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When is slugging actually "allowed"

Just wondering in what situations slugging is justified from other people point of view.

This is the situation:

I played some killers i hadnt really touched before today and got matched up with a "bully squad" swf of 3 flashlights and a toolbox. The person i hooked really unluckily walked into me again afterwards during my nightfall (and they were injured) so I relatively quickly got a person who would be dead on hook.

I then got to play a little gen patroling back and forth where i would kick gens with call of brines and try to get a quick hit but not commit to too many chases as the gens were near the houses with very difficult loops. I then got a free hit on the person dead on hook and commited to the chase since they were injured and dead on hook so i figured it was worth to commit to, and naturally when i downed him i got swarmed by flashlighting teammates. So i didnt pick them up immediately and got another hit on someone trying to flashlight saveand then picked up the dead on hook person, got body blocked and got 2 more hits (one of which was a down). As soon i dropped the dead on hook survivor, I didnt pick up the downed person but went for the other flashlight survivor around as the guy dead on hook ran off.

I did that because I knew the survs wouldnt let me alone and pick up anyone. This repeated multiple times troughout the game as they were sweating for flashlight saves whenever someone was near dead on hook or they just happened to be around when i got a down.

Got called out and insulted for slugging at the end of the match - but what else is a killer supposed to do to deal with flashlights? Are survivors crybabies that want me to voluntarily be part of their flashlight montage or am I overlooking some way to dodge all kinds of flashlight saving that is supposed to be done instead of slugging and going for the flashlighting survs...

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  • Member Posts: 4,903

    There is no issue with slugging. It's good to slow survivors downs as someone will have to come to pick him up.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Any time you're getting value out of it.

    The only time it wouldn't be allowed if is everyone is slugged and you have no reason not to start hooking at least one of them, but you don't. Then you could potentially be reported for griefing.

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    There's never a point where you can't slug. It just can be very risky if you leave them on the ground for too long and you can lose all that work to down that survivor when they get picked up.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Any time we want

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    The only way slugging is bannable is if killer picks you up after downing you only to pause your bleed out timer. Basically if he does that over and over it's considered griefing. A good example would be is when you have 2 people left at 5 gens and he just does that to prolong the game.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Everybody has their own take just like everything else. Personally, if you are slugging just to bleed someone out when you can safely hook, that's just being an ass. There are times I'll slug someone that's dead on hook if they have the bad luck to keep running into me before I get their buddies on death hook. Mainly just to keep them off of gens for a bit and maybe draw out their friends. If nobody picks them up in a reasonable amount of time, I'll go over and grab em and let them escape.

    Altruism squads are fair game, slug all you need to, just start hooking as soon as it's safe. If I get 3-4 of them down I'll usually hook all but one and let the the last wiggle off so they can u hook the rest. Half the time I do that, we play out the game normally without anymore interruptions to my hooks.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    Outside the slugging to bleed out, always.

    And even that can be allowed when survivor force the circumstances by running for hook dead zones or bring an "unhookable build".

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Slugging 👍

    All game, every game

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    If the time is right I always slug I don't care if there's 5 gens up or not, it's not my fault if they played bad enough to allow it

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    According to page #6 article 5 of the Entitled Survivor Rulebook: "Slugging is not allowed because it's unfun"

  • Member Posts: 800
    edited October 2022

    if it has a purpose. but if you got everyone downed or there's only one survivor left there's no point in slugging them over ending the game except to be toxic (except of course if there's no hooks/decisive strike)

    some killers are even heavily encouraged to do so by design (oni - twins)

    Post edited by DEMONANCE on
  • Member Posts: 1,373

    For me it often in situations where I am in a bad situations or if im playing oni and my power is still active

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Theres only 2 times I have a problem with slugging:

    1) Slugging al 4 players and just leaving them to bleed out instead of ending the match.

    2) Slugging for the 4k IF you have no clue where the last survivor is. A 3k is still a win. You dont need to drag the game out for a further 4 minutes when you already have a greater chance of getting to the hatch first anyways...

  • Member Posts: 68

    nice echo chamber.

    slugging is just a bit of a dirty tactic and can completely snowball a survivor team within 30 seconds; while flashlight save requires quite tight timing hence this buff going in. flashlight saves feel a bit grief to me too honestly, particularly if a killer has really fought hard and spent a lot of time chasing, only to get blinded, that feels pretty dirty. some circumstances where the killer has gotten a very fast, lucky, or life-threatening down, survivors have no choice but to try it if they can.

    slugging can make very short, low points games where even a 4K is less than 20k points for the killer. these games are usually a global depip and 0pip for killer. most of the games that i feel were ruined by early slugging, were when the killer found multiple survivors together and was able to down 1 or 2 very fast due to their rapid movement, and then chased the remaining survivor(s) way off into the distance to get more slugs.

    i can see why you would slug a team full of flashlights that are swarming you, but if it's just one guy and you won't even let him try for a blind; some survivor challenges are blind the killer, you might be denying them a chance at that as well.

    there are other ways to block flashlight saves, even doing a 180 away from the beamer or looking at a wall before picking up can make it impossible for that specific survivor. if a survivor does make an angle for a blind and you then look away, you get points for doing that too it's called blind evasion so you really do not necessarily need to slug their whole team just to pick one guy up. mixing 2xslug with this tends to be the most effective way anyway as hook states are very powerful too so slugging is like the cheap, basic option, which is also why it feels dirty. if those guys you went against were swf then i have no sympathy for them, it's sweat vs sweat.

    slugging for the 4K, even if you saw that last guy run off in that direction but by now he's like 20m away and that's gonna be a decent-length chase; just put the other guy on the hook ffs. i chase till they break line of sight or something, hatch is like the only thing keeping half these survivors in the game after it looks ######### at 3+ gens

  • Member Posts: 2,374


  • Member Posts: 2,441

    I mean the most intense and fun game's I have played have been end game slugs vs altruistic survivor's. I have only had it complained about once, by a comp team running 3 unbreakables lol. That is peak dbd when the survivor's are doing their best to get everyone or as many as possible out, while risking the entire game in the process. Most people on both side's are fine with it unless it's slugging to bleed out. And as other's have said in general, before EDC, it's typically the survivor's fault for being grouped or going for risky plays.

  • Member Posts: 104

    Slugging it’s a strategy, from what i read it not like u slugged them to 4 minutes till they died from bleeding and to piss them off, if u need to do it to win the game (especially in end game) then there’s no issues with that,

    I also understand that this might be annoying or boring for the opponents so just avoid reading end game chat go next and let them talking to themselves

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Slugging is always allowed.

    Bleeding out on purpose is a jerk move but that' not slugging, that's bleeding out

    People just intertwine these terms and use them as a excuse

    Same with camping and defending a hook

  • Member Posts: 377

    Stuff like this ^^^ is just lame and being done for the BM. Otherwise go hard, slug to your hearts content. Just remember though, when you fight hard like that. Expect the same in return.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    If a swf is crying after a game you've done well.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Not really because if they do that enough you will wiggle off the shoulder anyways

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    And if you down them again and slug, you're essentially keeping them hostage.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Again not really, Im not saying its not a lame move to do, but the game will end. It'll start a new chase everytime you wiggle off you'll get distance and they cant do that with more than 1 person at a time so everyone else would bleedout and youd get a shot at hatch, and egc would start.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Literally anytime its advantageous. Slugging in and of itself is a terrible idea, unless it leads to a win. There is no "is it permissible" argument, only a "is this even a good strategy" argument.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited October 2022

    You're allowed to do it any time - The other side doesn't get to tell you they don't "allow" you to do anything. I'd say slugging with 5 gens for no reason is a scummy way to play, but don't get bullied into letting people go just because some random bully squad was salty that they couldn't bully you and got outplayed.

  • Member Posts: 1,839
    edited October 2022

    If you're leaving someone on the ground to deal with their nearby buddy that is obviously primed for tomfoolery, go for it. That's not an issue. Just try not to leave someone slugged for the whole game. For me, slugging is best used when there are multiple people around you, in order to create pressure and either get them to come out to help or make a bad play. If nobody is around, I toss them on a hook.


    Since this was brought up earlier: It is NOT a killers job to give survivors the chance to do a tome objective or daily. The idea that players should neuter their own gameplay in order to give someone else their objective is stupid. If they want that objective, they have to work for it. Don't expect freebies, and don't feel obligated to hand them out. If you want to, sure. You're not required to, though, and you don't have to consider the other teams goals whatsoever. Your job is to either kill or survive. That is always top priority.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Whenever you want. The survivor rulebook is very biased. Don't follow it and follow your own playstyle

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Slugging is, by all means, only OK in retalation: If you have a group that is purposefully not doing anything (aka holding the game hostage) then it's perfectly valid to knock them down all at once (this will maybe become an issue when basekit UB hits, because unless bhvr does build in a failsafe, we might easily get matches with 'bully squads' that will continuously pick themselves up but not do anything. so reverse-slugging, if you will. Just as bad)

    All other times? It's not okay, because you are preventing people from playing the game.

    Also, as killer you are able to ignore someone who runs into you on accident if they have just been hooked and look for others first. That's Tier S skilllevel.

  • Member Posts: 952

    Slugging is always allowed

  • Member Posts: 79

    i mean not punishing people for playing badly sounds wrong: if a survivor messes up and runs into me, i shall hit him, no matter if he was the last one to be hooked - it's not like survivors are showing any mercy on my misplays as well...

  • Member Posts: 79

    so you are saying i should play worse and put my own fun at risk so survivors have a shot at their challenge? I mean sure if i happen to get a down right next to a wall i might as well go for the pickup but yes, even when theres "only" 1 guy trying to save with a blind it feels just as awful on the receiving end and there's little to no counterplay apart from slugging and chasing the flashlight saving ones off...

  • Member Posts: 1,924

    You're free to slug whenever you want, nothing stopping you from doing so, coz you don't hold the game by doing so.

    But still... In morality manners... Don't leave survivors on the ground, when everyone been downed.

    Aside from moments, when you just can't phisically hook them due to some instances.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Well, think of it like this:

    Lotsa folks on suv side might follow the same logic: 'why forgive misplays, mine aren't forgiven either' so... it's a circle that won't break by itself. As cheesy as it sounds:

    Be the change you want to see: If you want more thrilling and challenging matches, you gotta see about keeping people in the community that want the same. and you won't keep them with frustrating gameplay, on either side.

  • Member Posts: 68

    not really, considering slugging is pretty basic anyway; those were just few reasons not to slug

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    How about if you're Oni and you've just activated your power and quickly downed someone. Should you give up the power that you took time to build up and not chase the other survivors? That's nuts.

    And yes, as a killer you could ignore a survivor who runs directly into you but why should you? How are they going to learn to have more awareness of their surroundings/better gameplay? Why is it the killer's responsibility to overlook a mistake the survivors, his opponents, have made?

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean you're allowed to slug whenever you want, but the generally-accepted times are when survivors are saboing so you can't hook, or someone with Boil Over is going down in an unhookable spot.

    You'll still have survivors complaining though.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    How is that WhatAboutism? Your post clearly stated that slugging is "only okay in retaliation" and that "All other times? It's not okay, because you are preventing people from playing the game."

    I provided a counter-argument directly related to your argument, not a "whatabout!" pointing to something unrelated which is the definition of whataboutism: the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by raising a different issue.

    In addition, your personal definition clearly goes against that of BHVR as otherwise they would have never included slugging in the game design, but from the very beginning it's been possible to put someone into the dying state and not pick them up and BHVR have made it clear in many posts that this is a valid tactic.

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