Do the killers using broken setups every game actually have fun?

bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Genuine question. If there's any killers here that constantly run S-tier perk setups with S-tier addons on S-tier killers, I'm genuinely curious, are you doing it just for the win or do you actually have fun while playing this way? Specifically, I'm referring to certain setups like Call of Brine Eruption Pain Res Deadlock/DMS/Overcharge, or Starstruck Agitation Infectious on killers like Nurse, Blight, or Spirit, while running Mother Daughter Ring+Yakuyoke/Cherry Blossom, or C33+Alch Ring, or Range+Recharge or double Range, or even Torn Bookmark+Recharge.

As a killer main, every time I play against one of these killers as a survivor, it seems like 80% of the time, they're running some configuration of the above (not to mention also hard tunneling but I digress). I've played the above setups; just to experience what it's like using them as opposed to playing against them, and they've gotten me wins that were so low-effort and free that I thoroughly despised every single one of them (even against sweaty SWFs). I feel like for me personally, the game is much more enjoyable when there's a metaphorical tug of war throughout the game where the balance is constantly shifting and the outcome is never predictable. These setups make it essentially impossible to lose when played by anyone with a modicum of skill.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not BMing these players or saying they're unskilled in any way. In fact, a lot of the C33/Alch Ring Blights I run into play a lot better than the ones not using them, I'm just genuinely curious if they're enjoying the game while playing in this way. They essentially either nullify all weaknesses that the killer has (like C33), or amplify the killer's power so much that it's impossible to do anything against (like MDR+Yakuyoke). Some of them even straight up remove the only downside a killer has for no cost (like MDR+Cherry Blossom).

If there's any killers that consistently play with the above setups, I would really like to why you're doing it, and if you actively enjoy the game while doing so. You're essentially willingly ignoring 95% of the content in the game just to secure easy wins every game; to me, this seems backwards.

Post edited by bunnyfengenthusiast on


  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112

    Sometimes, you don't have much of a choice to bring those perks, especially when you factor in the killer being played. I have multiple loadouts, but I try to gauge what I am going to bring based on what I can see in the lobby. Yes, I try to look at profiles when I can. I also look at items being brought, and to a lesser degree the amount of prestige levels. If the entire team is multiple survivors with extremely high prestige levels, chances are they have a bit of experience.

    I will also admit, that my reads have been wrong before. I've gotten lobbies that I thought were going to be tough, but I ended up decimating them and the perks I brought made it even worse for them. There are also times where the perks weren't a deciding factor, but smart play was. I'm also confident that in some cases if those meta perks were not there, it would have likely swayed the favor in the survivor direction.

    I also think add-ons are a much bigger issue than perks themselves. The only killer perk at the moment that sucks for solo is Eruption, but even then it doesn't automatically mean you are going to win.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    That was my first thought as well. The exact same principle applies when you get a 4stack who brings 4 commodious+spool+BNP and a Badham offering. Is winning by extreme overkill and getting matches that offer as much resistance as a gentle breeze entertaining? I don't think so, but given how often I encounter it, the answer's gotta be yes for a lot of people.

    Some people will argue that they need that level of hardball to play against most opponents at their level, and getting a lobby of solos that folds at 5 gens/a killer that gets 2 hooks all game isn't their normal result. If they're conscientious, they'll acknowledge MMR messed up with that match; if they're not, they'll just say the other team needs to git gud, but either way they don't think much of it and they move on to next. Other people don't care either way or actively enjoy the stomp games, because for them, the fun is winning, not the interaction itself. And some people just think it's dumb to deny yourself the most effective tools if you have access to them, so why wouldn't you use the strongest stuff?

    It really boils down to different people having different and sometimes irreconcilable ideas on what constitutes fun.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176
    edited November 2022

    When one side can bring in the best possible items, the other side is more likely to do the same.

    People who play the strongest killers with the strongest addons and perks are only trying to fare well when put against people bringing BNPs and meta perks (and vice versa). People see it as the only way to compete against others, it's a vicious cycle, and it shows the discrepancy between meta and off-meta stuff.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Most people who play this game are normal people who get home from school/college/work and want to turn off their brains and chill while playing. They usually go on Youtube and search "best build for killers 2022" and replicate them without even thinking why the build is strong. The "tug of war" you talk about is not really fun for the casual player who only plays a few games a day.

    I used to play like this as well when I had less than 1000 hours in the game. Eventually I got bored and started doing my own builds, but the majority of the playerbase does not even have that many hours. At the end it's BHVR's fault for not balancing these loadouts, not the players who are using them.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303

    I think its fair to say that this goes for both sides.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Some people genuinely only care about winning. It's weird.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Tbf i hate sweating as killer. Getting iridescent 1 this month then I'm going to give up on ranking and just tank my mmr and have more chill games.

    Almost every game I play as survivor or killer feels pretty one sided. Either survivors smash gens/bully the killer for a 4 man escape. Or killer dominates and gets a 4k. Occasionally you'll see 2ks from a killer running NOED or facecamping in end game.

    The ranking system in particular is set up that to progress in rank gold/iridescent you need to absolutely smash games repeatedly. So you get sweaty seal team 6 SWFs and killers that will do everything they can for a 4k. Which are never fun to play against.

    I'd just love to see ranked and casual playlists. Ranked gives you the monthly ranking like we get atm. And casual doesn't plus maybe it awards a set BP amount for each game based on duration, so you can have a game where sweats will be less common because they gain no benefit from winning.

  • Rise432
    Rise432 Member Posts: 162

    going against solid team with S tier builds while u play C tier with maybe a B tier build just to lose back to back and get like 15k BP isnt that fun either.

    Its a endless cycle

  • MineatomTR
    MineatomTR Member Posts: 47

    well if they're using it it should be fun, would you use Negev on CS:GO and lose but have fun too?

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    A couple months after I picked up blight I really started getting tired of going against the same 6 perks every game. It just felt like I was going against bots with perks which I still felt that way until 6.1.0. Anyways for a couple weeks I was running pain res, dms, bbq and corrupt with alch ring and green speed. And tbf alch ring green speed is just the most fun you can have on blight. My mentality was something like "if these players who I don't even consider to be that good at survivor are running the best stuff every game, then I'm going to match them and run right over them". By the end of the two weeks of playing a couple hours each day I was pretty much done with the game for a while. I came back a month or two later and equipped shadow borne for the first time. Now I run 3 perks with no gen regression and cycle through different add-on variations. I can understand running disgustingly good stuff for a long period of time if you are going against team's that will match you in a private game, but we all know that's not what happens most of the time. Same on the survivor side though, I regularly go against swfs running 4 med-kits and the best builds they can. If teams like these aren't going against blight or nurse how do they lose? Things like this stem from how all over the place the power levels of this game are. Even if you give the best killer player ever trapper, he simply can't compete with survivor's running the best stuff. Works the other way as well though.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Best to have it and not need it then need it and not have it same for strong build survivors and items

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    Your definition of "fun" differs from others.

    This question comes at a pretty good time for me though as survivors have asked me this in endgame chat lately. 😂 I'm the most chill killer player you can imagine, I even sometimes play the crappy meme add ons for the laughs. However, I also like to achievement hunt, so I have to reach Grade 1 at some point, itsine of the few ones I have left! Decided this will be this month. Sorry but can say what you want, it's simply not possible to consistently pip in iridescent ranks if you play chill with meme perks and let people go.

    I'm not playing a meta killer - I'm mostly playing Dredge because I'm comfortable with his kit but he isn't boring to me yet. Sometimes I switch to Legion or Doctor as they are all decent for pipping. I switch up builds but to double pip in iri ranks you *need* 2+ gen slowdown perks or you need to make sure someone is dead by the time three gens are left, it's just not possible otherwise if you are in an MMR bracket where survivors understand the game and sit on gens. The positive trade off is that usually all four people get to live until there are one or two gens left as I know with slowdown perks and everyone on deathhook I can control the final three-gen.

    It's not what I would play if I don't care about pips but this month I do. I enjoy hunting the achievements, so yes, it's fun for me. ☺️

    The irony is that whenever survivors complain, they haven't exactly brought a meme build themselves but tend to have the full-on loadout. 😏

    Actually, I have had some of the fun, closest matches of my life this month as the game felt like a tug-of-war, neither side got stomped. This usually tends to be the case when I play chill with meme builds - either I get newbies that last less than 10 seconds in chase or I get a few hooks and the match us over in about five minutes. Which tanks my MMR after a while and it's back to stomping babies. It's actually kinda cool to not have that at the moment.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Fun is subjective, so yeah?