Map offerings

I am really tired of these as both survivor and killer. Like I feel like map offerings should be a map ban as opposed to a map choice. Like I think they actually would have more use and less hate.
I'll finally have use for my Midwich and RPD map offerings!
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The offerings themselves aren't the root problem, it's map imbalances on several of them. While I wouldn't be opposed to your idea, fixing the maps I feel would be a better option.
Also poop-yourself Meyers and a couple of other killer builds are absolutely map-dependant, and this change would make them cry.
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I agree with this. I think the bandaid fix would be to make map offerings killer only for this reason, but survivors would cry about it so I dont think it'd happen.
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Spoken like a true killer main lol
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Survivor builds can be map dependent as well. Like balanced cant function on 50% of the maps.
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you can proc balanced on any map, can't you? shelter woods is the hardest but you can proc it from the tree in the middle. you have the harvesters on farm maps, hills on autohaven and macmillan maps, main buildings on all the other maps.
there used to be a variant of groaning storehouse where you couldn't proc it if a) no hills spawned and b) basement was in main building, but i think they fixed that
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Map offerings should be reworked (aka nerfed).
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Balanced works fine on hills. The only map Balanced can't work on is Shelter Woods.
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No. Not on tree. Technically you can on basement stairs, but that will never help you. BL on shelter is useless
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Sorry I apologize. Since it was said that killer builds being map dependent since they are weaker and less effective, albeit not impossible to use, I was suggesting the same thing. The example given was "poop your pants myers" which is much more effective on an indoor map with many line of sight blockers, such as Lery's, but all maps have some line of sight blockers that can strategically be used. Same goes for balanced as there might be 0-3 very spaced drop spots or you can be on the game, hadonfield, midwich or RPD where the perk is a strong exhaustion perk.
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100% remove ALL map-hatch and basement offering. I wish I actually got something useful instead.
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used to be able to, when did they remove that?
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fair enough!
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No idea when. But I play the perk and it's not possible for a long time now
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I agree. I don't know why one person has the power to decide how the game is going to go for the other four.