuck with the most potatoey of potato teammates but now, even decent teammates keeps a lot of the lower tier killers in play to be a threat. Playing as survivor is considerably more fun when I have to actually be worried about my killer opponent.
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i agree, survivor side desperately needs new content added to it.
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its meant after the game dude. You die first, so you either waste time and wait to see perks. Or quit, not knowing what happened....
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same for you @VikingDragonXii
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That's there so that swf (no matter the size) can't be even MORE effective at identifying the killers perks than solo. They already (probably) have comms and can exchange info when they notice something.
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But the Top 1% of Survivors that are competitive SWF squads exist, so clearly Survivors need more global nerfs and Killers need more buffs. Certain Killer main forum posters on here always face that 1% of the player base constantly and never have any shot at winning. It's so unfair to them and the game will only be balanced when they 4K that 1% consistently.
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Solo is almost at the point of truly being able to play solo. Aside from unhooking multiple times and communication, there is very little that makes solo weaker than swf.
The only reason I find solo survivor less enjoyable is that the devs continue to make it easier.
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Sometimes finding the Killer main pretending to be a solo Survivor player is easier than finding Waldo.
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Suddenly no fun for solo, after years of having fun?
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Do what i did...and maybe devs will realise that they doing something wrong. :)
Or...maybe not, but that will not be my problem anyway. They will drown in their own..."brown swamp".
They dont get any more $ from me. Thats for sure. ;)
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Stick to your guns, king
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you can't make fuking changes to non swf base on swf gameplay.. that is simply dumb.
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but, I was talking about solo gameplay, did you read previous posts? or with every new message should I attach previous statements...
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I don't care what you said about solo or not.
I just told you WHY IT IS THE WAY IT IS. In the beginning of the game, you could see the killers loadout after death and at some point the devs obscured that info during a running trial because of the reasoning i gave you.
And I don't know why the devs don't distinct between solo and swf and I also don't really care.
What difference does it make to see the killers perks after the trial? Your dead and if you didn't catch the hints during the trial then knowing afterwards isn't going to help anyway.
Maybe next time don't come at someone as condescending and passive aggressive before thinking what and why they say it to you.
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Solo q sucks. That's nothing new, it's why I only ever play swf now. Solo q will drain your will to live. Bad players will die and self confessed "good" players will often DC or suicide on hook. Apparently devs aren't interested in improving solo q because they can't seem to think of a way to help solo q without buffing SWF as well (which definitely does not need it).
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I'm sorry, only now???
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It has fun when the survivors are not complete trash and do gens, survivors are still the power role, use kindred too, perfect perk to be meta.
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I do fine in soloq when I use Kindred, Situational Awareness, Empathy, and Empathic Connection. However, if I need all of these perks just to properly communicate and coordinate with my team, there is a problem.
This clearly displays the need for survivor information among players in order to properly coordinate. In this regard, there is an immense disparity between the coordination performance of swf and soloq players. This is has been addressed many times already, but nothing has been done to solve it as of late.
However, there will always be problems that need fixing, but that definitely does not take away from all of the problems that the devs have fixed that we appreciate greatly. It would just be nice to enhance the experience of the soloq survivors that make up the large majority of the game.
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You could see the killers perks after dying years ago. They removed it because when 1 SWF died he could tell the others all the perks the killer had, even perks meant to be a final surprise tactic like noed, blood warden ecc.
Being able to see killer perks after dying is never going to come back as they probably cannot allow it for you as a solo player and not for the SWF group and thank God to that.
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It really is awful right now. It's telling that surv bonus is at +100% nearly all the time. Just sweatstain after sweatstain killer. While you get paired with survivors that are either terrible or just actually throwing.
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Just wait for killer mains or those who play "both sides eQuAlLy" coming here bragging they have 110% escape rate in soloQ without any proofs of course.
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if you don't care, then why you join conversation? that makes no sense. I also did posted issue, that discovered perks disappear too quickly, its 2 seconds to read. cmon thats dumb if you want to chill and not to try hard, you gonna miss it very often