Top 3 problems I see right now on forums

1. Bloodweb- yes I agree with all these complaints. It takes 2 years to level up. I prob have more hours on the bloodweb than normal game (exaggeration). We need a node/Button that does the whole bloodweb for you.
2. Solo Q- yes its rough, but we know it's being worked on. If you have listened to dbd streams there is some stuff coming to help out. Be patient guys!!!!
3. MMR- this ######### is ass. Not trying to he a troll but it really is. Atleast change it back to rank/grade based for now idk. So many stats are so unreliable cause mmr is so bad. It's been horrendous since it came out. I don't understand how this isn't the first priority. By any means I would be ok if mmr delayed new chapters by a couple months,I'm sure all of us would be alright with that. At this point though it comes down to money, no new chapters means less money earned, so sadly there will never be a huge priority on 1 singular game function like there should be.
Feel free to give suggestions on these things
2. Solo Q- yes its rough, but we know it's being worked on. If you have listened to dbd streams there is some stuff coming to help out. Be patient guys!!!!
is something coming though?
they have talked about it in the January dev update but nothing for Solo-Q improvement made it into the actual roadmap, even though they have talked about concrete features like action icons..
in hope this is gonna be a major focus for the next anniversary chapter or at least next years roadmap..
as for MMR, they just announced adjustments for the upcoming PTB.
and old rank-based matchmaking was not better and actually never even worked in the first place, they could just make it completely random at that point,
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For me its funny how as a survivor main im in the bottom of the MMR, but top or at least high as killer. Since a lot of the times, I lose matches due to my teammates as a solo survivor, I can't get any higher on the MMR. I keep getting paired with survivors that quite frankly don't play the game well and their decision-making is awful. Not to mention all the survivors that DC or give up on hook, I lose MMR because of that as well.
And as killer, I've somehow managed to face better survivors. I get an idea of where they are based on their hours in-game and prestige and obviously the way they play.
I keep hoping I'd get those same kind of survivors I face as killer in my team, but alas.
Matchmaking as it stands is cruel to survivors and more generous towards killer.
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Gotta agree with OP on the mmr thing. It has so many flaws that this tiny adjustment isn't gonna mean a thing. What's the point in having a more accurate mmr if almost everyone is in the same pool anyway?
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1) Bloodweb- Yes it's hard to understand why after they removed the perks from bloodwebs... and made things cheaper it becomes harder to level up
2) Solo Queue... it is rough to say the least but what are they doing to change that
3) MMR... it does need to be adjusted but how
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On 1 and 2, agreed.
"3. MMR- this ######### is ass. Not trying to he a troll but it really is. Atleast change it back to rank/grade based for now idk."
The old rank based matchmaking was worse than the current MMR, and if you think otherwise you're blinded by nostalgia.
There's still several problems with MMR, but not all of them are fixable:
- Matchmaking will always be constrained by the number of available players within each MMR bracket. So matchmaking has to be flexible enough to account for this during off-peak times. This leads to the unavoidable reality of poor match ups. The alternative means longer queues and most would prefer shorter queues with sub-par matches than longer queues with closer matches. This is mainly because closer matches actually result in sweatier games. Basically, you don't actually want what you're asking for. This was determined during the last bunch of MMR tests in the spring.
- Backfilling, as a consequence of lobby dodging, is going to require more lenient matching as well, otherwise players who already waited for a lobby will end up waiting even longer for that survivor who left to be replaced.
The main issue with MMR that does need adjusting, is how survivor MMR is calculated. For killer it's not too bad, because it's based on averages and each game gives you four variables to calculate, over the course of say 10 games, that's 40 data points, and it does end up being a more-or-less rough estimate of your 'ability to kill'. For survivors however, whether you die or escape is only partially under your control.
By fixing survivor MMR, despite the above-mentioned 'unfixable problems', it should result in more successful matches. Because what the game 'thinks' is a good match up will be closer to an actual close match, with more accurate MMR data.
So it needs to take into account more than just whether or not you escaped. It needs to factor in; Time spent on objectives, Time spent in chase, number of stuns/blinds, and then whether or not you escaped. You can't factor in healing or hook saves as those could either be at the mercy of other survivors, or lead to survivors farming each other off the hook. It needs to be in relation to survivor-killer interactions. Time spent on objectives determines you ability to avoid the killer outright, time spent in chase determines you ability to run the killer and avoid basic hits, stuns is self-explanatory, and then an escape on top of that would determine if it all paid off. Four scores, equal weighting, averaged, multiplier applied for relative difference to killer MMR, bam! You have your MMR adjustment for that game.
This would still allow you to secure a half-decent MMR if you were chased all game and died. You could get 0 for objectives and 0 for surviving, but your chase and stuns would be on point and you'd come out MMR neutral depending on the level of the killer.
Just a bit of brainstorming for fun:
Objectives: 4 points per gen or totem, capping out at 20. -10 if you fail to make any objective progress
Chase: 4 points for every 30 seconds, capping out at 20. -10 if you aren't chased at all
Stuns: 5 points per stun/blind event, capping at 20. (blast mine counting for one) no penalty for failing to make a stun
Escape: 20 for an escape, -20 for dying.
Divide by 4, giving you the potential to hit anywhere between -10 and +20, before the killer relative multiplier is applied.
Post edited by Seraphor on1