16 games in a row and counting with a DC and hook suicides.

Are you by any chance playing nurse? 🌝
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That's why they should add bots if anyone disconnects early. Even killers too if needed.
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Nope survivor, people are just giving up instantly and some even if we are in a good position
Haven't seen him in so long, I do miss him
But they only have themselves to blame for early hits and down and it certainly doesnt give them a reason to ruin so many games...
But it's okay I'm playing killer now, dont usually as I'm a survivor main but everyone is dcing verse me as well and I go for hooks so I dunno
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I just booted up the game and I'm already going 3 for 4 with a player ragequitting. (And the game where nobody quit still sucked because it was an Eruption-Overcharge-Pain Res Legion.)
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Maybe they want to push the kill rates in the hope for survivor buffs/killer nerfs.
Maybe they want to lower their mmr.
Maybe they are just salty.
I really don´t know. All i know is, that the amount of people doing exactly this has been really high since 6.1.0 and there doesn´t seem to be a logic explanation. As my teammates suicide for absolute 0 reason. Like when we are about to win. Or when the killer is at the other end of the map and someone is already coming for the rescue.
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I've been testing with the bots in PTB and it's looking promising. Def not perfect, but they know how to do gens, they can loop decently well at times, and they don't give up.
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Better than no-one at all.
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Yeah I dont get it, that's like the game I had verse legion where we had 1 gen left and legion had 3hooks and someone kills themselves on first hook... like why? Lol
I dunno I just swapped to killer which is something I dont do, guess I can work on old tomes now haha
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I believe people form a strong addiction to the game, to the point where even when they're burnt out and miserable, every little thing about it bothers them - yet they still have an addiction to feed, so they take it out on others playing.
It doesn't help that the nature of this entire game is random, and a lot of people can't handle losing to things they feel are out of their control lol
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I don't necessarily condone it, but I get it. This is the far and away the least fun killer meta we've ever had. It makes me miss the first "zero game sense required" meta of Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. They keep trying to balance the game around the worst players on both sides.
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What I hate the most about this is that they don't seem to be willing to fix it in any way other than with more bandaids, I mean, just look at the upcoming perks. "Yeah we buffed stalling to delirium but hey here's some more perks to counter stalling and slowdown, wait what do you mean you want us to consider what's badly designed and hated of the curernt meta?"
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100%. It seems like they plan to power through with omega stall builds and try to band aid them on the survivor end. This meta promotes terrible gameplay. My friend and I had a 20 minute 3 man escape the other night because the killer wouldn't commit to anything and kept kicking gens in a loose 4 gen. Again, just awful gameplay.
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Ty for the info on how the bots are for now . I'm stoked .
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100% BHVR’s fault. It’s their game and they fail to understand or just don’t care about solo survivor play even though its 75% - 95% of their survivor base. Pretty ironic that a developer named “Behaviour” doesn’t understand their own customers’ behavior.
The players quitting are the experienced survivors. Perhaps some noobs also start to copy that behavior but the driving force is serious dissatisfaction with gameplay. These survivors WANT to play but the asymmetricality has gone too far and people are fed up. Nurse, Blight, OP builds, over-plentiful options for 1 hit and aura revealing and gen slowdown, camping and tunnelling, horrible matchmaking, various garbage like endgames for dummies where the killer can literally stand in the middle and guard both gates, broken hit validation, far too many extremely mobile killers and zero fun killers like Pinhead, Blight, Legion, Doctor…. God knows when I’m in a game where 3 or more of these things are in play, I take my 4% chances….
Thing is… survivors aren’t going to change. No one is going to stick around for this BS anymore. So this will work itself out one way or the the other. Maybe, just maybe, this will reduce the amount of some of the above. Killer players will stop choosing Nurse or Blight since they know there won’t be a real game. Maybe they reduce camping/tunnelling since they know people will just suicide. But I don’t blame survivors at all. It’s like asking why people quit their jobs at McDonalds. They’re responding to their environment that sucks. DO you have any idea how many killers still play as can play bubba or tunnel or run their special OP builds with their best addons/maps..? It’s like 80% of my games. Fix that.
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“Camp Bubba”
Sorry… you can’t edit posts on ipad.
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It's the problem with being an experienced player in this game. You're either an experienced casual or semi-casual, in which case the omega slowdown builds are awful to go against as well as many killers themselves.
Or you're an experienced player who is more competitive, but there's zero reason to be good at this game. It's actively punished with progressively less fun builds and never rewarded in any meaningful way. You can win more, but nothing really changes when you do aside from the general level of sweat you encounter. You don't gain ranks or get better teammates. There's no seasonal ladder. If you are one of those players like me, you eventually just wonder what the point of it all is. Why sit through another CoB/Overcharge/Eruption Wesker game? Why not load up a game with an actual ranked system that rewards the time and effort you put in to getting good at it?
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The real question is why do you keep playing if you keep getting the same result.
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Yup.. I main nemesis and I get a dc atleast every game or a suicide hook.
just had 3 people DC when I got the first hook, tried to post it to show how bad it is, but mods here have a rule about protecting scum bags so it got removed, but the point was to show the DCs not the people.
they need to start doing something and actually banning or timing out people for DCs ,hacking, abusing game mechanics. Instead they hide and pretend it doesn’t happen.