Still no SoloQ Survivor Buffs
SoloQ survivor has arguably been in the worst state it has ever been in for several months now. There appears to be no changes in sight and no explanation as to why it has been left in an abysmal state. Do developers not care about the largest population of their player base? That would be silly wouldn't it? Am I kidding myself in believing that at least once of the developers plays SoloQ to understand the experience?
I went from playing several games a day to just a few a week. I hope someone see's this, the situation is so much worse than you think. I very much enjoy playing survivor, but lately the frustration is enough to make just one game a session a struggle. Please think about doing something to improve the soloQ survivor experience as soon as possible, not 4 patches down the line, something needs to have changed yesterday. I don't think you understand how many survivors have stopped playing in the past few months.
The only thing that will get BHVR to prioritize the solo q buffs is a large number of players leaving the game. If you are really having that miserable of a time, stop playing. If enough players leave, maybe it will get the devs to place more priority on the solo q quality of life updates.
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The one perk that should have been basekit they missed it.. Of course im talking about kindred. After that i don't think there are any more changes needed for soloQ because camping and tunneling in the first hook is a global problem not just related to soloQ.
This cheese tactics shoudn't be promoted in anyway at least at the start of the game as it make the experience of the other players miserable. I can understand that a killer decide to tunnel or camp when there are only 2 or 1 gen left, but doing it right after the game started its toxic as minimum, to not say other things 😂
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I have for the most part cut back my playing time (since the big balance patch) by about 95%. I still get the itch to play every few days, but end up getting quickly reminded why I cut back my playing time.
There are a ton of things they can do including adding Kindred base kit. Honestly the easiest change is that for every solo player in a lobby, reduce gen times by 5 seconds. SWFs remain at the same level they are at right now and everyone else gets a small boost in strength. I don't expect them to tackle tunneling and camping over night. But small incremental buffs shouldn't be too much to ask for.
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Fogwise seems like it will be pretty nice for SoloQ. Get the call outs that SWF benefit from without needing to rely on that commuication or playing with others. It's a shame though that it will probably be nerfed to unusable before reaching Live.
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If your talking about the hud status icons we probably won't get an update about those until next year. When they announced them back in January, they admitted they were very early in conception. Which makes me wish they hadn't announced them at all until at least a rough idea of what they'll be was ready.
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I am asking for anything at all. Even if it was just communication that "We are aware of the situation and are actively looking for ways to improve it". Radio silence apperas to be the approach to the situation though, and it has left a really bad taste in my mouth. I fear that if they wait for the hud changes to fix the problem, there won't be many people left.
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Agreed 2018 player I always play solo survivor and games without Kindred are pretty much a loss or much harder so I always bring Kindred. (I'm definitely not the only one who does this) This would be perfect because you can what your teammates are doing and you can see if the killer is camping or not. Way better than a basekit unbreakable where survivors can just get up ruining a killers pressure
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Also you can't spam kindred call outs or be toxic with Kindred ruining immersion with a microphone or playing loud a music. It's a pretty smart idea to make Kindred Basekit to bridge the gap between solo players and people who play with communications or with high skill level friends.
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Yea first they bring BT basekit wich is far surpassed by Off the Record so not really a good change but i can somewhat understand it, and now they are thinking about unbreakable basekit which boost tunneling.. meanwhile kindred the most needed perk for soloQ is forgotten. I know it has being said a lot but it really looks like the devs don't play their own game.
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Yeah the unbreakable change encourages you to tunnel someone out of the game quickly, because then you can end the game very easily by Hooking 1 person, and slugging the last two. I hope they take another look at the base kit unbreakable change, because it's just another killer buff.
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So, the flashlight change? It's nothing?
I'm pretty sure I've thought at least some of the new perks (4.6.0) had potential for solo-queue too.
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I do like the idea for every soloQ survivor the solo survivors get some kind of buff but I don't think Gen speed should be one.....even after the increase two soloQ survivors with two brain cells can repair Gens with just toolboxes and prove thy self alone....I should know I have done that a few times with another soloQ player.....but here are other Gen repair perks that make repairs faster and now with the new Survivors perk I can see a good addition to a Gen repair build....
Now I'm not saying it shouldn't be done just that they would have to look at how that would synergize with current perks.
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people say "use kindred, empathy, bond, now, fogwise" honestly, you need understand, i dont want and it is unfair with the solo players need a lot of information perks while SWF could be use a lot different combinations simply because they dont need those informations perks. I always said that. Just put 2 little icons, just 2, "repairing gen" and " chasing" and put this next to survivor portrait in the hud, hiden for the killer obviously, this will helps solos SO MUCH and dont make difference for SWF. Put this in PTB and see the stats. was better? OK dont put more icons, still horrendous? put more icons, like "healing, cleasing, open de cheast, or whatever". Its simple. I think first 2 icon i mentioned would be enough
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Have they released new stats on solos escape rate recently? Really doesn't feel all that different than before big update.
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That's why I think handicaps should exist for soloQ players, because no matter how many information perks you throw at players for free, SWFs get them too. The gap is not closed by running information perks and it wont be closed by giving us base information perks. There needs to be some form of handicap, I truly believe it is the only way to bridge the gap. I don't think you should "nerf" SWFs as this will only make it feel bad to play with friends. If the game get's harder when you play with a group, then that will just leave a bad taste in people's mouths. That's why I think the game should get easier for each soloQ player in your lobby, whether it is gen speed or some other form of easily changeable buff.
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Last stand mechanic is really bad, just to make 4 bleed out doesnt happen. While it either promote tunneling (by forced to hook instead of slug), or making hard core Startruck Nurse even slug harder. I just hope the mechanic will not live.
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I wouldn't call 10 secs. of BT and soon even free Unbreakable not a buff for solos, it's also a buff for SWFs. What a suprise, because any buff for solos is just another free buff for SWFs on top. Even Kindred, as seeing auras is stronger then callouts. The only "buff" i see for solos would be more like a QoL change - a PING system combinded with action symbols next to the survs portraits.
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The secret to soloQ is to become a killer-main. All Killer-mains claim to have 110% soloQ escape rate and have "a LoT oF FuN" (probably without even playing survivor, but who cares).
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Facts wheres basekit kindred 😂 too confusing for newer players tho
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if nobody has unbreakable, what exactly is changing when 1 survivor is hooked and other 2 survivors are on the floor? the killer will often actively look for remaining two survivors to hook them. base-kit unbreakable is survivor buff, it changes nothing for killer because the killer is that situation will win regardless, but unbreakable prevents him from slugging meaning the situation will be unable to occur in first place which is free second chances for the survivor.
They did say they were looking into adding icons for survivor. I still think its much better to give all survivors global bond over icons, but that is just my opinion.
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SoloQ stays and falls with your teammates in the current trial. Because they are terrible most of the time, I just run "Me-Perks" to compensate a bit. Deliverance, Clairvoyance, Wake Up, Distortion, Sole Survivor, Off the Record etc.
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Killers are not obligated to revolve their niceness level around whatever arbitrary number of generators you have chosen.
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Survivors are not obligated to let Killers have fun.
This is an extremely poor argument.
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No, Survivors are not obligated to let killers have fun.
That is why you never see silly statements like "It's toxic for survivors to do a gen before the Killer has three hooks." There's this weird idea that you are somehow being gatekeepered in how you can play based on some degree of success the other side gets to decide. It's nonsense.
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If something is an unfun mechanic, it should be looked at.
Facecamping. Tunneling. Etc etc
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BHVR leaving Eruption the way it is just shows how much they don't care about Solo.
This perk is designed to encourage playing SWF only.
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If BP bonus always being 100% survivor side and still Queue times being 2seconds for survivors won't make BHVR change things, I don't think anything will.
Yesterday I stopped playing after 3 games:
First game tunneled by blight.
Second game one guy killed himself on a first hook. Like literally first hook, we were playing againts mikey and already had two gens done...
Third game guy gets hooked in a basement at 5 gens and camped
Like who will want to play this? It's unti gameplay basically. Killers just standing around(and winning most games by just standing around) and survivors holding one button. Absolutely no gameplay happening like 70% of games I play. You either on a hook being camped or hold a button to do gens. Chases? Gone. The only killers who dares do any chases are nurses and blights . Even spirits now just phase back to the hook immediately after an unhook. And it's all because of terrible map design by bhvr, where only bullet killers can leave hook area and expect a quick downs. Everyone else just kinda hover around the area and go back immediately to the hook after an unhook.
Oh I guess huntress like their snipes too much, so I see them rarely camp.
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No, it shouldn't. Because that's too subjective to take seriously. That slope is so slippery it's covered in butter.
"I think facing medkits is unfun - remove them."
"I think flashlight saves are unfun - remove them."
"I think Lethal Pursuer is unfun - remove it."
"I think being found because I tripped a crow is unfun - remove it."
Literally anything the other side has that helps them win could be swathed with that paint job.
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Solo q buffs should be things like actually doing something about ragequitters so they don’t happen anywhere near as often
Solo q buffs should be things like actually doing something about the anti-team players that excessively hide and wait for everyone else to die, so they can use their anti-team perks to escape as the last survivor.
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Not even that!! I switched to Killer almost exclusively and playing against a team with at least 2 Solos is usually a stomp, which is fun from time to time but stomping gets dull after a while. SWFs do put a fight and make games interesting, winning or losing you still enjoy the match and the challenge.
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I think looping is unfun. Run around the same stack of boxes with an upright pallet maybe 20, 50 times, slowly closing in on the survivor, waiting for them to drop the pallet, but they don't, because they want to guarantee a stun.
But the alternative is anti-loop powers, which promote 'holding W' instead.
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If not based on player enjoyment (fun/unfun) how in the world do games ever make any changes? If a mechanic is making the game less enjoyable than an alternative for the players it obviously should be changed. Now trying to figure out what the overall player base thinks/implementing a change are trickier questions, but I'm not sure what other metric than "fun" you would use for improvements.
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It’s fairly agreed on that SWFs are so unfun for killers, that BHVR can never let killers know which people are in a SWF on the lobby screen, or there would be mass lobby dodging and SWF queue times would go through the roof.
According to you, that means SWF should be changed.
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Weirdest post I've read in weeks.
You use data. Actual data.
If they make a perk called Overwhelming Power, and Killers that use it win 99% of their games, that perk is OP and needs to be fixed. BHVR collects loads and loads of data they can use to balance the game.
If they actually listened to every complaint whining about something, the game would have imploded by now.
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You have two points
1: SWFs are unfun for killers
2: BHVR can never let killers know which people are in a SWF on the lobby screen, or there would be mass lobby dodging and SWF queue times would go through the roof.
Fortunately, I already answered you in the quoted text
If a mechanic is making the game less enjoyable than an alternative for the players it obviously should be changed.
If SWF actually made the game less enjoyable overall for players than an alternative, it should be changed. The key phrase is 'than an alternative". While this element may have some drawbacks, it is superior than any proposed alternative.
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What about 2 man swf do they get the buffs as well? But I think survivors need basekit kindred and everyone should have those obsession things telling who is chased. Those changes would be big help for soloQ.
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Who said they should listen to every complaint whining about something? This is literally a "general discussion forum" for people to discuss various topics on the game. A common such topic is back and forths on what could be done to make the game better. A lot of that may end up being individual complaints that are not shared by the community, but BHVR also does surveys and testing to get people's opinion on what is fun. You know, data. If the data indicates that the player base is unhappy with a certain element then, if there is a superior alternative, it should be changed.
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They refuse to give Solo a buff or incentive that SWF does not also benefit from.
SWF makes better use out of every single survivor buff, often to absurd degrees (louder killer notifications, information perks, boons, hook state tracking, Hold W Away From Gens strat, base-kit BT, massive increase in number of pallets per map, and on and on)
Every time they add more survivor buffs and killer nerfs, SWF begins to stomp down kill numbers.
In turn, they have to buff killers to make the game even slightly challenging to SWF.
These killer buffs trickle down to further impact Solos disproportionately to SWF.
Solo asks for MORE buffs, which SWF uses better, which makes killers weak and in need of more buffs, and repeat.
They've buffed survivors plenty. It's just a no-win cycle that just keeps going because they refuse to put Group Content and Solo Content in their own brackets. If you're playing Solo you are objectively playing this game on a Harder mode than SWF are. And the prevailing game design philosophy is to bury their heads in the sand and pretend it's not a tremendous difference.
"Maybe this NEXT survivor buff will only help Solos!" they say. Over and over again.
It never will.
Not until Solo players get something that does not ALSO help SWF.
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The alternative is that we should never bridge the gap between solo q and SWFs by giving solo q more information, because that means the unfair parts that killers hate are going to happen way more often.
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Maybe that's true. More likely I think you give soloQ balance changes, survivor win rate improves, BHVR makes balance changes in favor of the killer, the win/loss rate remain about the same, except now soloQ and SWF are more roughly on the same playing field, meaning SWF is not as unique an experience for killers - everyone's game improves.
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The more likely scenario is that solo q gets buffs, BHVR gives killers some generic number buffs to even it out, and now playing killer is the most miserable it could ever be, but it’s considered “ok” because the kill rate is where BHVR wants it to be.
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As solo survivor it would be nice with something, but they are more or less where they want to be in terms of kill rates for most of the killers. Giving solos something now means they probably need to buff killers somehow also. But thats good because it would close gap between solos and SWFs.
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I don't think you need to compensate killers if you give soloQ a buff to put them a little closer to SWF. They could do something as simple as give people Kindred if they queued up alone. The killrate would move very little.
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For your own material, sure. If you think it isn't fun that Blast Mine can time out now, that's a fair assessment because that was created for your benefit to have fun with.
It is completely different to try the "This is not fun" excuse against the opponent's game mechanics that are DESIGNED to thwart you.
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1.) BHVR already has a system in place to punish excessive DCing.
2.) The tagline for this game is “Survive together.. or not. Survivors can either cooperate with others or be selfish. Your chance of survival will vary whether you work together as a team or go it alone.” Peanits recently made a comment in these forums about how survivors can choose to play as a team or for themselves.
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The DCing system obviously isn't working good enough. I can play other PvP games for entire evenings without seeing a ragequit, but this game is out of control with ragequits. Can we tell survivors that tunneling is fine, because BHVR already has a system in place to punish excessive tunneling (basekit BT)?
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They don't address it because it's only a problem in your mind. The overblown whining I read about it are some of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in a video game community.
It's 95% confirmation bias. It's memetic in the classic sense. Your favorite YouTube man says it's all awful boo boo solo so bad. So when you see someone Urban evading around the map you go oh my God solo and use that as confirmation that it's terrible. However you don't remember the times your solo teammates have formed an impromptu train to unhook and escort you out the gate. You don't remember when you get unhooked and your unhooker drops you a medkit so they can go bang out the last gen. That stuff doesn't fit the narrative you want to believe, so you gloss over it.
The truth of it is that solo has the problem every team-based video game has: people do not do the stuff you want them to. You'll see similar complaining in any community with a team component. It's either something that enlivens the experience for you or makes it frustrated.
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I think there's a lot more gaslighting from proclaimed solo survivor mains telling other people who play a lot of solo survivor and say they're having fun that they're supposedly Killer mains instead of examining why other people are having more fun and possibly success.
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I think some of the best solo survivor buffs would be:
(a) Status icons
(b) Basekit aura reading of survivor auras when a survivor is hooked (Kindred lite)
(c) Double or triple DC penalties
(d) Put people who progress through second stage quickly often (suicide on hook) in a low priority queue where they primarily play with each other
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Yesterday I had games where, we got 1 DC at the start of the game.
ANother game where the game was going well a survivor DC-d (they were AFK for a while although until that point they played normally). Then Kate suicided on first hook at 1 gen left. And me and the other survivor left were second hook or something.
Then I played against Hillbilly on RPD, he downed me first and proceeded to facecamp me on the hook outside the gate near main hall on the left where the doorway can fit only one person and two teammates were trying to rescue me then Laurie went down trying to save me and he proceeded to hook and facecamp her instead. This person got 3 kills this way (actually last man down DC'd, it was a Quentin, but I think that had more to do with Dwight like walking off into the gate and not even giving Quentin attempts since he was first hook).
Then we got a Wraith at Lery's running full slowdown build (overcharge, eruption, call of brine and maybe Corrupt but I'm not sure of the last one).
I'm honestly starting to feel very tempted to go the Stakeout/Hyperfocus road.
Icons of what your teammates doing would be useful as well as status effects being visible to everyone (in the Wraith game me and a Haddie were working on a gen when Eruption hit us both and Mikhaela came for a heal and I couldn't because I was incapacitated and couldn't communicate that to her).
And I don't think killers here genuinely care. They just keep playing DC's and suicides which I don't agree with, but they can never answer how soloq can counter full slowdown build if they're not high MMR.