Experienced Nurse mains, come here

What's in your opinion the meta build for nurse?(no hex perks, myc or instadown perks)
i play on ps4 at red ranks, got so many hours with her, often 3-4 k, also dropped ruin, because i understood that if i play well and don't lose much the momentum i don't need it(also if the fps in games are decent)..better some bit of range (not necessarily omegablinks), speed or reduced fatigue add ons..
I used discordance for long time it was part of my build now i switched to something else, Cause it was distracting me too much with chases. My current build is:
Shadowborn(on console is a must, lower fps are cancer with normal fov)
BBQ (should i say why i run this?)
Bitter Murmur (loved this perks since i downloaded this game, around august, this is my replacement for discordance, better than nurse's calling imho against good survivors, since they will not heal around you, so bbq helps more to find them)
Surveillance(after the buff, became really good, works like whispers, but you know from long distance where they are, after kicking a gen)
But the last perk is the only one i'm still not sure about it... still thinking if whispers is better, especially against immersed suvivors(you always know where to blink and search without kicking a gen, though there is bbq for this), or deerstalker if i need to slug to slow down the game(but same as before there's bbq for find the slug, but you need to do things fast), or pop goes the weasel(against genrushing)... not sloppy butcher since it causes major fps drops on console, so what do you recommend me? something else?


  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    edit: also thought of agitation, because the new hooks placement suck, i lose so much time for hooking people most of the time

  • Kherma
    Kherma Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2019

    I play also at red ranks on ps4. You have about same perk build what i am using.
    I use nowadays the deerstalker alot if i haven't taken the ruin. I don't slug the survivors at early of the game, but if i lose a "control", i start to slug people. Usually it's when i get gen rushed and i have to slow the game down significantly.
    BBQ, Discordance, Surveillance, NC, Shadowborn, Bitter Murmur, Deerstalker, Ruin, PGTW are usually the perks what i use on my builds.
    Theres a pros and cons on every build you make. You can't protect gens and be the same time very efficient for tracking and down the survivors fast. Because the biggest problem for me is get gen rushed, i make my builds to protect them. So Discordance, Surveillance, Shadowborn/PGTW and Deerstalker/Ruin are very good for that.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Well, you asked for experienced Nurse mains, but unfortunately I play on PC.

    For me, the best Nurse build is this:
    Nurse's Calling

    I know you didn't want to use some of these perks, but in my experience they're very helpful to have. The Nurse build I mentioned will almost never let you down.

    Lastly, don't become dependent on Shadowborn. You may think you need it, but I would train myself to play without it. That extra perk slot gives you a lot of freedom to try out new things.

    BBQ, Nurse's calling, and Whispers however are must haves in my opinion. You're kinda gimping yourself by not using them.

  • Kherma
    Kherma Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2019

    Lastly, don't become dependent on Shadowborn. You may think you need it, but I would train myself to play without it. That extra perk slot gives you a lot of freedom to try out new things.

    I must a little bit defend the shadowborn.
    Average pc player: He sits maybe 0.5m away from the gaming monitor. Position is intent for gaming. He has better FPS and graphics compared on console players. He maybe doesn't need shadowborn.
    Then me playing on my couch, lying under a blanket (very focused on the game lol). Distance to TV is 2m. I have a FPS and graphic issues because the console...
    The shadowborn makes more comfortable play Nurse than playing without it. I don't say it's a must pick, but i understand why people use it. Especially on console.
    Post edited by Kherma on
  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @Mister_Holdout ruin for me is useless with nurse, because most of the time it goes down early, could be good for trapper, hag, or slow killer to build the momentum, but with nurse, i find it less useful... shadowborn as i said is a must, i can play without but it's horrible..i'm used to shadowborn, i played and entire season without it, couldn't do as well..the fov is nice for mid blink and fatigue, on console is another thing..

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    edit: also thought of agitation, because the new hooks placement suck, i lose so much time for hooking people most of the time

    You can also slugg if there is no hook nearby, works pretty well with nurse
    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    I use ruin, bbq, surveillance and nurses calling

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Did they remove the pallet stun canceling nurse blink?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Blueberry this is a old thread.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    I see sone nurses at red ranks run thanatophobia. I think it helps slowing indirectly the game

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    now i find out why so many people run whispers, also the post was made before infectous fright so now we have more meta perks for nurse