Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

(New mori system) COMMUNITY POLL

Zeita Member Posts: 70

when all 4 survivers are slugged the the Game Ends automatically and the Killer Wins. Survivers can no Longer use Deliverence in end game collaps and are Faced with NOED. Survivers can pick them selfs up but are unable to if all are slugged. the Killer can no Longer 4k Mori. the Killer can no Longer Slug toxic survivers cause they will just get right back up and harass the killer again. Killer can no Longer Use Rancore. Survivers can no Longer use no Mither. the LAst Surviver can no Longer use unbreakble or the new system to pickt hem self up after being Downed for a Rewarding Clutch escape Play. NEW SYSTEM PROMOTES GRIEFING ON BOTH SIDES. SHOULD THIS SYSTEM BE IMPLEMENTED?

(New mori system) COMMUNITY POLL 15 votes

YES Perfectly Balenced for Both Sides
NoOneKnowsNovaAlex_HagathaSimmonsChikySnowhti 5 votes
NO-Unbalenced for survivers and Killers. Removes Features and Plays that were Previously Established for Years.
[Deleted User]MrPenguinFreddoIlliterateGenocideGuiltiiHugTheHagKroseWindowsXPZeitaPatg88 10 votes
Heavily tweek and modify the system giving the LAst surviver 1 Free Pickup if they can crawl to a hiding place but 2nd time are knocked down inituates a mori


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    NO-Unbalenced for survivers and Killers. Removes Features and Plays that were Previously Established for Years.

    really annoying, because they made the unbreakable base kit change to make slugging less effective with the mori change.

    but the mori change was unnecessary in the first place

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2022
    NO-Unbalenced for survivers and Killers. Removes Features and Plays that were Previously Established for Years.

    i agree with all that. there are several sub communitys of DBD 2 sub communitys aree (TOXIC SURVIVERS) and (TOXIC KILLERS) the developers have mostly listend to the 1st one a lil to much imo. they need to balence the game Objectivly and not subjectivly based on mimority groups opinions of the game. but instead run Public Balence Polls for the overall average wide spread community member so the community as a whoal has a Voice

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    YES Perfectly Balenced for Both Sides

    This is an extremely biased poll...

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70
    NO-Unbalenced for survivers and Killers. Removes Features and Plays that were Previously Established for Years.

    objectivly it has potentual to be exploited and turned into griefing also which is agenst the code of conduct in the report section. every thing i Listed was Objective and Was about actual sub sytems that make up the New System. some may like the new system others may not. theres still griefing today. but the new system is not exempt from having flaws and issues and those Flaws and issues will be Exploited for better or for Worse