New Killer and Survivor Idea: The Liar (killer) and a thief (survivor)

RayChispper Member Posts: 61
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

This is a new killer and survivor idea that I have thought about. Everything written below is simply fanmade. Please, GIVE ME YOUR OPINION, in the comments after reading this.


Description: A cursed liar capable of attacking the survivors without being seen, deceiving them, thanks to his power Copy.
With its unique perks Silence, Evil Eye and Obsession: Let's make a deal, it is capable of making survivors find it hard to find themselves when they are hurt or hanged and also make them betray their partners.

Power: Copy: An enormous power granted by the entity enhances your tricks of illusion, allowing you to cheat your prey to attack them without being expected.
·By pressing the power button, you throw a clone of yourself that chases the survivors for 5 seconds without attacking them (to send the clone no animation, sound or warning is made to the survivors, it is sent without knowing if it has been sent or not).
·While the clone continues to exist, you are invisible and completely undetectable (except for your radio of terror). While you are invisible, you can attack the survivors by surprise. Attacking a survivor causes you to automatically exit the invisible mode and for the clone to disappear.
·If the survivors point a torch or hit the clone with a pallet, it will instantly disappear and cause you to exit the invisible mode.

It is a killer dedicated to counteracting the pallet looping, because it can make the survivors believe through its clone that will attack them on one side but actually attacks them on the other. In addition to that you can also make the survivors believe that you are the clone so that they become overwhelmed believing that you are going to attack them on the other hand.


·Silence: Your extortion skills allow you to intimidate the weakest. When a survivor is injured (not in a dying state) his aura is no longer visible to other survivors within a radius of 32 / 64 / Unlimited meters away from them. The other survivors will not be able to hear the moans of pain of their wounded companion nor to see their traces of blood. If the wounded survivor begins to heal HIMSELF, his aura will be revealed to the killer within a range of 32/36/40 meters.

·Evil Eye: You curse the survivors to prevent them from knowing where to go to help. When you hang a survivor on a hook, other survivors who are within a radius greater than 28/20/12 meters from the hook will not receive a visual notification of where their partner has been hanged. Also, they will not be able to see your aura if they are more than this distance away.

·Obsession: Let's make a deal: If you can not beat them, join them. You obsess with a survivor. Your obsession will receive a signal through an icon that will tell you that you can betray your classmates. When you are close to your obsession, it may point in the direction of a survivor. If that survivor you signaled is less than 8 meters away and you find it and attack it, the perk will activate, indicating that the deal has been accepted. Every time your obsession betrays a survivor and you find it and attack it, he will gain a blood spot multiplier of 50% up to a maximum of 300/400/500%. If once accepted the treatment your obsession rescues from a hook or heals a survivor, it will be considered treason, so it will go to the state of Vulnerability, being able to be knocked down and he can also be executed. If it is executed, the accumulators of points will be shared equally among the other survivors who remain alive in the game, in addition, the traitor will receive 25/50/75% less blood points at the end of the game. If the deal has been fulfilled, once the other survivors have died, the hatch and the exit doors will automatically open, allowing your obsession to escape with ease. If before accepting the deal, your obsession has rescued or healed another survivor, it will be treated as not accepted and the game for him will proceed normally.

NEW SURVIVOR: John Thompson

Description: A redeemed thief capable of escaping from any situation.
Thanks to its unique perks Escape, Break-In and Locksmith can escape faster through windows, enter structures through inaccessible sites and escape when the other options are not possible.


·Escape: Plans can fail, so it always works to be quick before they catch you. Increase by 4/8/12% the speed at which you jump through windows.

·Break-In: When the door is closed, your entrance is a window. When approaching a window that is less than 2.5 meters high you can climb on it and pass through it at a speed of 70/75/80% of what it would take to jump a normal window. (For those who have not understood this last percentage, it takes 30/25/20% more time to go through a high window than what it would take if it were low)

·Locksmith: Being an expert in locks is what has made you endure so much. When registering a chest, it increases slightly / moderately / considerably the probability of obtaining a rare / very rare / ultra-low quality key. Also, when finding a closed hatch, you can open it without a key by forcing it. Forcing the hatch takes 60/50/40 seconds (skillchecks appear during the process).

Post edited by RayChispper on


  • RayChispper
    RayChispper Member Posts: 61

    Give me your opinion

  • TheChanelOberlin
    TheChanelOberlin Member Posts: 80
    The obsession perk makes literally no sense to me. Far too convoluted
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited June 2018
    Isn't Silence almost the same as The Third Seal?
    And I don't understand the Obsession, too.

    It's more like a buffed TS.
  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235
    The Liar = The Nightmare, but without needing to sleep you.

    Silence = A more op version of Nurse’s Calling.

    Evil Eye = Knockout but for hooks.

    Obsession = A more complicated version of Make Your Choice that can barely be understood.

    As for the Survivor:

    Escape and Break-in are pretty much the same from what I’m understanding.

    Locksmith = Something no one wants to deal with, would probably end games faster than what they already do.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    Pretty complicated, nto gonna happen with these devs sadly

  • RayChispper
    RayChispper Member Posts: 61

    @popoles said:
    Isn't Silence almost the same as The Third Seal?
    And I don't understand the Obsession, too.

    It's more like a buffed TS.

    Not quite. The Third Seal makes the hit survivor unable to see the auras. But what Silence does is that it is the comrades who can not see that survivor while he is wounded.

  • RayChispper
    RayChispper Member Posts: 61

    @TheChanelOberlin said:
    The obsession perk makes literally no sense to me. Far too convoluted

    I explain. The obsession can decide whether to betray its partners or not. If it does not, the perk is deactivated and does not work. If it does (indicating the direction of the companions to less than 8 meters) it begins to work. Every time you betray a partner you earn 50% more points. But if once he has betrayed someone he picks up or saves someone, the obsession can be knocked down and executed (only if he saves someone). If he does not save anyone then when his companions die the doors open and he can escape.

  • RayChispper
    RayChispper Member Posts: 61

    @Twix said:
    The Liar = The Nightmare, but without needing to sleep you.

    Silence = A more op version of Nurse’s Calling.

    Evil Eye = Knockout but for hooks.

    Obsession = A more complicated version of Make Your Choice that can barely be understood.

    As for the Survivor:

    Escape and Break-in are pretty much the same from what I’m understanding.

    Locksmith = Something no one wants to deal with, would probably end games faster than what they already do.

    Nurse's Calling allows you to see survivors who heal themselves or who are cured by others. Silence only allows you to see the survivors who heal themselves.

    The perk of obsession I have explained again in another comment.

    Escape and Break-it are not the same. Escape makes you jump faster through ordinary windows (those of a lifetime). And Break-It makes it possible to climb out of the windows that are higher (for example, some of the alleys of Haddonfield that are in the houses.

    As for Looksmith, I forgot to mention that the killer can interrupt the survivor who is opening the trapdoor. If you interrupt it, the percentage will return to 0, as if it were a totem.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    The obsession perk is very interesting. The details need work, and it's kinda WAY overpowered if they take the deal and then betray you, but the concept is actually very cool. I like the idea that a survivor can rat out their friends for BP and it benefits you as the killer too.

    What should happen is that every time the survivor does the pointing gesture toward a surv within a certain distance in front of them (cone shape area, something like how Premonition or Spinechill works) it will reveal that surv's aura for 4 seconds. If the killer hits that survivor within the next say 40 seconds, then the deal is made and the obsession gets a BP bonus (I don't think it should be a multiplier, just a flat say 1500BP awarded per deal post trial) and the killer, well they get a free hit on someone. HOWEVER, ratting out your friends for BP should cost you, so every time you do it you lose 10 seconds on the hook. That way the killer can really milk a greedy survivor, 1 hook them after like 8 deals and basically kill them in 30 seconds or something. Though maybe put a stipulation in that says as long as at least 1 deal was made the killer is forbidden to kill the obsession first. That way if you do 8 deals and get hooked, you drop to a pixel in 30 seconds, but if the killer was just trying to abuse the hook timer it just sits there until you get saved. It forces the killer to at least kill someone else first before the obsession, which gives the obsession a bit of a buffer to ensure the deals are fair (and also a way to turn the deal against the killer if things play out right).

    Killer's power is interesting, however I'd like to point to how much of a failure Hologram ability was in Halo 4 which is literally the exact same thing you describe, minus going invisible. The problem is that the clone doesn't react like a person. If you time it wrong it will just kinda run into a wall or something. And if you make it chase the survivors it has to look REAL, but AI pathfinding will give it away because it will look very janky and non-organic. There is potential, and if we get a killer with that kinda power the obsession perk would be perfect.

    Other killer perks seem like alternate versions of other perks. Survivor perks are kinda lame. I would put more work into the obsession concept and find a way to make everything else work more with/against that for killer/surv respectively.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         The “Let’s Make a Deal” perk sounds interesting in its own right. It makes me think; Just what would “I” do. But I must say, I could see certain survivors selling their teammates with no regard or regret.