100% incentives are always on Survivor

Because BHVR can't take a clue that people are not having fun as survivor. Keep holding killers hands and baby them some more. Really wish people would stop playing Survivor all together and let this game die already
False. Last night alone I had a 50% bonus on killer.
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This is wrong. Here in Germany, I have always 100% for the Killers after Midnight.
On the evening and the daytime, its on Survivor-Side. Well, this doesnt surprises me that much, because u need 4 people playing that role instead of only 1.
Your conclusion about the unbalanced "holding killer-hands" is wrong too. But keep up believing that survivors are the poor side.
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Since the patch that introduced incentives I have never, not even once seen the incentive on Killer.
I only play solo, and right now if mmr puts a fairly equal survivor team against killer, and the killer decides he/she wants to win, it will be a victory. Eruption (paired with call of Brine) makes it just way too easy for killer right now.
I am at the top MMR, I don't use eruption, and I don't camp/tunnel, and only go for 12 hook wins when I play killer, and yet the only time I 'lose' is if MMR matches me with 4 survivors just as good as I am. If I change even one of the things listed above, I will undoubtedly win basically all of my games. Killer is too easy right now, if the killer is willing to play a certain way (eruption first hook camp/tunnel). Too easy.
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It's mostly gone back to normal for me; survivors have the bonus during the day, it flip flops throughout the evening, then killer usually holds it at night.
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" I don't even play killer"
This says everything we need to know.
Your MMR is very low, so it is most likely you went either against bad survivors, or against experienced people INTENTIONALLY wanting to stay in low MMR.
Your 4ks are meaningless this way.
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I play Survivor 90% of the time and can 4k with a low tier killer multiple times in a row against people with more experience than me without even trying. Pretty sad it takes a full 4 person SWF with comms to even have a chance at win streaks
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"People with more experience than me" doesn't really say much though? People can have a lot of hours and still be average at the game.
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As others said above, killer incentives do happen, it just depends on the region and time of day. I’ve seen killer incentives at 100% as well now and then myself the last few weeks.
Also keep in mind the game needs four survivors for every killer, so unless there are four times as many survivors queued up as killers the incentives are going to be biased toward getting more survivors. If half the people playing are queueing for killer and half for survivor for instance it needs 60% of the killers to switch sides to balance it out. That alone is going to make the incentives tend to be 100% survivor a lot of the time regardless of anything else.
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The only time I see it on the killer side is around 9-10 PM EST, which I go to sleep around that time.
I personally don't care as I still play killer regardless.
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No really!? You need 4 survivors for 1 killer!? Wow thanks, who would have guessed!? Maybe ask yourselves why there are not enough survivors or why you don't play it more often..
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They go to neutral and sometimes to 50/100% killer as it gets later for me. Northern-ish EU.
And it makes perfect sense too, because of the "Play killer when alone, play survivor when friends are on" demographic. When is it most likely the highest amount of people are free from school/work/other obligations? Evening and night.
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The bonus is almost always in survivor side simply because the game need 4 times more survivors for a match to start, not due survivor not having fun.
Anyway, at least in Europe there are killer bonus sometimes at night.
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And why do people play killer more often than survivor now? Why is the incentive almost always on Survivor? Or why do people feel the need to only play "Survivor with their friends?" It's not a difficult conclusion, playing Survivor is not very fun most of the time and is mostly extremely boring and tedious.
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Speak for yourself. I enjoy solo survivor. Cleared all of the halloween and current tome survivor challenges that way.
The key is to 1. not play so recklessly, and 2. expect to and learn to handle losing. It's a pvp game, you should lose roughly 50% of the time, accept it. Escaping isn't everything. If I've completed my challenge, had a good chase, done gens, made rescues, and made a decent score, I couldn't give two shits if I walked out of an exit or not. I'll likely still gain a pip, and my actions could have secured the escape of my team mates.
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Switches to killer after about 8pm for me.
People don't understand that the incentive is weighted toward survivor, because more of them are required to make the game function. That or they do understand and wilfully ignore it so they can continue the unending "solo bad" dirge.
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You'll never get people to 4:1 survivor to killer ratio naturally without just making survivor blatantly unfair which will just kill the game.
If the game is in a point where both sides are equally appealing them the incentive will be on survivor because a 50/50 still requires more survivors.
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The thing is, the % can be lower than 100
Rarely, I can see a 25% on the survivor side, so... It would means that when it was 100%, a lot of survivor is missing, 25 is barely ok to get enough survivor
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Easily a 50 - 50 split my end and literally changes from night to night. Killer que was freakishly slow last night though, took a few minutes which isn't usual for me, its usually instant.
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If you start out as killer, play 4 games, you will generally win all 4, why? Because new survivors are BAD. There is very little teamwork, most are usually solo-q, and it might be some of their first games. I ask that you play killer until you bring up your MMR enough on a killer to face good teams that have strategy and are actually competent at the game. I promise that you won't win 4 in a row constantly.
It is a LOT easier to start as a beginner as killer because you don't have to rely on a team, you can just go in and learn the game. Once you find survivors that actually use the mechanics of the game to their advantage then you'll really understand, instead of sitting on the forums acting like killer is super easy 24/7.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
This is literally different for everyone. Stop whining about killers, cry baby. Either become a better survivor or just shhhh
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All that depends on your mmr, time of day and region. I usually see it on survivor in the mornings and killer in the evenings
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I only see it offered for killer (25-50%) really, really early in the morning. It doesn’t last long; maybe 30 minutes to an hour.
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You need four times as many of them, so
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i do feel like before 6.1 it was rare to see the bonus reach 100% in either direction; the fact that survivor 100% is immensely common now compared to before must indicate something. i often find i get killer 100% for 1-2 games and then it will swap back over to 100% survivor for the rest of the night.
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Because the game is brain-dead easy in most matches as killer it's pathetic. If they're solo you've already won the game if you know how to play the game with a decent loadout.
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I mean, it was introduced in 6.2.0. So it's not much of a surprise you didn't see it much before that.