Quality of Maps and Map Offerings Make the Game Hard to Enjoy

Vampwire Member Posts: 709
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously. The amount of times I load into a game and get sent to The Game, Coldwind, Mothers Dwelling, Garden of Joy and RPD. At least get rid of map offerings. Right now the only thing they do is give survivors an advantage.

I barely expect to even get a fair match anymore because of the amount of offerings you get. I'm tired of playing on these same maps just so survivors can have the advantages they want. I wouldn't be making this post if it wasn't for the fact that a majority of my games have a map offering for these maps. I'm just sick of it. Why do I have to put up with it so much?

Sure, I could burn a sacrificial ward. But that doesn't matter because they can all just burn 4 of the same map offerings. Additionally you can't tell when someones bringing an offering. So I just have to somehow get this item that never appears on the bloodweb and gamble if it's going to come into play.

It's not even infurtiating. Just exhausting. It's the same old same old. I load in, map offering, they predrop every pallet or run around the busted main building, I either win and I'm a pos or I lose and get taunted.

Something has to change. Either offerings are gone or the effort is put in to make these maps realistically playable without survivors making monumental mistakes. Either way people are going to abuse the map design. Killers have very few advantages from map offerings aside from niche builds.

Can I please just play a normal match where I have a fair chance?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    We love bad map design!

    But honestly, most maps could be more balanced for both sides if the safety of loops were adjusted, as well as the placement of breakable walls.

    I think the biggest offenders are:

    • Garden of Pain (there is an infinite in the main building)
    • Haddonfield (there are three infinites on the map and loops are way too safe)
    • Eyrie of Cringe (breakable walls are are in cringe places and some loops are a bit too safe)
    • Gideon's Meat Plant (breakable walls everywhere and stupidly safe pallets, but also a lack of window vaults)
    • Shelter Woods (there is a lack of loops worth using)
    • Rotten Fields (there is nothing in the middle of the map)
    • Dead Dawg Saloon (breakable walls and an infinite in the main building)
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I think Killers should be able to use map offerings, but not survivors.

    Some stealth builds are near useless unless you use an indoor map offering.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    I honestly don't think anyone should be able to use them. They offer too much of an advantage going into the match. Still, survivors benefit the most. Like Tat said, it'd probably be better if the maps were just adjusted to play better. Until then though, something has to give. I cannot enjoy dbd when a majority of my matches are a group of shitters on the game for the 4th time today.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    They make slight sense for a killer as they could be the killer "location" from which YOU need to escape. It's a sort of "host" idea. Survivors could still have a way to "setup" but it needs to be balanced. So in order to go to X map you need 2 or more survivors putting the offering or the game will prefer Y from the killer.

    Taking away survivors offerings doesn't sound fun to me, as an extreme, because they are a way to take away the frustration of some trials. You suffer 3 matches on RPD and you just want to play somewhere else. It's also good when new maps are added.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Don't forget Badham too. 4 strong buildings, plus shack, plus the insane pallet spawns between them all.

    I just don't understand why so many maps are THIS bad? They really need to do better because nearly half of them are either boring or one sided, most of the time both.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Map offerings are lame. 1 person should not decide for 5 people what map you gonna play.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    That's true. I just very rarely see the map offerings used to get away from bad maps and more to just make the match as easy as possible for them. I think having killer priority would be nice to some degree. It'd give them more control over the match, which they should have. I just wish maps weren't abusable like this.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181
  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Survivors will use Garden of Pain offering + Stacked medkit + Boons + Prove Thyself in SWF + 500 second chances every single game and then complain about how Killers 'want to win every time'

  • Freddo
    Freddo Member Posts: 139

    I always play dirty if someone brings a map offering, slugging and tunneling is needed on those types of maps and SWFs.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    How would you know? When I play in my swf group, we use all map offerings just so we don't end up on the same map or on lery's, midwitch or RPD.

    This includes map offerings for the game, springwood, crow map, goj with exactly the same frequency (and build) as yamaoka, mcmillan, ormond, saloon or autoheaven. So how would you know the reasoning if you happen to get one of the maps you don't like?

    The list is very incomplete.

    Haddonfield for having ugly 3gen around main and whole middle being really bad (and very quickly deadzone)

    Midwitch for it's size, small amount of resources and overall very quick buildup of deadzones.

    Lery's for horrible loops that contain very much useless windows (any window that have 2 openings 3m apart from it from both sides is useless and this map has so many of those) everywhere and very loops at all.

    Also loops. Stop creating new "no loop" and "trash loop" tiles. You already have a mechanics for deadzones - getting to a loop should contain at least some safety compared to said deadzone. New loops break this rule.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    I know because they'll go to that map with 4 green medkits and COH. They'll go to the easiest map possible for the easiest win. It's painfully obvious why they do it. It's because the game is easy when you have infinite heals, multiple safe loops and possibly even a strategy for said map. Even if that isn't solely the intention, which I highly doubt, why those maps? If you don't want to play on boring or bad maps, why choose The Game, Eyrie, Badham, or Garden of Joy? Those maps have very little risk with almost no actual gameplay aside from dropping a safe pallet or running an infinite. They have places where boons are almost impossible to crush because they're so far out of the way with elevation. Spots that the cost of going up there to do that is just a net loss either way since one of the four survivors can just go put it back up while the others do gens.

    Maybe you don't do it for that sole intention. But it's honestly hard to not have any sense of self awareness when going into those maps, with enough experience to run them, and be like "OH WE JUST HAPPENED TO CHOOSE THIS MAP SORRY GL NEXT <3". You can always feign deniability. But a majority of survivors know about these maps issues. That's why it's so common to see them send you there.

    This isn't like I just happened to get a map I don't personally like. I have had back to back games with offerings to these maps, and it's frustrating. If I'm not playing a good killer I'm just going to get stomped with nothing to do about it. It's annoying that a group can just decide I don't get to have a chance against them because of an offering.