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  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 455

    It's funny i always see posts like this basicly crying saying "ban people who D/C and ban people who end themself on first hook" but personally i don't see it as a big problem. Now granted you get some games where a survivor just doesnt wanna play the game and yeah that sucks but i would say that during my killer games I get a D/C maybe once every 10 - 15 games same goes for suicide on first hook. During my survivor games I've not yet had one were someone has D/Ced.

    Regarding my MMR level due to escaping a lot as survivor i would say im fairly high up there now and my average kill rates as killer would also put me fairly high up (although i do get destroyed occasionally).

    In games as killer were i do get someone D/C or kill them self on hook usually i notice its because their team has just let them down, this is either due to not going for a rescue when there is nothing stopping them, team mates not taking a hit when getting farmed off hook.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    One thing that comes to mind would be that you can outright tell the game 'don't put me in matches with killer X', and have it a limited number (like a max of 5 or such).

    The other part of this is something that has come up before: the game needs to start punishing scummy behavior (and reward good one). The mechanics to do so are there, several perks and abilities use them already.

    It would be a ton of finetuning, though

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Games survivor sided actually, survivors have every tool possible to become the power role and are at the higher level, you also cant use the awful stats for so many reasons.

    You are, you are queueing up for a game knows the possible outcomes and quitting over certain maps, killers, perks or even going down fast is entitled.

    And you know what makes it worse, some of us do actually work and THEN HAVE TO DEAL WITH RAGE QUITTING ENTITLED PLAYERS when we ourselves are trying to have fun but oh no it's okay for you to ruin 3 people fun consistently without a better punishment... sure sounds entitled.

    So most players just mark the top 5 strongest killers making those killers wait ages for lobbies and basically kill chapters people have brought. Because you know well enough people will abuse it that way.

    Even if it was 1 nurse players would majority be picked basically making her void in games (though I'd personally go trapper)

    A better system would be nor able to verse the same killer multiple times in a row, that's something I can get behind.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Low mmr will also put you with dirt poor survivors though and that's the issue, a baby killer will dominate a bad group of survivors. Hell when i started the game in august brand new player. I absolutely shredded teams of survivors and was getting 4k after 4k. It was so easy, you'd have to be an extremely bad killer who is not adept at video games at all not to wreck teams in low mmr matches. In mid mmr games even one bad survivor can doom a team.

    Solo Q is definitely a huge issue and probably a big barrier that prevents a lot of new players sticking around. Best way to solve it imo is add in game VC. Swfs get it, can use xbl parties discord etc. And it'd help new players learn faster and help discourage DCs if players know they can tactically advise team mates rather than trust silent randoms.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    There's no way they'll add voice comms to the game. Can you imagine how toxic that would be?

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    Killer buff was in June 2022, its been 5 months and the game is tilting back down slowly.

    Its 6 month cycle has been more or less +-50k players for the last year.

    We can probably agree that the only thing they really care about is cosmetic sales.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Less toxic than endgame chat for sure. And no more toxic than any other multiplayer game that has VC. I don't see any other games removing VC, games with even more toxic communities like call of duty, LOL, halo etc. Mute buttons, opt outs are all ways to mitigate it.

    And i would for sure help improve the performace of newer solo q players.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    The issue is that those game has voice comms from the get go, DBD had years without it. If they suddenly add it one day it'll be massive toxicity and abuse.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    How do you figure that? It's not like dbd players only play dbd specifically. I'd wager that over 95% of dbd players have played other multiplayer games with voice chat.

    I always find this particular argument against VC weird. Toxicity will ALWAYS be present in online gaming. It's an unpleasant but immutable fact. But VC is a standard feature in practically every multiplayer game. DBD is not a special case, the community if anything is less toxic than a lot of other games in my experience. And I have done a LOT of online gaming over the years.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,926

    Yes I have suggested something like that - you can sit out x amount of matches with a certain killer.

    You cant make people play matches they don't want to play, it doesn't matter if you penalise them or not they still wont do it. For example... I just had 4x Legions in a row and anyone would want to sit out Legion matches after that

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    And with the Devout Emblem BUG pipping is really not enjoyable.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    DBD is just naturally more toxic and filled with people that complain alot.

    You will get micro management, people screaming, moaning, crying, raging at the team, blaming people, etc.

    I can play say halo infinite for months and bot come across someone talking **** ,sure it can happen in all games but DBD would be so common and I'd rather against it plus coms kills stealth which is a fun part of the game unless people wanna see less perks and killers used than already is

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Clearly you've never played world of tanks, or league of legends. There are communities far more toxic than dbd that have VC. Tbh I've found the dbd community pretty chill in comparison to most. I get a lot of Ggs and chill chats after games even when I've been smashing as killer. Hell i even had someone chatting to me after a rough game where i secured a 2k by facecamping with oni, they said they understood why I did it because they gen rushed so hard 🤣

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Barely get ggs, especially as killer. Only game I find myself getting harassed and hate on a consistent basis and I dont even BM in anyway.

    Though people usually send hate when they lose and I tend to win, though I get salty teammates very often even have some funny messages shared on the forums about it

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Maybe it's something about the way you play? Or more likely high mmr players are just saltier, come with the terrain I guess.