General Discussions

General Discussions

God I can't wait for the bots

Member Posts: 2,697
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Say what you will about bots, but the crap you can encounter in this game sometimes makes me look forward to never having to play with people again.

First match of the night our team goes up against a blight. After a few minutes one of our team members disconnects because they were found first. Boo hoo. Not too long after that the blight downs and hooks me. Despite the fact that he brought party streamers, he proceeds to camp and hit me on the hook, thus literally guaranteeing that he's not going to get any value out of his party streamers. The match ends without a single generator being done.

Crap like this is what made me stop playing for months, and coming back to crap like this makes me want to put it down for months more. But knowing that I won't have to deal with toxicity, or disconnecting players, or camping/tunneling killers makes me very eager for the bots. And if BHVR improves how efficient they play as time goes on, then I'll never hop back into a live match ever again.

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  • Member Posts: 2,697

    How you choose to have fun in your game is different from how I choose to have fun in my game. To each their own.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    But...why play an online game to play offline? does that make any sense? That offline mode is just for testing out new killer powers and how they interact with survivors

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    It's the only game of its kind that has it executed very well. UNFORTUNATELY IT'S ONLINE ONLY FOR NOW. Having more options is nice, you know? It may not make any sense to you but it's the same way people want to play an offline game like Slime Rancher with friends online. We just want to.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    The thing I'm looking forward to most is being able to practice with Killers I've never played with. I'm sitting on a handful of killers I've never played with because I don't want to sweat while I practice. It's been forever since I played Legion, and tonight I thought it might be fun to play a few matches with him.

    Tonight I had 100% blood point incentive to play killer, so naturally that's what I did. But now I see why they needed killers because very experienced players need Killers to play against, and a very experienced player I am not. First match was against a SWF, and it was absolutely brutal. Not only did I not get a single hook, I didn't even get a single down. It was absolutely abysmal. And the second match I managed to get one hook...and nothing else.

    Again sweating while practicing makes for a horrible learning tool. I cannot wait for the bots!

  • Member Posts: 1,814
    edited November 2022

    But remember! You're locked into your killer selection because all your killers have their own MMR value! That way you can try out a character you're not great at without having to play against survivors intended to challenge your highest skill killer!

    ...except that was just a lie and killer MMR gets thrown out the window when super survivor groups need a punching bag.

    "You've never played this brand new killer before? That's okay! Here's a 4-man SWF, each with 7000 hours in the game, their own Twitch channels, and BNP toolboxes! Thank goodness for killer-specific MMR!"

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Yeah the thing everyone tends to forget is MMR is thrown out the window in favor of queue times. If killers or survivors have been waiting in a queue for long, then they'll automatically be thrown into a match that they have no business being in. Even with a 100% blood point incentive, it was taking a little while to get into a killer match. Sadly in order to reduce the wait, the game threw me into the first match it could, and unfortunately that was against a very experienced SWF. I'm not that great with Legion, and matches like this just go to show that SBMM is a joke.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Why are you worried how he plays a game? If bots get halfway decent it'd be fun. And maybe they won't just camp on first hook

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  • Member Posts: 9,713

    The bots are way better than the Nemesis zombies. They actually try and dodge ranged attacks and run when they spot the killer and such. They’re obviously not as good as good human players but they look like they’re definitely good enough for new players to practice against or for experienced players trying out an unfamiliar killer to get the hang of an ability.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    While I see absolutely no point in playing solely against bots and don't see how that's going to be in any way enjoyable, considering you get no rewards for it, and no sense of achievement, because the bots are too easy to beat.

    I do however see a value in them to some extent. For example as a warm up match with a killer I haven't played for a while, etc.

  • Member Posts: 810

    bots are gonna be nice.

    i hope they buff them a little bit though, just some minor tweaks. It would be gread to be able to choose the cosmetics aswell, i know totally unneccessary but if you alredy have much cosmetics buyed on your survivors why not just let the bots wear them? it would maybe encourage people to buy cosmetics for survs they usually dont really play as. It would me at least.

  • Member Posts: 810

    evenings is for online lobbys, but picture this scenario: 2 versions of it.

    Pre bots: i want to sleep but i cant, its night and i dont know what to do with myself. Now i can play any game BUT DBD because of the sweatlords out there that play during deep night times.

    post bots: same scenario but now i can actually just enjoy some dbd and dont have to worry about depips.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    They are great for practice but will never be a great substitute for real human opponents.

    Overall though, they are quite impressive when they work well, particularly around pallets and windows.

    Though I notice they tend to run to the edge of the map and play junk tiles, or they hide in lockers at the stupidest times and on the Preschool they are close to broken and get stuck constantly. So hopefully they will get a bit of fine tuning before going live

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    If bots continue to be fine-tuned, then I could definitely see it being an enjoyable experience. Peanits already stated too that once killers are added, you'll be able to equip survivors with perks. Naturally if you want more of a challenge you'll want to go online, but if you're only interested in a chill DBD experience, then bots are right up your alley.

    DBD has only had it's one and only game mode for roughly 7 years now, and bots can be that highly requested secondary game mode that people have asked for years for. I know there are a lot of people out there that would prefer a two versus eight mode or something similar, but after 7 years the fact that we're just now getting bots means I wouldn't your breath to see anything else.

    Bots are a great way to draw in the single player only crowd, and if you allow those players to earn possibly a small fraction of blood points and experience, then I think that could only serve to entice them to jump into a full online experience should they want more of that. At the end of the day it's all about having options, and more options is never a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm looking forward to them. The running around the corners of the map and the absurd use of lockers are a bit annoying but sometimes after work I just want to throw a few hatchets or whatever at things that will attempt to dodge them, and not disconnect if they go down too quickly or deface my steam wall afterwards.

    Sometimes I'm tired and just want to throw things at other things and hear that satisfying thwack without signing up for some emotionally draining experience, and that's okay.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    God I can't begin to tell you just how much that sums me up to a T. LOL Too often I'll come home from work, watch a couple of DBD videos from some streamers I like, and in turn it will entice me to want to play DBD. But then of course the moment I fire it up I'm either working alongside teammates that give up or disconnect right away, or as killer I'll face off against a SWF that will walk all over me.

    When I'm tired and sore all I want is to have a chill experience. I definitely see this bot mode being far more successful than some people give it credit for.

  • Member Posts: 83

    It's just bots playing vs bots at that point.

    I don't see the point. You can't tell me that every game is like this for you.

    I mean I get my fair share of braindead teammates when I decide to play survivor but when I see my teammates doing literally nothing I just end it on hook right away. My time is too precious to spend it on losing braincells.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I think playing killer and going against bots sounds terribly boring.

    Like for testing purposes sure why not, but as a real thing, no thanks.

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