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How would you change Trapper?

Member Posts: 5,735
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

How would you change Trapper to be finaly at least decent B tier Killer? Maybe better C tier pick at least.

Here are some of my ideas:

- You start with all Traps

- Survivors who fall into a Trap will have to mend if they escape the Trap.

- Traps change color depending on the overall ground of the map or make traps overall harder to spot or give each map some form of decent ammout of grass.

- You can't place Traps within 12 meters of any Hooked Survivor (to prevent basement camping). You also can't reset these traps until there is no hooked Survivor within that range.

- If Injured Survivor falls into a Trap, escaping yourself will putt you into dying state (base kit Honing Stone).

- Maybe decrease a bit the time it takes to set up trap and reset it. Increase a bit time to disarm a trap maybe.

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  • Member Posts: 4,437

    Idk, I like the idea that makes teaps extea dangerous when a Survivor is injured, stepping into a trap while injured would just instantly down you (no trying to escape, you just flop to the ground), sounds kinda scary tho.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I would not give him addons basekit, he needs QoL and something more for interaction, not pure buff.

  • Member Posts: 6,032

    Give him bigger butt, base-kit of course!

    Just let him carry an extra trap. Again.... Carrying 2 is quite nice but 3 would feel really good

  • Member Posts: 444

    Hmm, I've thought about this a lot and I don't even play the guy. Anyway, for such an iconic killer, the face of DbD he is hilariously out of date. Like sure, his whole concept worked and arguably still does to a degree because he was one of the first four killers in the game. But with the addition of new killers, new perks etc Trapper has sadly fallen by the wayside.

    How I'd go about improving him, is simple. Give him more traps.

    And I don't mean just his classic bear traps, I'm talking about trip/barbwire traps, oil slicks, glue traps, pitfalls, potholes, flashbangs, boobytraps etc. Just types of different traps that allow him to shake up his playstyle, he is called The Trapper for a reason, so it doesn't make sense that he's only limited to beartraps.

    Trip/barbwire, pitfalls and potholes to trip and injure survivors. Oil, bear and glue traps to immobilise or slow survivors. Flashbang traps to blind/expose survivors. Just something that gives him information across the map and allows him pressure, especially on hope maps with little to no grass. Boobytrap pallets and vaults so that survivors become exposed or waste resources, E.G: pre-dropping a booby-trapped pallet immediately breaks or fast vault a booby-trapped window and you gain an injured state

    I'd also allow him to carry more traps as basekit, like instead of just two, he can carry four with additional ones with add-ons. Also, Trapper wouldn't get caught in his own traps, as basekit as well because that just seems kind of pointless, if a little hilarious. I got this idea from Otz and I agree with him that I'd also give Trapper the ability to "summon/equip" traps from lockers, especially if they've been sitting on the ground for a long time in a part of the map where survivors haven't been. But the whole equipping traps at the locker could also help him switch between different types of traps, i.e can only take two types of traps per match, so you can switch between the classic bear trap and a tripwire trap.

    Also, I'd give him the ability to camouflage his traps that way they don't become redundant on maps with good visibility or little to no grass. But they wouldn't be so well hidden that they couldn't be disarmed by survivors, like there'd be a sheen or a "mist" that gives them away.

    These are just a few of my thoughts and ideas, coupled with a few that were spitballed after watching Otz and a couple of other streamers talk about Trapper and what could be done to bring him back into the meta.

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    Give him 3 traps at the start.

    Let the traps spawn more in the center of the map, where u can reach all of them.

    Adjust some addons.

    Remove the ability to get free from the traps by yourself in the first try.

    Getting free = Deep Wound.

  • Member Posts: 3,566

    im loving the trap the pallet idea, its the same idea as plague infecting the pallet, but since Trapper has limited resources he gets an injury from it!

  • Member Posts: 8,364

    I strongly disagree with the notion that he should start with all traps, that opens up some unpleasant possibilities when it comes to locking down areas.

    What I'd suggest is that his traps all spawn closer to the centre of the map instead spread all over the place, so he can start setting up much quicker. I'd also maybe suggest a slight buff to setting speed, just to again help him play more smoothly and keep up with the faster pace that DBD takes this days.

    Additionally, remove his traps from the list of things that the Map item can reveal. I've toyed with the idea that you can make a trap shine briefly when you aim a flashlight at it, because I like flashlights interacting with powers, but that part isn't necessary.

    Finally, make his traps a little bit translucent at basekit so they're slightly harder to spot on all maps, and rework the Tar Bottle to provide map-appropriate camouflage instead of making traps straight darker.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Make his power supernatural. He pulls out a nail from his body, plants it into the ground and it grows into a trap.

    Fix trap hitboxes, survivors shouldn't be able to squeeze through the edges, you don't have enough time as a Killer to place traps with nanometer accuracy.

    Fix maps.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I like the no traps within 12 metres change, but not a huge fan of the rest. Mending is the most boring type of slowdown, starting with all his traps means he can camp and lockdown really easily, the camouflage traps is ridiculous and way too strong and instadown for stepping into a trap is also way too powerful. He'd be a tier with these changes. No thanks

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I'd give him a funny little hat 🤠

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    When you stun Trapper, his hat will fall down and until the Trapper collects it again his movement speed is increased by 10%. Survivors can pick it up and hold hostage but that Survivor will be Exposed.

  • Member Posts: 38

    The fact of the matter is Trapper is just an unfun killer to play against. I'm all for him being ######### because playing against him feel awful.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Just use bloody coil and honing stone. They cant disarm and they cant escape. All matches I play in I cannot keep up with picking them up to hook them as they keep getting trapped. Most loops are disabled , 4 out of 6 buildings on haddonfield are locked out.

    Get 4 gen locking or regression perks and that is it.

    Either the team gives up half way through the match or I give the hatch every time.

    Though I tried a different build once as a joke and they all got away and mass teabagged. When they lose they all act depressed but when they easily win they go toxic ez mode.

    From now on no more hatch.

  • Member Posts: 137

    All of his non carried traps start armed in set locations that already make sense (doorways, pallets, etc) to make survivors have to interact with them from the get go.

    Maps don't reveal traps.

  • Member Posts: 505

    traps are forced to spawn on tiles that are in the middle of the map or that gens are (not in narnia), if you get trapped you down yourself if you free yourself

    or trapper starts with all traps, if you get trapped it takes the full 6 tries to get out, no rng, and when trapper catches someone he gains 10% haste til theyre free

  • Member Posts: 442

    This and more. My boy Evan deserves a week where he is just downright overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I would just make Trapper Sack where he starts the game with all his traps in his inventory but can’t pick them up off the ground his base kit and replace Trapper Sack with an add-on that reverts his ability to he starts with 3 traps in hand but can pick traps up and move them. Frankly that purple add-on playstyle variant of Trapper Sack is in my opinion a way more fun and time efficient way to play Trapper since it eliminates all that walking around to pick things up in the early game, So making that be just how he works and then offering an add-on for people who prefer the current style seems like the way to go.

    And yeah, Trapper could use a buff, he is consistently in the bottom rankings on dev stats whenever they release them regardless of skill bracket, he’s below average on Nightlight stats, and he’s on the bottom tier of pretty much every killer tier list I’ve seen. And a lot of it is due to that really slow early game.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    I would mainly change how traps start off, as his main downfall is the set up. Once he's set up he's pretty much fine.

    So I would change the spawn placement and conditions of traps.

    1. Have all traps start within x meters of a generator, so that you can pick them up on the way on your gen patrol and be guaranteed to be within easy reach of 2-3 traps right at the start. (maybe 12m would be fair?)
    2. Have the three traps furthest away from you at the start of the match spawn ready armed, so that they serve as potential threats to survivors right off the bat without you having to set them, and due to their random spawning, they won't be so easy for survivors to predict.

    Of course, improving (or rather reducing) trap visibility on a map by map basis is fairly important too.

    He's already had a pass on the RNG of escaping traps, so I think that's mostly fine. Maybe default carrying capacity could also be improved too. I don't see why you should have to worry about carrying too many traps to be honest, when it already takes a lot of time to go around and pick them all up anyway.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Let him supernaturally pull Traps from a distance to him once he's out so he doesn't have to walk all the way to them.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    First, I would make it take less time to set traps and more time to disarm them. Right now at base it takes longer for Trapper to place them than Survivors to disarm them. That's just wrong.

    Second, I'd make it so that once every... 45-60 seconds Trapper can open a locker to move the furthest trap from wherever it is into his inventory.

    I'd want to see where he sits after that.

  • Member Posts: 47
    1. Searching a locker picks the most distant unarmed trap on the map and teleports it into your inventory (provided you have room for it). This ability has 30s cooldown.
    2. Each time you pick up a trap this way you gain 1 bar of you special ability gauge, up to 4 bars.
    3. If you have any bars you may set up a special trap with secondary ability key, the type of a trap is dependent on how many bars you have, with more bars giving you a more deadly special trap. When you use this ability you lose all bars.
    4. Bring back sabotaging traps with a toolbox, the sabotaged trap is removed from the map and becomes the virtual most-distant trap that will automatically be picked up when a locker is searched.
    5. Special trap types up to discussion, but options may be something like this :
    • Instant setup clockwork trap that auto-disarms after 10 seconds
    • Wall trap that injures a survivor who passes too close to it
    • Generator trap that incapacitates a survivor for 60s when they touch the gen
    • Window trap that is impossible to spot from one side
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Let him aim at a trap from the distance to pull it in his inventory. Would have 30- 45 second cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Using lockers to replenish traps sounds interesting to me. I think it would also make sense if injured survivors could not escape by themselves if they were caught in traps. Or at the very least make it take longer for injured survivors to escape traps. I don't think maps should be able to locate traps either.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Another starting trap sounds good. And for the love of god gove him a mori where he kills the survivor with a bear trap. His current mori is so dull.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    1. Start with all traps. The thing that hurts Trapper the most at start of match is having to go around collecting traps. His one add on that let's him start with all the traps has a completely unnecessary downside of not being able to move the traps after they're set. Just make it basekit you can carry all traps at start and once all traps are set you can carry max of 2 at a time - the add ons can increase the number you can carry at a time.

    2. Make traps blend in more with the map and add more stuff for traps to be hidden in around the map. The map reworks have hurt Trapper so much since they got rid of much of the grass that was so good for hiding traps. The reworks removing grass plus so many indoor maps with no ground cover limits where you can effectively place your traps. Now it's rare to catch a survivor in a randomly placed trap - you're pretty much stuck with window, pallet, doorway or tiny patch of grass that's easy to avoid and survivors know to just avoid those spots while moving around the map, or where to go to disarm the traps. It's rare in a match v Trapper that I or my teammates get caught in a trap, I hear traps getting disarmed way more.

    3. Traps always inflict deep wound when survivor is caught in them. Make the traps suck that little bit more to step into and there's always a consequence even when you're injured. Also change the add ons that injure you when disarming a trap to causing deep wound - that way an injured survivor can't just disarm traps without worry.

    4. Faster set up, longer disarm. Since disarming traps is quick, and unless an add on is used has 0 consequence, survivors will disarm traps a ton in a match. Make it so they need to spend more time disarming a trap that Trapper can quickly reset.

  • Member Posts: 460

    Two very simple changes.

    1. You spawn with all traps in your inventory.
    2. Traps that are disarmed are instantly returned to your inventory. Mechanics or addons that rely on disarmed traps being in the environment are reworked in light of this.
  • Member Posts: 750

    i think giving him a variety of traps outside of just bear traps might actually be the way to go. given that maps have been changed around quite a bit, i think he may benefit from being able to set up traps with different status effects. bear traps would be his main and the one that does damage, but i think other ones like trip traps or snares could give hindered effects with a minor slowdown, kinda like freddy.

    not to the degree where the slowdown is extreme, but maybe just a 2s slowdown to mimic being tripped! and trapper could only set maybe 3 of these down in the map at a time. with this kinda thing though, the setting speed for traps would have to be adjusted since he'd be carrying more than 2 traps at a time.

  • Member Posts: 394

    I would probably give him the ability to teleport directly on a survivor. Limited range of course but just to be safe let's give him 2 charges, in case he misses the first. I know it sounds op and broken but how bout if he misses he'll get fatigued and need a few seconds to recover which of course doesn't give the survivor enough time to get out of range but whatever. Also let's make it so the hit after teleportation is a basic attack to proc all the good perks. If you don't agree that this would be a good idea and balanced you really just don't know the game very well. Only the best players would be able to get 600+ win streaks with him.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    I would just buff an add-on that makes all traps in your hand disappear as soon as the 5 gens are done and spawn after the exit gates

    Similar to the Nemesis add-on for zombies

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Nerf pig.

    Am I hired now? I put that application a while back...

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited October 2022

    Speed after putting trap basekit, start with all traps, addon to activate trap after 30 seconds basekit, Honing Stone AND bloody coil basekit too. Again, no anti-camping measures needed, for trapper NOR ANY OTHER KILLER, the killer should have the option of camping if things go south, if the survivors have a survivor so bad that they get downed at 5 gens then too bad for them, even then you can still win, YES.

  • Member Posts: 1,033

    Fix trap spawn RNG, make traps start opened instead of closed. Then he can still pick up and move traps as he wants, but still have some pressure early on if someone randomly steps in a trap.

  • Member Posts: 298

    - Traps down you if you step on it while injured

    - Traps apply deep wound when you get free from it if you step on it while healthy

    - Give him a 24 meters terror radius

    - His traps spawn closer to the center of the map or close to generators

    - Make him start with 3 traps basekit

    He would be a solid mid tier killer after all of this.

  • Member Posts: 869

    3 traps on hand. Remainder traps still spawn randomly, but already armed, adding some tension to the early game.

    Escaping from a trap after stepping on it while injured gives you hindrance, mangled and haemorrhage until you are downed or fully healed (poor feet).

    Trap design to match certain realms dominant color pallete.

  • Member Posts: 69

    I would make it so it’s easier to escape a trap, but allow trapper to start with traps, faster placement, make deactivating a trap silent, double the time to deactivate, make traps harder to see.

    15 second hinder when escaping a trap. Add a Mori after second stage when trapper hits you while in a trap.

    solves most of trappers problems. Would make him much stronger and cause survivors to have to play traps

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