
Now that the final of the 3 big icons is available to the DBD team I have a humble request. Though it probably won't happen I still have to ask.
Next October there is a Friday the 13th. I know new stuff comes on Tuesday, but I think Jason is such an icon and a Friday the 13th in the same month as October? I just think it would be perfect.
I hope Jason makes it to DBD... but I want the game recoded before that happens
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Jason is a rats nest of legal and licensing issues. Currently, it's split between two entities, and both have to agree to work with the other in order for ANYTHING to happen. This is partly what killed the F13 game. The licensing issues made it so they could no longer support the game without the risk of being sued. As it currently stands, Jason is basically separate now from his own lore. His mother is no longer allowed to be mentioned in anything he is in, and New Line currently owns the rights to put Jason in film, so long as they don't reference the name "Friday the 13th" or any of the specific lore established or built upon by the first film.
BHVR has said in the past they would love to add Jason to the game. The actual chances of that, at the moment, are slim. Pinhead and Hellraiser only became accessible when the Weinsteins decided to be the Weinsteins and lost everything because, you know, Weinsteins. Jason is in a similar limbo, but the owners of him haven't been MeToo'd yet. New Line MIGHT be able to license him out, but there is a good chance that ANYTHING they do with him will be met with lawsuits as the entities that own pieces of him and his lore like to try to bleed each other to death.
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Well the license is split currently with the first one (including Pamela as the killer and camp crystal lake naming) to one entity, while the Jason we know with the hockey mask belongs to another. So it’s either or as far as Friday 13th goes..
i think this license would make sense as an anniversary chapter - if they decide for a licensed chapter again and if they even want Friday the 13th in this state..
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Original Nemesis
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What would his power be? In F13 the Game he could sneak (Myers, Ghostface), throw knives (Trickser, Huntress), place traps (Trapper), morph to other locations (Hag, Demo, Freddy, Dredge, Sadako) and teleport towards a Counselor (Nurse, Spirit) and he could break windows to injure and slow Counselors (Clown to some extend).
Other than that, he is just a big guy with a machete. And we already have Trapper.
If you'd add anything from the above, he'd just be another copy cat of an already existing Killer.
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Maybe they could obtain both licenses by getting adult Jason as a Trapper legendary skin, and then creating a F13 chapter with Camp Crystal Lake and Pamela as killer?
This idea is based on the current legal issues - I'd definitely prefer a full F13 chapter with Jason and none of these weird tweaks lol.
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If you want to, you can call any killer added after nurse a copy cat of one or multiple of the before existing ones.
Jason has plenty of potential, sure nothing ground breaking new. But since DbDs core gameplay already limits the mechanics, this is not an excuse against Jason.
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Jason might be a skin for Trapper. <_<
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Maybe Feng will get a cosplay as well.
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Only if you are just going by appearance. Jason isn’t even well known for bear traps outside the game which would very likely not be the source by which DbD devs would base his power on…
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That's what I meant. Jason will just be another copy cat, which would be an unfortunate fate for an iconic character like him.
But I can't think of an original idea for him.
Myers is unique.
Bubba is more or less unique in his own way, just cuz he has a Chainsaw like Billy but he plays quite differently.
Freddy WAS unique.
Pig is quite unique as well.
Other licences after that became quite similar.
Ghostface, similar to Myers
Demo is simple but unique I guess
PH is somewhat unique but similar to Demo with his M2, just deadlier.
Nemesis is PH 2.0. and weaker with a questionable AI reinforcement.
Pinhead is actually quite unique.
Sadako is like a Wraith who can morph around the map.
Wesker is like a fairer Nurse with more restrictions and built in slowdown. (He's still fun though).
Jason is damned to become just another copy+paste, but I'd be for it. It doesn't mean that he can't be fun.
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I think his power should lock onto a target and the more he chases that target the slower the target gets/or more clumsy. Like say in his power he is chasing, and the longer the target is chased the more they are prone to trip and fall
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That'd make him quite good at tunneling and basically a reverse Bloodlust, making Survivors slower.
Not sure if promoting tunneling in a Killers power would be a good idea.
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😂 That would be fun be funny
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i think Jason has potential to get a very unique kit, especially when you think Bubba is already unique.. we can only assume what the devs would do though, and I don’t think it’s fair to judge them or Jason based on assumptions.
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Not sure if promoting tunneling in a Killers power would be a good idea.
Pyramid Head says Hi
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the problem is not adding jason
its the contract holders, its a troublesome contract to get hold of and the 2 who own it or something are still fighting over it
just like slenderman
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Yeah it's not perfect but at least now the lines are delineated. Everyone knows where everyone stands. From what I understand there is a new movie being made as well as a prequel series being made.
They may not like each other, but the owners of the properties may be inclined to promote there respective projects.
Nothing says that BHVR can't get the rights from both parties independently. Just because they couldn't get Scream holders on board with Ghostface doesn't mean they will automatically fail in every similar scenario. Especially when Cote is on record stating he really wants it.
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Every killer they have released recently has been an amalgam of everything that came before it. The knight may be different but he's what Legion should have been.
Yes the machete is what is most associated with Jason, but he uses so many different weapons you really can't limit it to just that.
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Well, vs Pyramid Head you still have the choice not to step in the Trail.
Vs this version of Jason, you could do nothing, it's basically like getting chased by a Wesker while infected. You'd eventually get a huge debuff for no Killer imput whatsoever. At least Wesker has to hit you with his power, Jason would just need to hold W.
It's original, but a terrible idea.
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I've already stated and agreed that he'd just be another cop of already existing. It wouldn't mean that he couldn't be fun that way.
But having something original for a unique character like him would certainly be a bigger honor. The only original idea I've read so far is that the more he chases a Survivor, the clumsier they get. (get hindered, start stumbling across pebbles etc.)
But I don't think it's a good idea as it would basically promote tunneling while the Killer only has to hold W while in chase.
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Yea lol, it would be super funny. A great idea
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*Pyramid Head stares nervously*