Rate Feng's Hiding Spot

Where's Feng? I don't see her anywhere in the picture...
11 -
She's trying her best🥺
10 -
A, I dont see a Feng
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there she is. twice. might be a hacker or something. i dont know
8 -
Feng Again
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A couple of lessons from Claudette and she'll be a pro in no time.
5 -
A+. It's really a trick, you see. By hiding so 'inexpertly', she is maximizing the already high racial cuteness stat that all Feng mains base their build around, enticing you to drop your guard and play games by slowly approaching or pretending not to see her until the very last second. Perhaps you will even tbag or nod, thinking that this is all very silly. Then she will manifest a pallet (bought in the store for 1080 cells), slam it over your head, and moonwalk away while clicking dual utility flashlights.
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From 1 to 10?
i'd say 11!
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"Me and this bush became one..."
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Eh, if she was wearing dark clothes, an easy B imo
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Usually Mins are OK hiders but their "oooooh ahuh ahuh" injured noises give her away.
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What? That bug in the bush? Kind of rude to call Feng a bug.
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I don't think she's hiding. I think you are a perv. She's clearly trying to relieve herself from too many energy drinks and Dwight was locked in the only portopotty.
Where's the privacy?
4 -
10/10 would support her.
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Who is Feng?
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Baby I'm not even here - Feng
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I'll give her a B for effort.
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I don't see any Fengs, I just see Princess Heart.
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All I see is a little bee pollinating some grass.
3 -
Sorry, I couldn’t find Feng on account of being too focused on that glorious username of yours.
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A Bee costume for Feng Min would actually 'bee' amazing 🐝
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I will never turn down more bee content!