Some things that are just no fun

Anvil Member Posts: 39
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

I play games because they are fun and rewarding. If a game isn't fun or becomes not fun, I stop playing. DBD can be very fun as survivors and killers try to outplay each other through strategy and general sneaky/deviousness. However, there are a few things that are simply not fun and so I avoid them. I'm wondering what the opinions of others are on these topics:

  • I would rather play killer (it's potentially more fun for me) but survivors have way too many tools for toxicity, so I'm a survivor main.
  • I don't play against Freddy. For the survivor, DBD is a both a game of cat-and-mouse and a game of hide-and-seek. Freddy greatly sabotages both of these. Out of the dream state survivors have no idea where the killer is (when you know he is near) to have a chance at hiding; it's mostly luck based. A game based on luck and not skill is not fun for me (I don't gamble either).
    While in the dream state he can track the survivor very easily, so there is ultimately no escape unless he's after someone else. I like the idea of Freddy and have no problem with the killer or the mechanics really. I just find this to be zero fun and won't spend a decent chunk of my personal time doing something that's not fun.

  • I'm considering no longer playing against The Doctor for similar reasons, but this only recently became the case when the maps shrunk. When half the map is covered by his terror radius, fun left the building.

Both Freddy and The Doctor are not the greatest killers and I find them both fun to play. However, the game should be fun for everyone involved (I can still have fun playing the game when not killing any survivors or being the first to die). There are a lot of discussions around both survivor and killer toxicity, so no need to continue the rant about those.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    @Anvil said:
    (I don't gamble either).

    I bet you that you respond back to this topic

  • Anvil
    Anvil Member Posts: 39

    @Anvil said:
    (I don't gamble either).

    I bet you that you respond back to this topic

    You didn't bet anything so it isn't gambling, just betting; I win ;)
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Right. God forbid you'd have to adjust your playstyle depending on what killer you're facing. That requires a small amount of thinking. Not fun indeed.

    Christ this community is full of weaklings. Anything that makes a game a bit harder than comfortable, is deemed "unfun" and you guys start DC-ing. Sad.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359
    Freddy? Doctor is 100 times worse and if he uses the restraint add on good luck hiding 
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Right. God forbid you'd have to adjust your playstyle depending on what killer you're facing. That requires a small amount of thinking. Not fun indeed.

    Christ this community is full of weaklings. Anything that makes a game a bit harder than comfortable, is deemed "unfun" and you guys start DC-ing. Sad.

    Same goes for killers. :)
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    @Anvil said:
    I play games because they are fun and rewarding. If a game isn't fun or becomes not fun, I stop playing. DBD can be very fun as survivors and killers try to outplay each other through strategy and general sneaky/deviousness. However, there are a few things that are simply not fun and so I avoid them. I'm wondering what the opinions of others are on these topics:

    • I would rather play killer (it's potentially more fun for me) but survivors have way too many tools for toxicity, so I'm a survivor main.
    • I don't play against Freddy. For the survivor, DBD is a both a game of cat-and-mouse and a game of hide-and-seek. Freddy greatly sabotages both of these. Out of the dream state survivors have no idea where the killer is (when you know he is near) to have a chance at hiding; it's mostly luck based. A game based on luck and not skill is not fun for me (I don't gamble either).
      While in the dream state he can track the survivor very easily, so there is ultimately no escape unless he's after someone else. I like the idea of Freddy and have no problem with the killer or the mechanics really. I just find this to be zero fun and won't spend a decent chunk of my personal time doing something that's not fun.

    • I'm considering no longer playing against The Doctor for similar reasons, but this only recently became the case when the maps shrunk. When half the map is covered by his terror radius, fun left the building.

    Both Freddy and The Doctor are not the greatest killers and I find them both fun to play. However, the game should be fun for everyone involved (I can still have fun playing the game when not killing any survivors or being the first to die). There are a lot of discussions around both survivor and killer toxicity, so no need to continue the rant about those.

    I enjoy testing my luck with freddy and doctor without any issues it makes the game more scary like which I think this game lacks in scare tactics freddy and doctor are quite good with luck creation and I laugh when I get caught because its fun..

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.
  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    At least you get to know that you're up against that killer so that you have a chance to change your tactics.

    I WISH it let me know when I was up against a SWF group from the start so that I could adapt Anti SWF tactics early in the match.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Gamzello said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.

    Yeah, Pig is complete RNG. You're right with the key too. Once a trap is placed, the trap is assigned a box that has the key in it. No other box will have your key making it so 3 boxes are 100% chance to fail and 1 box 100% chance to have your key. I think it gets affected by addons that add more boxes and give more traps though if I'm not mistaken.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    @Gamzello said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.

    Yeah, Pig is complete RNG. You're right with the key too. Once a trap is placed, the trap is assigned a box that has the key in it. No other box will have your key making it so 3 boxes are 100% chance to fail and 1 box 100% chance to have your key. I think it gets affected by addons that add more boxes and give more traps though if I'm not mistaken.

    Honestly I wish she had better add ons. Her current ones are kinda? Trash tbh. That’s just my own opinion but yeah.

    I honestly feel like she has potential to be a good killer idk.
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Gamzello said:

    @Gamzello said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.

    Yeah, Pig is complete RNG. You're right with the key too. Once a trap is placed, the trap is assigned a box that has the key in it. No other box will have your key making it so 3 boxes are 100% chance to fail and 1 box 100% chance to have your key. I think it gets affected by addons that add more boxes and give more traps though if I'm not mistaken.

    Honestly I wish she had better add ons. Her current ones are kinda? Trash tbh. That’s just my own opinion but yeah.

    I honestly feel like she has potential to be a good killer idk.
    Freddy slows down the game better than her rn, she just needs less rng not sure how to do it tho
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    Gamzello said:

    @Gamzello said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.

    Yeah, Pig is complete RNG. You're right with the key too. Once a trap is placed, the trap is assigned a box that has the key in it. No other box will have your key making it so 3 boxes are 100% chance to fail and 1 box 100% chance to have your key. I think it gets affected by addons that add more boxes and give more traps though if I'm not mistaken.

    Honestly I wish she had better add ons. Her current ones are kinda? Trash tbh. That’s just my own opinion but yeah.

    I honestly feel like she has potential to be a good killer idk.
    Not all her add-ons are bad some of them I do like such as crate of gears and bag of gears. Although things like tampered timer could be buffed a little.
  • Anvil
    Anvil Member Posts: 39

    @Gamzello said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    You must HATE the Pig then with how luck based she's based around then huh?

    Technically it’s not really luck but more RNG. Not too long ago I found out that only one is the true box (basically key) out of death. The time when I got it twice at the end of the game due to that Pig camping me I went straight back to the “right” box and it worked lmao.

    As for the OP: that’s tough. Lots of low/mid tier killers are kinda fun to play but you don’t get as many kills unless you play against a really bad team.

    Yeah, Pig is complete RNG. You're right with the key too. Once a trap is placed, the trap is assigned a box that has the key in it. No other box will have your key making it so 3 boxes are 100% chance to fail and 1 box 100% chance to have your key. I think it gets affected by addons that add more boxes and give more traps though if I'm not mistaken.

    I once removed my mask at same place someone else just removed theirs, was downed and masked and removed that one at the same box.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I disagree. I find killer way more fun then survivor.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Not playing against a killer you don't like is what's going to kill this game, If that ideology keeps spreading nobody will play a game unless they know they're winning. Legion? DC, Decisive? DC, SWF? DC the list could go on and on.

    As for the two you picked, Both are weak killers.

    Freddy If you hear his song you either run or hide. Freddy has to pull you into his dream before he can even hit you, this is what makes him such a weak killer. Yes he has aura reading in the dream state but that's easily countered by failing a skill check to wake up, he then has to hunt you down again and pull you into a dream again and wastes a lot of time doing that.
    Doc on the other hand his power is supposed to help him find survivors and prevent looping but looping is his weakest point, unless you shock at the right time he gets stomped by a good loop or pallet.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    OMG! Another rank 20 survirvor post... GIT GUD!