[Killer Idea] Ninja?

Zeita Member Posts: 70

i was thinking. we have Spirat we have Oni. but no Chineese Ninjas? if a Ninja Killer were to be added he could look like this. (Power) the Ninja could have an undetectble ability and would be fast and able to vault windows as a passive power perhaps. once revealed he gets a movement speed Penelty. i havent thought to much detail into this more of a brain stormer. thought of throwing stars but it prob be to similer to trickster. maby an Undetectable Power were he could sprint a little faster around the Map setting Traps. another Trapper Killer. but could Trap generaters inflicting them with blindness. and perhaps what about Smoke Bombs meant to be thrown as an act to conceal there location and direction from a surviver ina chase as a way to mind game a surviver. not knowing if hes in front of you or behind you. just an Idea

[Killer Idea] Ninja? 11 votes

(Yes)-Ninja is a stealth based killer designed for Ambushes
FilthyLegionMaindugmanFobboIlliterateGenocideGuiltiiHex_iButtGazgemauchNilli02Archol123KroseHOGGTHEHUTT 11 votes
(No) List Constructive ideas Below on either why it wouldnt work or how to make it Work


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited November 2022
    (Yes)-Ninja is a stealth based killer designed for Ambushes

    I would like another original stealth killer. but yeah he should be quite fast when not seen and vault pallets/windows quietly and fast

    idk what a chase power would be tho, a ranged/stealth combo like you said would be interesting

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Yes, I am interested in Chinese Ninja.

    Because I don't know what a Chinese Ninja is.

    HOGGTHEHUTT Member Posts: 7
    (Yes)-Ninja is a stealth based killer designed for Ambushes

    id like them to put a twist or something on him, not just a ninja. It’s gotta be connected to horror somehow. Maybe he’s a ghost or something under the suit.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited November 2022

    So basically the power is a rehash of elements from Trickster's, Legion's and ghostface's powers with the exception of the smoke bomb.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    (Yes)-Ninja is a stealth based killer designed for Ambushes

    I’m down for a ninja killer. Or if not a full blown killer I could see a Ghost Face Ninja skin maybe being kind of cool looking.

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70

    i was thinking of nunchucks has Basic Attack. and the Power could be temp like how each time freddy uses his teleport theres a long cool down. but the power could be Undetectable status effect no foot step sounds and the ability to fast vault windows. and then a Secondary option for throwing Smoke bombs similer to Clowns bottles. but they would only inflict blindness on survivers and make it very hard to see through so you can mind game them. but also give him a reveal thing like ghost face. were his undetectable goes away. and stuning him with pallets also brings him out of his power to. for Add Ons there could be ones that give mangled and oblivious to survivers hit by a smoke bomb. and Ultra Rare ones that could give exposed

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233
    (Yes)-Ninja is a stealth based killer designed for Ambushes

    An interesting idea on paper for their power could be doing a cloning technique, and the clone mimics your next basic attack/special attack (throwing stars/kunai) in the direction its facing. Inspiration from Zed from league of legends.