Knight thoughts so far?

With the knight being out for a day on the PTB now as of writing this poll, and bot matches allowing you to get a few games in without 30 minute queues, what are your thoughts on the knight, is he weak? strong? or just right?
Knight thoughts so far? 56 votes
he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
personal opinion i'd say he's a little below average once people learn how to counter him, and could use a bit longer basekit patrol and hunt times on some of his guards, along with maybe being able to command guards to perform a break action without having to enter summon mode
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
Legit the things that make the guards pretty useless is how long it takes for them to spawn and get into a hunt. You'd have to get lucky by having the survivor panic in order to really get a hit in.
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i have not played with or against this killer
Just a hunch but I think the Knight will end up being on par with Artist (wherever people think she is in their tier lists). His power seems to be a bit better than hers at zone control since he can just quickly plop a guard down in the vicinity of a tile and survivors have to steer clear of it if they don't want to get flanked. And his guards aren't too shabby overall at flanking maneuvers since while a survivor can avoid a single guardian on its own they are going to have trouble avoiding the Knight himself if he's coming in from the other side. Also unlike, say, Artist's crows the guardians always do damage if they hit and the guardians can pull survivors out of lockers (which is hilarious to watch!) Also he has a bit of time savings in being able to quickly break things at a distance using the guardians. (They won't trigger gen kicking perks but they do still break gens and pallets which is useful in its own right, plus they can still offer some synergy with, say, Surveillance.)
All that said, Knight doesn't look great in terms of map mobility, and generally speaking the killers that have limited mobility don't tend to get into the higher tiers. He also doesn't have quite the long range detection potential that Artist has (although his Guardians do give him some short and mid-range detection by letting him see when they're activated to chase someone.) Additionally it's quite possible he'll be a little map dependent if the Guardians have difficulty dealing with certain areas like, say, multi-level areas on Haddenfield or Midwich, etc.
Finally I suspect that while survivors will get better at playing against him, it's also true that Knight seems to have a bit of a steeper learning curve than most killers so it'll probably be a little while before we actually see really strong Knight mains around. For instance, just watching a lot of streams, it looked like a bunch of people were always going the maximum distance on the patrols which seems pretty inefficient. There are definitely times where it's better to simply plop a Guardian down right near your spot with not much of a trail and let it guard a particular tile from that spot. Also I never saw anybody cancel Guardians who weren't doing anything useful by hitting the right mouse button, another potential time waster. So I'm definitely convinced most of the Knights we're seeing in these first day aren't actually reaching the full potential of his abilities yet.
Anyway that's just my guess so far, I think he'll turn out to be a good killer but not too much above that since mobility could hold him back.
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
The Knight is one of the most funny killers to play! It is just WOW ahah. And to play against, at the same time.
So I would say this is to be considered as a score.
When I played against my first 3 Knights on the new map, I could loop them for more than 3 minutes just by ''holding w''. That is why I feel it might benefit a slight buff.
I played as a Knight with an immidiate 4k, but I consider the survivors going easy on him, and the killer power only served as a caotic measure. It is not useful for pretty much anything else.
I do not intend to say it is a bad power. It is very funny. I love the new map as well.
My suggestion is : Lower the active chase Patrol activation and slighly extend the range.
I feel it would be enough to make this killer strong enough to be compared to killers like The Executioner.
At the moment it is farely weak, but funny as hell!
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My thoughts so far
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i have not played with or against this killer
I love his concept, but with what I've seen of his power, it takes a moment before his Guards actually can detect a survivor (especially one in front of them). His power isn't going to be good for chase. I suspect he be more a micro type of killer, sending his cronies to break things that are close/scour the area, while you do the actual chasing.
AI needs a little more work for pressure.
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
his guards need some tweaks, for example how long they take to get into chase and also the disabillity to swap between them
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
Remove circle from view of survivors and give the guards faster spawning time/chase speed. Also they need to work out some bugs with the guards getting stuck on tiles.
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
Not letting survivors see the power while he's just setting up the path would be nice. I thought it would work like that by default but it doesn't. Especially when he has Spirit vision (no scratch marks and invisible survivors) while using it.
As is now if you see the little green ball you just run another direction and you're fine. It just stops the killer from using the power in interesting ways and regulates him to just "place power at loop".
Capturing the flag is also too rewarding, I think turning off the power is probably reward enough. Why does it give a speed boost AND endurance on top?
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he's too weak, but i dont know how to buff him
Cool idea, but very poor execution. He's just way too easy to deal with.
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he's too weak, but i dont know how to buff him
Hes like old clown, throws the bottle(would also slow down clown) then survivors could just run to the next tile while the other survivors could do gens easily. He has potential but has no true threat available.
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
I think that the first thing that should be changed on his is the fact that survivors can see him while he is "in-phase" and also see the detection range of the guards. If those features would be removed he would already be much more competent as a killer. Also, the detection range of the guards could also receive a buff, since they feel really small without any add-ons.
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he's just right
I'm more about the fun aspect of every killer. And if we're talking about that, he's artist 2.0
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he's too weak, but i dont know how to buff him
He is so weak
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
He’s our first F tier killer. There were many suggestions in the PTB to remedy this problem. All of those suggestions are things everyone in this thread is also suggesting. Instead they decided to reduce his power activation time by 0.5 seconds and call it a day, while simultaneously ignoring the many bug reports and then nerfing his two good addons into the ground.
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he's too weak, (comment what buff you would do)
Remove the green light blob that shows the path the gusrd will follow...
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he's too strong, (comment what nerf you would do)
He needs a rework already, imo he should have never released in the current state.
Right now you either play as advertised and intended which is to use the guards to set up patrol routes and establish map control. However by doing you are hindering yourself completely since they are so easy to avoid and can do very little to actually push survivors off gens consistantly.
So currently we have Knights that exclusively play as Artist meaning then run the survivor to a loop, throw their power down and force the survivor to hold W and hope to make it to the next loop in time before taking a hit. This is mind-numbingly dull for both sides ands allow for very little skill expression.
Obviously I'm not a 200 IQ genius or anything but if I had to try and fix this I'd make the patrol routes last a lot longer rather than fading out and make it so placing down a guard is not viable mid-chase. Might not be perfect but hopefully it would make the knight feel more based around map control rather than an Artist skin.