Who is your main and why? And I mean MAIN

Mine is Feng Min. She's cute and being someone gifted who starts falling behind and turns into a depressed alcoholic is something far too relatable 🗿 Oh and she gets a lot of cool cosmetics
I guess the character Ive always stuck with is Meg
ever since Ive started playing in 2017, she was my 3rd Survivor I ever played (First being Bill because BT was nuts back then, and Claud for Self Care) and when all my progress got reset I just stuck with Meg since I got compensated a good chunk of BP and just got a bunch of Survivors teachables because of it
She was the first character I ever got to P3 and first character I ever got all perks on, many memorable moments when playing Survivor has also been while playing her
if my opinions and posts have had a funny smell, its because Ive been a meghead from the very start
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Do you still run up to a gen being worked on by another Survivor, immediately blow it, and run away?
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no, that job has been passed down to Mikaela
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All characters are my main. All survivors and killers ar at least prestige 10.
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Survivor: Felix. I think I'm one of the very few who mains him for reasons unrelated to what's under his shirt. It's quite simply that I'm going to play as someone who somewhat resembles me, if it doesn't matter otherwise. I'd have gone with Leon, but y'know, he's a licensed character whose cosmetics are all sets, so yeah.
Killer: Currently going between Sadako and Wesker.
Sadako because I like her gameplay, but she also kinda fell off when people started using CoH again.
Wesker because he just feels very satisfying to play. Also; "Poor performance, indeed."
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As survivor: the first character I ever p3'd was Dwight. Then I moved to Mikalea/Adam. I briefly mained Nea for a while.
As killer I will always be a doctor/twins main :)
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- As Killer, Huntress.
Originally I mained Wraith, because he looks cool. But I switched to Huntress because I thought her lore was cool, and I still play her 4 years later because her power is cool. Pretty cool, eh?
- As Survivor, Nea/Quentin.
Quentin was the first Survivor I mained because I have insomnia and because he was the best part of the NOES reboot. Also Wake Up! is my guilty pleasure.
Nea I mained after my first game as Huntress went really poorly - I was Rank 17 and got matched with Red Ranks due to a matchmaking bug at the time.
Most of the Survivors tbagged and clicked and pointed and spammed vaults and had a great old time bullying the baby Killer. But one of them, a P3 Nea, was nice and even messaged me afterwards (PSN, so no endgame chat, just DMs) telling me to ignore the Survivors being jerks and gave me a few tips for Killer.
When I got more into the community I found it ironic Nea was the poster child of toxicity, but it just made me more thankful for that one player and more determined to be a Nea that didn't conform to the community's expectations.
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The artist. because we both have the same Nationality and because I like to hit from a distance Lol
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I main Pyramid Head because I really, really don't like hook perks. I ignore them all, as I was made to drink survivor tears and send them to the far corners of the map. I practiced my POTD until my thumbs bleed, but now I can hit survivors through shack walls blindfolded and wallow in their misery. I honed the Pyramid Head wombo combo of hook, tunneling of hook and cage and tunneling out of cage into The Entities maw in 1:04min and am working hard to speed run it in under 1min. I did a TOS run and the theoretical minimum is 49s; its though, but not impossible.
On the survivor side I main Jill, because she is confirmed best girl, now even talks and has the best Jaw physics and facial animations in the whole game. And I love running Blast Mine ... which is always fun with her, because Killers could expect it (its one of her native perks).
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Felix. I used him for Visionary to help baby me find gens and he's stuck with me since.
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Feng Min, simply because at the end of the day, every survivor in the game is nothing more than a skin. It helps that Feng has some of the best cosmetics too, but I personally have no desire to invest millions upon millions of blood points just so that I can have every perk unlocked with every survivor who plays exactly the same.
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Survivor: Bill,just because I have a personal childhood attachment to left 4 dead.
Killer: Legion,there power and playstyle is very appealing to me. Especially when you add in all the crazy ######### their addons let em do.
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How do you define main? Most items for? Highest prestige? Most played time with? Favorite? because you mean Main, without saying what that means for you.
Otherwise, i have 3 Mains. Dredge becasue fun to play, Hag because fun to play, and Claudette because invisible woman.
Also Jeff, because he looks like me and is basicly my avatar, only yonger and less "daddy bodied".
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My first main was Zarina but only because I escaped like 5 times in a row with 1 perk when she first came out. Thought she was my lucky charm.
And then Yun-Jin came along and I am now a die hard fan. Her lore is great. Being selfish to the point of turning a blind eye to evil, makes her pretty much evil too. I started as a killer so I guess it hits home a bit. I also love that her perks perfectly suit her personality. Sometimes I role play and try to play as her but then feel bad for being so selfish.
For killers I play Nemesis just about exclusively because he is just fun. Whether winning or losing I have fun with him.
However, my favorite killer and the one I would main if I was any good or not on console or dedicated enough to practice more is Huntress. I've posted about it before but every aspect of her character from noises to stun reactions to her perks just make sense. You can get a feel for her character and who she is even if you didn't know the lore.
Sorry to over explain.
P. S. Disregard everything from the killer side if OG Freddy can count as a main at this time.
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Survivor: Feng Min- She has a lot of perks (don't know about now)
Killer: Pig- She has a lot of perks (don't know about now)
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Trickster. I love his lore and tie-in lore with Yun-Jin Lee. His aesthetic is awesome, the mix of both flashy and brutality is something we have never seen before and it really suits him. And, of course, he is very expressive in chase. I like the way his unique lullaby melody works and his power is one that I enjoy using. All in all, it is really hard for me to have a bad trial when I play as him which is certainly something special to say in an asymmetrical game.
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Survivor: Tapp, Yoichi, Quentin (in that order).
I was a Jeff main for years (from his release) but with the Iron Will nerf I can't play him. If I'm playing memey I'll play James Sunderland.
Killer: Hag if I'm playing seriously, Hillbilly if I'm not.
All other characters will only be played for dailies or archive character specific challenges.
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I like her character and backstory, tbh.
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My main is Feng ming too I just like her and she has best cosmetics. I don't have main as killer I play them all.
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First it was Kate for survivor, now it's Mikaela. Love the aesthetic of witchcraft, but
DbD KeshaKate is definitely a secondary.Haven't found a Killer main yet honestly. I got drawn to Ghostface first because he's Ghostface (and the mori is sick), and Sadako grew a lot of love for me from this event, and PH I love his power (although kinda clunky at times).
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Why you ask? Because she’s simply the best. No one else on this game comes close to her majesty. Not even the might of the Entity can compare to her.
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My Main is the Dredge because i Love his Design, Lore and hisGameplay also his Skins are amazing :D
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my guy maining someone who doesn't exist yet 💀
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Feng and Kate. Because of looks, and Feng makes cute noises. Was gonna make Elodie my third, but all of her hairstyles besides her default are trash. And she dresses like a Karen
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Jake Park because hes the closest thing to me in the game. Plus he is hot, and I like his drip. Also wish I could say f*ck society and live in the woods 😍 and not go to school
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I wish I could be in school again. I miss those times
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cheryl and deathslinger
cheryl is the best silent hill protagonist by far and i find her very relatable, and deathslinger is just fun to play.
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Cheryl. I just wish she had PANTS to wear with her SWEATER. Seriously, who the hell forces people to wear a skirt with a sweater? Why do we get alternate shirt cosmetics to buy, but not pants? We deserve better. Cheryl deserves better.
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New killer, the Knight.
Yes, I know he just came out, but by god he clicks with me like no other killer. I love co-ordinating attacks and this lets me do so.
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She's as disgruntled and over it as I am.
Also, she hurts everyone. EVERYONE. Including me.
Help me.
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Cheryl was the first, but after Resident Evil I was waiting for Ada since she is one of my favorites.
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I'll probably main him too. He looks extremely fun
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btw it's entirely up to bhvr whether or not her cosmetics are linked according to konami they just don't want to unlink them for some ######### reason
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I know, but no matter how many times I post to their twitter about it, they don't listen
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As a new player in 2016, I picked Dwight blind without knowing anything about the game. It was a good choice.
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Steve because i love stranger things but i'm thinking to switch to Vittorio for various reasons, the first one is that he is Italian like me and i feel represented, and in general i love Mystic/Arcane style and he reminds me of a modern-archmage with his magic tattoos and white beard/hairs
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Dredge mains rise up
Best M1 killer in the game, and using anonymous mode only makes you even more of a true dredge main
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Leon and Felix. - Leon because right around the time I started playing DBD I also played the RE2 remake and he stuck. Felix first because of his cosmetics -- and then he stuck because of his lore (only survivor I actually read all the lore).
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used to only play Ash and now I kinda play both Ash and Mikaela
i like ash vs evil dead so i play Ash and i look at Mikaela and i go AWOOGA!!!
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Myers. I think the way they translated him from the movie to the game was really fun and I like how a lot of his addons change up his play style. Hearing the Halloween theme slam in when you tier up to EW3 is great. Regardless of him being weak, I think he’s really fun to play as and against.
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Killer: I always play as either Spirit or Ghostface. Spirit because it's fun to phase and I like scaring people, downing them, letting them wiggle out and then seeing if I can find them again with my perks (Nurse's calling and Stridor) over and over again until they realize I have no intention on killing them. My headcanon is that Rin doesn't want to kill, but she still can't fight the compulsion to hurt. She'll kill only when the compulsion is too great, otherwise she fights against the entity to help them escape. As for Ghostface...well I just like butt-dancing while I chase people, then have a butt-dancing party with the survivors because it's really funny to me.
Survivor: I don't really have one yet. I just haven't found one that has really clicked with me. I typically play as Yui, Kate, Claire, or Dwight. More often than not, I usually always find myself going back to Dwight. I don't know why. I'm in the process of P3ing all of the survivors for the perks and it's pretty telling that the first one I P3ed and got all Tier 3 perks for from every character + common perks was Dwight. He's also the first one I ever got the adapt achievement for (I've now gotten the adapt achievement for all survivors to put that into perspective). Why do I do this to myself? Why am I attached to Dwight? I want to play as a female character, but I may be addicted and need help.
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Feng for 2 reasons. 1. Her persona: She comes off as smart, cute, whimsical, and not to be f’d with, plus she’s a gamer. And 2. She has the best cosmetics so I can at least mix up her look for some enjoyment. My Feng is P74. Next highest are Zarina and Mikaela at 9. I was going to switch to Elodie main since her original outfit had her looking smoking. But not one of her skins since is decent.
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Kate, because she is hands-down the prettiest survivor. Plus I love her cosmetics.
I don't play killer much anymore, so no real main there.
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For survivors Claudette and Feng. I started using Claudette because she was the only survivor at the time that could heal herself with her perks. Once all her perks were unlocked I started using Feng because I liked some of her cosmetics and her perks.
Killer - Doctor
I started with wraith because he was easy to play but once I started to face better players I really struggled. I play on console and doctor was already unlocked so I tried him out and he instantly became my favorite. One reason is electrical-based powers are always cool but really it for his tracking. Some maps are really dark and hard to see on console. With his power, I can just flush somebody out. He may not be the best at chases but I do love his laugh.
I also like the fact that he's a straightforward villain. No tragic backstory required.
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Jake and Kate for survivors. Enjoy their sounds and their cosmetics a lot.
As killer I enjoy Spirit and Myers, think I havent found the killer of my dream yet. I like Myers because he is easy to use and quiet. I like Spirit because her power is relaxing to use and i like to use my senses to find survivors.
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Trapper main. There's not a map I feel is bad really. I love how he can counter pretty much anything, even SWFs.
Feng main. Feng was the first survivor to utterly destroy me back when I started killer. I've loved her ever since.
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Ada for now. I got the RE DLC thinking I'll be a Rebecca main cause everyone was hyping her up and ended up an Ada main somehow. Her heels are a bit too loud though.
Other than that she's pretty awesome, I hope they add more outfits for her and maybe one day the bring Devil May Cry outfits for the Capcom character and she gets a Lady Legendary but probably they'd give her a Trish since they're more similar.