General Discussions

General Discussions

The changes weren't for the better.

It's that simple. This game is exhausting to play anymore. Almost every single match is unbalanced and toxic. Killers are buffed into infinity and survivors nerfed into the ground. The match making allows toxic swfs to bully the killer and killers to bully solo que/duoing survivors. The gameplay is repetitive. You have to hide your prestige/avoid your mains due to lobby shopping and tunneling. Nothing has been done to stop the camping or hitting on hook and tunneling is still easily done. The toxicity is rampant on both sides. Behavior wanted to shake things up and "Change the meta". They sure did. Welcome to the most miserable era of dbd. Don't be surprised when you realize your player base has evaporated. You can't expect people to want to play on what is clearly the losing side and not get tired of it.


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  • Member Posts: 7,056

    I mean to me when I think of a "Bully Squad", I'm thinking of your typical SWF who clicks their flashlights, tbags after doing something pretty mid, bringing a favorable map offering, etc. Basically anything to specifically piss off the killer, which they can only really pull off if the killer in question doesn't know how to deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Ahhh, I see. Yeah, I refer to the salty bunch of dead survivors as "my luvly wanna-be bullies" in the post game chat. Most somehow don't take too well to that ^_-

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I mean what killers are you playing? Even after 6.1.0 which pretty much only affected m1 killers outside of gen times they are still not great. Bully squads to me are just a free win as a blight player, but I don't play blight for the fact that he is S tier I play him because he is most fun and skillful killer. People always lump everything in "survivor" and "killer" when the minimum and maximum of each role is so low and high that most people's claims become irrelevant. 4 Green/purple med-kits can only be contested by blight and nurse, while even if it's solo queue they will probably still win vs all m1 killer's with builds like that. People under rate survivor as a whole and over rate killer as a whole when most killer's are bad and the only issue with survivor is mid to low mmr survivor's ruining lobby's that a killer got filled into and solo queue lacking information to be efficient. These forums make me question if player's actually know how to read balance of video game's, as I come from league I have an advantage in these areas that pretty much 95% of the people on these forums don't have. Though this game is asymmetrical so there are a incredible amount of extremely biased players as a result. Although last thing I will mention is that most player's in this game are either casual and don't care to be actually good or are trying to be good and just can't actually achieve it, probably the only multiplayer game I have played where A LARGE majority of the player base is not good. A little spiel for you I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Bruh I said that m1 killer's still aren't good after 6.1.0.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Just wanted to reinforce your point. I've been playing Wraith and Ghost Face. Literally can't down people at certain spots, simply because they know how to play. So don't let people change your mind on the viability of those killers, because groupthink is very effective in this community.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    People overestimate the effects of 6.1.0. As I said previously survivor's lost some power due to IW and DH being changed but gained some back in other areas. M1 killer's got most of the effects of the base kit buffs while killer's like blight and nurse got the gen times. tbf I think alch ring blight is fair vs comp teams/full sweat squads that are also good players running the best stuff, but it's not common to run into players like that. Though with the increase in full meta survivor's lately I can't imagine m1 killers are any better than 6.1.0. And I know I have said this a lot in my recent posts/replies but people in this game think they are WAY better than they actually are. While this is generally true in most multiplayer games, this is the only game I play where most players are bad straight up. It genuinely baffles me when people flaunt the fact that they have 5k hours and are losing to wraith with eruption in their swf, like this game is not that complex that it takes even 2k hours to be good at whatever role/killer you are trying to be good at. People overrate how hard this game is while not understanding how broken and weak each role can be.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I have to agree with rovend, what are you more likely to find one really good nurse or 4 good survivor's on the same team? For me even the comp teams I have gone against have one weak player. Nurse isn't really that hard, well really is any killer. Blight's definitely the hardest when including all collision and mechanics but even then, a couple weeks and you got most of it down mechanically. No one has actually mastered blight I guess and he is the only killer who each tile is player differently based on what's around it. But again 90% of the players in this game I would consider bad, not good or amazing. This is really specific to this game only in all of the multiplayer games I have played besides paladins. Just now I praised a survivor for being amazing for the first time in a couple months. Though tbf a lot of people do just play this game casually, not to actually improve and the mmr system does not help this fact.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    It is way more common to found a good nurse than a toxic swf.

    Come on, again with the 'nurse has the lowest kill rate'.

    Remember that the stats does not include games with DC, and nurse games are plagued with DCs. There are thousands of 3k that are not added to the stats.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    That's not how statistics works. You only need a tiny sample size as long as your sample is representative of your population to get an accurate measurement. The reality is that top tier nurses are extremely rare.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    For me, based on my experiences, they are not rare at all. I am constantly seeing 4k, 6k, 8k nurses when i play, and i am not top tier either

  • Member Posts: 1,065
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Which changes exactly?

  • Member Posts: 499

    Really? Did you forget the old days DH, DS, unbreakabill, BT every match? Or the keys easy escapes or mori second hook nonsense? Fact is, game has been getting better and better in terms of balance, the main problem right now is map design and nurse.

    But perk variety now is much better, theres way more options than few years ago.

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited November 2022

    There's nothing wrong with tunneling or hitting on hook to be honest. Although I'd agree there are some obvious things BHVR could change which I still don't fathom why they haven't done so yet.

    Survivors being boxed in by another survivor or killer and perma trapped? Make AFK crows remove their collision so they can slowly phase through other players

    Bubba or other killers camping hook? Make their power deplete if they don't participate in chases for prolonged periods as they are chase killers

    Getting dodged in lobby? Add the ability to hide your prestige like PC can hide names or just make it hidden by default - Just do something

    Survivors not able to coordinate with other random survivors? Show survivors every perk being used in the lobby by other survivors and show in game prompts when they proc

    People keep dodging lobbies when the game starts? Remove map offerings - Seriously these things are 90% of why my games never load and I don't blame people - Map offerings ruin the quality of the game - I don't care if someone wants to do a one off game just to try a very oddly specific build or to make their battlepass challenges easier

    Overall your teammates playing like idiots? Redesign the battlepass so people don't get tunnel vision on completing a very oddly specific thing while screwing over your team. Survivors should have the ability to select multiple challenges and do them at once as they can't split their resources and time like killers can for their objectives.

    I just listed every single consistent complaint on the forum. Waiting for arguments on why these things aren't addressed yet. Especially the body blocking issue. Imagine if that was addressed it would actually reduce the amount of necessary reports and players would quit asking "IS THIS OKAY" on the forums because the body blocking rule is so vague and broad and changes on a case by case basis. Fix it so people quit needing to ask.

    Toxicity isn't rampant in this game BHVR just doesn't address things that are quite obvious from a normal player standpoint quick enough and it leads to frustrating games.

    Personally though - On a positive note and it's okay if you don't agree. I actually really enjoyed the last balance patch we received. It's definitely brought a lot of new and awesome builds into the game. It's just a lot of issues that are still not addressed or newly surfacing issues aren't being addressed.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yeah! I also think Blight's overrated, especially his add-ons. Alchemist's Ring does not change his counterplay. You can still dead angled his rush. He just gets to rushing again faster.

    I think the reason you know the players are bad is their opinion on killer perks. Since day 1 of the Overcharge/Call Of Brine hysteria, I've said "It's countered by gen tapping." Only with Eruption as well does it become anywhere close to problematic, and even that is countered by tapping a gen, leaving it since you know the killer kicked it, and then come back to it after Eruption has been used up. People don't want to think and improvise about doing gens. That's how they get 3-gen'd all the time.

    That's just 1 perk combo. They honestly thought that post-nerf Ruin/Undying was broken, Tinkerer broken, etc. Pop/Pain Res especially, despite the fact that killers would get like 7-9 hooks with that build and still lose. People also still complain about NOED, Blood Warden, that old song and dance.

    If you actually face the best survivors, efficient on gens, near-flawless in chase, etc, your best bet is using Corrupt/Deadlock. I came to that conclusion before 6.1.0, and it's still true, and no pun intended but Tru3 also said that perk combo was the best vs that caliber recently. The reason it's the best vs them is because they basically don't go down, so the only slowdown you're gonna get use out of is the guaranteed stuff. Even Deadlock isn't infallible because when one gen gets blocked, they can juggle another, so even though a gen just became unblocked from Deadlock suddenly another 1-2 gets done, because they did that. Or they can just wait out the 30 seconds, which is the same way to deal with Eruption.

    But definitely this community has a lot of average people who think they know what's strong and how to play efficiently, but they don't. That's why anything that comes close to being strong for killer is "OP", every time. And if course anything OP on the survivor side is "easily counterable" or "it's rare, so deal with it." There's some really dumb takes from killers as well, but I mostly see it on the survivor side since they're the majority.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    They were good. I dont have an internal MMR calculator to know if they were mid, high or god tier, but most games ended very quickly so i assume they were.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited November 2022

    Or maybe you aren't as good as you think you are? Also, if we use hours as an estimate, every 8k hour survivor i see must be a SWF bully squad right?

    The point is, good nurses are just as rare as good SWF squads.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    I really wish i could play in that region where nurses are bad, for me they are mostly agi-star midwich nurses

  • Member Posts: 183

    Are people's games really this consistently bad like a lot of people parrot on this forum? And if so, I hate to sound like an ass but why are you still playing if it's truly that unpleasant?

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Sometimes i get good games, but those kind of games are not the ones that people will open thread to talk about

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Yeah people don't open the forums to talk about how their game's go well. Personally on both survivor and killer most things are blown out of proportion. I have been tunneled once in the 100 or so survivor games I have played since 6.1.0. I have been proxy camped by a new player and by huntress players a few times. On killer side people are not that toxic, but the one thing that is consistent is people tbagging/pointing until you push them out at the exit gate, even my survivor main friend doesn't understand that mob mentality.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Yeah that makes sense. People act so exaggerated and apocalyptic about everything. But mostly both sides just cherry pick stuff just to try and get the other side nerfed and it's annoying.

  • Member Posts: 168

    The kill rate before 6.1.0 was ~50%. On paper that may appear balanced, but in practice it is not. There are several reasons for this.

    1: When killers win, they tend to get 4 kills more often than not. If they get 3 kills, it is more often than not due to hatch, which I don't believe is counted in the overall stats for kill rates. MMR also completely ignores hatch escapes.

    2: When killers lose, they still tend to get 1 kill. By nature of the killer being better in the 1v1 it is very easy to secure a kill even in the harshest of losses. This means that the vast majority of the time, game results don't typically range from 0-4 kills (2 average) but instead 1-4 kills (2.5 average).

    Based on that, logically the kill rate should ideally be a little over 60% for the game to be truly balanced. There is also the fact that kill rates aren't everything since there are a lot of different factors driving them that aren't always the most predictable, but on the general that's roughly where they should sit, and the devs have made clear that's their end goal.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    i feel the game pretty balance as survivor but i can understand your pain. I heard Many survivors reporting they rarely win (in the low rank especially). you kinda gotta be decent at looping these days to even stand a chance. Casual players are slowly losing there place in dead by daylight. Sadly most people only feel the game is somewhat balance when they are winning consistently. Probably gonna see even longer killer q time. People don't like to lose it just a simple fact of life.

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2022

    Honestly yea I haven’t won a match in awhile and I don’t think I’m the worst player nor am I the best but it’s not fun if I’m practicing all the time and I still am unable to win.(as a survivor) I’ve also encountered many scenarios that make you feel powerless/helpless and not in a adrenaline pumping while you run from the killer way. Like a Michael grabbing me in the beginning of a match, no gens done, and not even injured but killing me instantly. Or a Leather face camping my hook the entire round until I die because my team can’t get me. And not to mention nemesis hitting me through walls whilst trapping me in a room with a zombie in a door way honestly I need a break. Yes killers are OP to me. I don’t care if I’m just not skilled apparently. It’s frustrating when you’re knocked and the killers leaves you there and slugs everyone and you have to sit the entire round waiting to die because everyone else is also dying or being chased. This game is Dead By Daylight alright, because I won’t be playing it anymore by tomorrow morning :,)

  • Member Posts: 611

    Tunneling, camping, hitting on hook are core elements of DBD

  • Member Posts: 746

    i agree killers are op?!? well not really however i've seen a huge huge increase in DCs and suicides on first hook there is never a balanced match either i soloQ and lose due to teammates dying within 10 sec of a chase or i play with some friends and get a 4 man escape with like 1 or 2 hooks its NEVER AND I MEAN NNEEEVVVVVVEEEERRRRRR even matches

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    If bots are even remotely fun to play against, I see no good reason to ever play in queue again.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2022

    I don't find the basekit changes to be that big of an issue. Maybe take away the basekit STBFL considering how strong the actual perk is. There's a reason so many people run it. The real problem is how oppressive gen regression is. Especially against uncoordinated solo teams that aren't playing at 100% efficiency. Throw on Eruption, Pain Res, Call of Brine, Deadlock, etc and you will win nearly every game. It's not just the regression that's a problem. It's the amount of info the perks give the killer. You don't even need to run aura perks anymore. I see almost zero variety in my games. Every killer runs the exact same builds. Not the meta shakeup they probably had in mind. Most survivors will just DC or kill themselves on the hook since they can't keep up on the gens. The current gen regression meta is much stronger than the old one. Pop and Ruin were nowhere near as oppressive as the perks we have now. Ruin could at least be cleansed out of the game. Pop required the killer to at least get a hook and then travel to the gen.

  • Member Posts: 317

    This contradicts itself in a few sentences. Killers are buffed to infinity- toxic swf bullies killers….???

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