What Did The Community Think Of Haunted By Daylight?

Now that the Halloween event, Haunted by Daylight, is nearing it's end (5-6 hours left by the time I am making this post), how did the community feel about the event? Was it a good or bad event? If there were things you would change about the event, what would you change?
I think it was fun :)
It was nice having a side objective of collecting energy and pouring it into the rifts, and I'm going to miss the 50k bp survivor games, haha.
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It was good.
Wasn't super innovative or anything, but it didn't need to be.
It was a fun, easy to understand event that encouraged more Hooks and more Gens to be done.
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Personally, I loved this event. The pumpkins and void rifts provided a neat side objective that felt rewarding to work for while not disrupting the normal flow of the game too much, and also didn’t provide one side a significant advantage over the other (looking at you, snowmen). I’d wanted the pumpkins to come back ever since last year’s halloween event so I was excited to see them again.
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Found myself just playing normally after the first couple hours of it.
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It was good. I wish there was just a bit more skins to collect from doing the event objective since you can get all rewards in first day of the event. Also BP bonus from event was nice too!
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I will miss it, best one so far for me personally.
It also made me realise that even with extra BP the grind is still bad even if it is improved. Not looking forward to going back to the relatively pathetic amount of BP a typical solo match earns.
But either way, I enjoyed this event
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to me, it was a great event. First time in weeks that i had teammates that actually did gens instead of just running around. Yes, a lot of them were not hyper effective, but still, gens got done, and matches felt way closer, even if you lost.
Also it showed a lot about killer players, because, if they caught someone at a rift, they would wait until the survivor transfered his load before they downed him. This was true for all my matches except 2, and i played a lot during that event.
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Simple but effective
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It was nice ^^
Didn't change up the game all that much but it didn't have to. Came with some nice free cosmetics and a super cute spider charm :3
Only complaint is that they announced limited time skins alongside it but oh well guess we can't always get amazing things.
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The only issue is that many times I wasn't unhooked because main objective points went for doing gens.
Also felt bad when you get chased for 5 gens, win the game for a team and get nothing in BP department and everyone else walks out with massive BP bonus while leaving you on a hook to die.
I hope next event gives bonuses for unhooking people. What would be lovely.
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Yeah I agree you should keep the rifts. That was nice having a new objective.
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Alot better than the snowman crap im expecting soon.
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this event is the best event of Halloween, and It is funny
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loved it , especially the steam punk make over of the gens , enjoyed having the side mission of harvesting & depositing Rift Energy
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I was a fun event and I think they nailed it.
The side objective was interesting and doable for both sides, the aesthetics were good and the side effect (speed boost) was also quit fun to use. Also the event tome gave some nice bonus fragments and good skins.
BHVR nailed it here. Good event, 10/10 would deposite energy again.
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It wasn't overly crazy but it didn't need to be. The objectives didn't feel like you had to throw the game to do and didn't rely on RNG (thank you anniversary crowns/masks) and the flavor was interesting. The haste from putting in energy wasn't major but it felt like a way to ensure you weren't penalized for stopping to do it. Plus it was honestly nice to see how there was an unwritten rule that a survivor putting energy in mid-chase was accepting a loss of the chase as long as they could get their energy put in first. Most general collab I've seen from both sides in a long while.
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That was fun, I've had a really good times.=)
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It was pretty fun and interactive. You didn't have to go out of your way to participate and progress in the event. It happened with ordinary gameplay. The visuals and sound effects were also good. I enjoyed it!
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Boring. You only interactions this event were smashing a pumpkin and holding a button to interact with a void for a few seconds.
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I enjoyed it a lot. Granted there were some games stacked against me and tunneling was nuts, but the side objectives, and relearning how to play on a whole different platform have been a welcoming challenge. Given we all will have ton of bp offerings left from the event, will these be usable again next year or will it be a new bp item altogether?
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I think it was mechanically the best event yet, improving on things from past events.
For example, not needing to escape as a survivor in order to acquire the event cosmetics, and having a too-and-fro mechanic that rewards good play habits, like stunning the killer and making multiple hooks/downs, plus providing all players with a decent side-objective, while also encouraging survivors to work on gens.
The event offerings themselves were personal instead of shared, which (sadly) made it more 'fair', due to the complaints about "others getting benefit for my offerings" from the Anniversary event.
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I thought it was a fun event.
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It gave a slightly different atmosphere, somewhat fun.
But I got bored of the event pretty quickly. I didn't feel like it added anything to the gameplay itself, It felt more like I was wasting unnecessary time on something that may give me good effect, but for what exactly (?)
But compared to previous events, this was the best event we ever got.
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I enjoyed it. I didn't even really have to actively search out the voids, they'd generally pop up in my vicinity at one point or another during the course of the games. So it wasn't like some big distraction that would potentially cause people to throw the game. I thought it worked well, they did a good job
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Secondary gameplay was fun and balanced (will be interested to see if they tweaked the snowmen at all with the Winter event if it comes around again)
Tome lore was cool.
Cosmetics were cool.
Methods of unlocking cosmetics weren't that clear (No UI to show what was available to get), Cosmetics in the tome were more of the same, and there wasn't very much choice, just get everything in the same timeframe.
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I really enjoyed it; it was a great event. The cosmetic obtainment method was probably the most balanced yet and didn't really favor survivors or killers (where previous means have been very killer-favored and demanding of survivors), and the cosmetics we got were cute, especially the candy weapons. Swamp Creature Hag was awesome. The rifts encouraged good gameplay for the most part and were a nice distraction without being too much slowdown. I loved all the bonus bloodpoints we got and it made the game feel very rewarding - I'm not looking forward to going back to normal now.
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I didn’t like it. I thought it broke a lot of small elements of the game for me as a survivor. Listening to hear if a stealth killer was near was harder because of the void sounds coming off the generators. The placement of the rifts was often really bad, I would either have to wait a long time for them to spawn near me or I’d have to travel half across the map to try and close it - only for it to despawn in my face. The offerings were a waste of bloodpoints. I ended up with 530 of them on a single character, even though I used one almost every match. I was forced to spend over a million bloodpoints on something I’ll never get to use again. I would’ve rather spent it on stuff that I can actually use in my matches. I also despise limited time cosmetics because they promote FOMO, and that has no place in a game that isn’t free to play. The event was overall a HUGE miss for me.
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I thought it was one of the better events.
I really enjoyed that participating in the event didn't feel stressful and didn't involve completely sandbagging your team.
In previous events, the objective for the event was always tangential and didn't actually involve anything with the core gameplay loop. If you played the game normally, you wouldn't complete the event. If you went out of your way to complete the event, it largely involved throwing a game or getting lucky with random spawns. For survivors, you also had to escape or play as a specific character which could feel stressful.
I also really enjoyed the Rifts as a random thing that happened in chases. As killer, you could grab a Rift right before a chase started and get a huge advantage. As survivor, the same was true. But, it was mostly limited to once or twice a round so it didn't feel game breaking. I really enjoyed it.
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Enjoyed it. Nice cosmetics, loads of extra BP is nice. Just sucks that the dowsing rods don't have a use anymore.
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Event was good. Limited time tome was too short but also monotonous.
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It was a fun event, if a little buggy. It kind of proved to me at least, that DbD needs more server locations in some countries so to ease the burden a little.
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Really liked it. Loads of BP. Only downside is now I'm saddled with 70+ dowsing rods I can't use because I was getting them faster than I could use them.
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I always enjoy these events with their own tomes and side objectives, gives me an incentive to play which i really need since these past few months have been really rough with how awful the tunneling and camping got. Even if i dont care much about the cosmetics themselves, im a sucker for mission/challenge accomplishments so it keeps me hooked. I liked the speed boost thingies it actually came in handy at times.
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I FORGOT TO CLAIM THAT noooooooo :'(
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Twas cool not too crazy but not nothing . little side objectives that help each side and limited skins was cool too.
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Probably one of the best events they've had recently, wish we could use the blighted serum outside the event though.
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That was cool event and it was the reason why I came back to play this game again, but it's unfun after it's gone, 'd wait for the next event
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I have no idea why the developers are so stingy about double bloodpoints to the point we only get 4 days especially when you get all these new survivors and Killers but either way I had fun stayed up all night and day playing with no sleep during double bloodpoints.
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It was one of their best events, enhanced by the fact they brought back many ideas from previous Halloween events and put them altogether.
More of this, please!
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I liked it. Having an extra tome with (mostly) simple challenges; free cosmetics; extra task to do that involved a little strategy but wasn't super difficult; pumpkins to kick -- I will miss it now that it's gone.
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Simple, straightforward and with a little bit extra (the speedboost for delivering to a rift) on top of the points as well.
Good event that was both non-intrusive and without the more wacky griefing potential of "I'm gonna throw the match to sabo event hooks" or "I'm gonna leave chase to catch and facecamp the glowy survivor I see 52 meters away instead" from events in the past as well.
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I enjoyed it
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It was intresting. Normally when I play like dum dum dee do gens but with the energy dum dum dew8 void thingy Ooooo Killer missed me because of them So now it's like hmmm new playstyle.Great event liked the rewards and stuff challenges are always fun.
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Pretty good, did what it needed to do, added a little something to spice up a match while also rewarding people for interacting with it. Nothing groundbreaking but solid all around.
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Its alright, got done with it quick. But a nice change of pace
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Indeed. I just played my first few matches since the event ended, and they were so boring by comparison. The event gave a nice side objective that was also supportive of the main objective, and even if you lost you still got some nice points. Now that it's back to the same old routine, I really don't feel motivated to play. Think I'm actually going to call it way early tonight and maybe play some this weekend.
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I miss it already. I got really used to the gameplay loop of downing and hooking survivors, while respecting paletts as not to lose my precious void energy. Also I gave survivors regularly a small breather when I broke chase to deposit my points. 75-100k BP on average was a very nice throwback to olden BBQ times and I finally managed to P3 every killer and survivor.
I know that P6 would be the next logical step, but ugh. Thats daunting and I will probably just do that to selected characters that I like to play or that are licensed and so don't have many cosmetics. I think I will now enjoy the freedom to just build up a comfortable stack of add-ons on my favorite killers, so that I will never be wanting for anything.
But the ending of the event is mostly felt in the way people play now. When I get palette stuned I don't think "dang, now I need to down you to get my 3 void energy back!", but its just "huh. Okay, I will run that way, then." ^^"
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I like that it didn't impact gameplay too much.Unlike the Christmas event snowmen that gives survivors free health states.
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I liked it.
Though, it feels good being able to get hit with a pallet without losing void energy anymore.
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It was nice but,that damn doorbell sound effect.