Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Isn't it time for map offerings to go yet?

Okay, i'm pretty sure there are lots of stuff written on this topic, but since they still exist, here is another. Simply, i don't want my gaming experience in my opponents' hands just because they want an easier match.

That's not an exaggeration in the slightest since there are literally nerve wrecking maps (garden, badham), objectively unbalanced ones (gideon, eyrie), or ones straight unfun to play on (rpd, haddonfield), i won't mention cowshed or shelter with its 5 pallets because that's irrelevant to map offerings. Maps ARE NOT balanced and the power to choose which one you are going to play on is too much. Facing those offerings every other match gets tiring really quick so removing them would be the best change ever, if not, at least sac wards can be made common i don't know.



  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Just use the offering to deny any map offering. The green hand one. It is literaly made for such a purpose. Or use your own offering and hope you get lucky against theirs. Maps can be boring sometimes with some rotations. Sometimes I feel like I want to play on a certain map for fun. I do not wish to wait for weeks before it shows up so I just use an offering. I never really cared which map is balanced and which is not. I often won with the killer on very survivor sided maps.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    you can't use a rare offering every match can you? plus i'm certain people don't burn jigsaw pieces or springwoods just because they miss the maps, sadly

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Funny enough i have burned every springwood I had on all my killers and survivors because its my fav map lol. Same with rpd. Elm street and RE are my fav licences in the game. Other offerings I rarely ever use.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    ye seems like the only reason anyone would want to play killer on those maps lol. i used to like badham when i was new to the game but then i started facing decent survivors...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm not pro nor anti map offerings, but I'd be down for them going and instead replaced by meaningful map-alterating offerings. I'd just like them to be replaced by something, if they were to go.

    At the same time, as killer I'd miss them a little: one of my top maps for performing is oddly Ormands, which is often considered more in favour of survivors, so it's always a joy to have that offering flung at me!

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    offerings would be a nice starting step, yes maps themselves definitely are the underlying problem but, yea

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Instead of deleting them, make them do the opposite of what they currently do now, make them prevent the realm from appearing

    People have been asking for a map ban system, this should be it

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i really can see killers wanting to burn ormond autohaven or macmillan after getting so many "fun" maps but at the same time there are midwich nurses or gideon c33 blights. the issue is, they are very highly abusable as i said, not just "ENOUGH WITH THE BS MAPS"

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    that sounds like heaven. i'd take every garden offering i see if that happens

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    Short answer: yes! Long answer: actually yes, but BHVR would be in a bind of what to actually fill the blood web with. Map offerings aside, I think that survivors could need one or two new classes of items.

    Someone suggested that an easy fix would be to let map offerings work in reverse: instead of sending you to a specific realm when burned the fixed ones would throw the chosen realm out of the map pool for that round. If the game send you 5 times that night to the swamp, just burn up a couple of grandma's cook books.

    This would solve the toxicity involved with map offerings and make them useful for both sides in one bold, fell swop.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497
    edited November 2022

    This would also be cool. Besides darkness and brightness altering offering we could add more bushes or foliage, spawn more burning drums, maybe an ultra rare that spawns an extra T L wall (non stackable), I am sure that we could come up with a couple more fun ones.

    Maybe something wild like "1/2/3 hooks on the map will spawn with two actual hooks attached to the pole" or you could upgrade the chests to spawn better quality items or special chests that have two emergency flashlights.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 228

    Yeah when I could use a bp offering instead.Luckily for me my ps5 glitches every time a map offering shows up.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    this would be way nicer and definitely more doable since yes, bloodweb can be a problem. i still wouldn't use them to let rng gods do their work and definitely would love bps for existing offerings lol

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    I'm actually torn... I like niche killer builds that only work on certain maps. On both sides. I went against a Scratched Mirror Myers on Lerys the other day and it's been one of the rare occasions where I JUMPED out of my seat as survivor in a long time. I would have been a shame if that match had been on Autohaven and I had seen him coming from a mile away. 🙄

    This will be an unpopular opinion but I feel like map offerings should disappear only for survivors and not for killers. A killer can make a niche build around a map but let's be honest, they will almost always sacrifice something else for it. We know Scratched Mirror Myers does because he's also so slow.

    Survivors can actually stack four loadouts to be optimised for a map, not just one.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    that's the only play but my ancient pc takes its sweet time to restart the game and i don't want to lose my loadout when i use my best stuff

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    poor scratched mikey would need to be sacrificed but i can't say killers are *completely* fine with offerings, i think

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    I rarely see killers being map offerings and I also rarely bring map offerings myself but when i do it's for killers/builds that are completed negated by most maps. Scratched Mirror Mikey is the best example but my boy the Trapper is another. There only so many matches on the Eyrie that I can take with him, at some point I'll bring myself to a map with grass. 😳

    I don't feel like survivors are completely negated by any map.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i partly agree with that but i really don't want to say we should take them from one side only

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    I did say it'll be a unpopular opinion. 😅 They will *never* do this, so don't worry. Just, personally, I don't really cringe when a killer brings an offering (and still feel like it can go either way) but not always a fan of a fellow survivor taking us all to Badham.

    But I also won't lie, I may have to touch my RPD offerings at some point to get the achievement with opening the door on that map. I don't think I want to wait for this to happen organically. I hope the killers out there will forgive me. 😂😳

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,115

    Map offerings should be retooled so if you bring one its to guarantee you WONT go there. Perhaps then I'd have reason to buy swamp, macmillam and ,breakers yard offerings on the bloodweb.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,953
    edited November 2022

    I like this idea. I would take it one step further though and just make them "indoor" or "outdoor". Some killer builds (or even just powers) specifically favor one or the other, sometimes to the point of viability (like scratched mirror builds.) Since indoor can mean the game or rpd just as much as lery's or midwitch, I feel like it would be a good compromise for the currently lopsided state of maps. There could also be a similar split for "multi-floor" and "flat" maps as well, but they shouldn't be able to combine (in order to prevent swf's stacking to get specific maps again.)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited November 2022

    This. I wish boring people would stop suggesting boring things like removing gameplay options.

    The solution is to balance maps, not to take away everyone's freedom and water the game down even further.

    But even then, no map is that unbalanced, every map is viable, some are just a bit better for a certain role or certain killers. People just have crazy overblown OCD issues about certain maps, as if it's impossible to escape from RPD or something.

    If anything, they should remove map offerings from survivors, and just have them as a killer only thing. It's never made sense that survivors get to dictate where the entity sends them.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,303

    Only reason I want map offerings to stay as they are is because 1. It helps when I'm being sent to same map in back to back matches when no offerings were played and 2. Keeps me from going to Shelter Woods when I have a "fall from great height in chase" challenge.

    I'd love if they added a great height to every map (or even better stopped with the challenge) and made it so the last realm the 5 players went to would not be an option for the next match - then change the offerings to guarantee not being sent to a realm instead of increasing the chances. There's like 20 realms, removing 5 from the options to prevent a back to back and then additional 5 from offerings still leaves 10 realms players can go to.

  • conqueror_worm__
    conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96

    I had Autohaven Wreckers three times on the trot a few nights ago and that was followed with Backwater Swamp, at that point I was bored of playing in the same dank dark maps so I put a Eyrie of Crows offering on, not because it is survivor sided or because I wanted an easy game but because it is the most different visually from the ones I've been playing.

    Also, when I play killer its always good to have a few Lery's offerings available for when I want to be a Jumpscare Myers.

    Someone suggested earlier that offerings to prevent maps could be an idea, I can't see how that would work, you would end up with some maps that are played less than the Twins

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    you know what actually is boring? being sent to maps 4 games in a row. sure thing the single person or the group of survivors are having their fun

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited November 2022

    Why is that boring? Whether someone played a map offering or not, you would have ended up on a map of some description.

    What different does it make if you roll RPD at random or if someone uses up their offering slot to send you there?

    Maybe they should just make map offerings hidden offerings to shut up the whiners.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it is still just one person that wants a map for whatever reason, dictating a whole lobby to play on it. maps are a huge factor and there are a whole lot of broken ones right now. i don't think reverse map offerings would make us never see a map except maybe rpd. everyone dislikes different maps

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    There is no map in the game that you cannot escape from as survivor or that you cannot 4K with killer. None of them are 'broken'.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    tome challenges and achievements are interesting, cLeAnSe 15 tOTeMs and screw over booning teammates. that'd be a good band aid solution i think

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,953

    "Exploitable" would be a much more accurate term. A lot of maps have issues that one side or the other can certainly abuse if they go into a match knowing they'll be there.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it obviously is, but what do you think they can do first? rebalancing the whole game essentially or just removing the offerings?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited November 2022


    Any map with a lot of high elevations is great for Balanced Landing.

    Large maps are easier for survivors to evade the killer, providing it's not a highly mobile one.

    Meanwhile indoor maps are bad for highly mobile killers.

    Gideon has a ton of pallets.

    Midwich and Gideon are great for TR base killers like Doctor or Starstruck Nurse.

    Indoor maps are great for Ghostface/Myers and necessary for Mirror Myers.

    Dredge has to think about locker placements.

    Huntress/Trickster have to think about LoS blockers and locker placements.

    But you can just as easily end up on these maps by chance as much as you could intentionally, and in those cases, someone is using up their Offering slot to take you there. I know Offerings slots don't hold as much weight as Perk slots these days due to the fact that everyone just plays BP offerings, but they could have potentially played a Mori, or a hatch spawn offering or something, instead. Offering slots deserve to be used for something that will aid you in some way.

    I just don't get why people get so worked up about them. You have t play on a map, it may as well be the one you end up on, and if someone specifically wanted that map so what?

    The only cases it really makes that much of a difference is Starstruck Nurse or a Bully Squad, and in either of those cases, it's not just the map that's making the game oppressive.

    I swear I'm the only person who actually plays this game for fun anymore. Everyone else just wants to make it as boring and formulaic as possible. I consider the 'anti map offering' brigade to be in the same boat as the 'pro-DCing' and 'pro-new Mori system' camps.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Just stopping by to show my continued support for the removal of map offerings.

    Alternatively, I also like the idea of reversing their function to ban a realm instead.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,838

    This would also solve the problem of getting cucked by rng and getting the same map 5 times in a row.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,188

    Address the worst unbalancing features of each notorious map, and work that list.

    The offerings themselves are not to blame. But any map shouldn't convey such a one-sided advantage, and several of them unfortunately do.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,953

    Did you even read what I suggested earlier? The only thing that needs to go about map offerings is how they can be used to turn niche situational circumstances into guaranteed ones. On the same token, there are many addons and powers that work considerably poorly under specific circumstances, so they can absolutely benefit from being able to avoid specific map types. Converting the offerings into map type classifications is the best middleground without ruining fun or whatever you decided to rant about there. The problem is being able to choose specific map realms, as some realms have all of their maps have a varying degree of favor for one side or the other (making it a very poor category of being able to choose directly.)

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,014

    I really dislike the idea of removing map offerings because some builds only really work on very specific maps... like most stealth builds, which includes Jumpscare Myers, which involves a quite popular and unique playstile. Scratched Mirrors is a meme add-on in any outdoor map, but since there are only 5 indoor maps in the whole game, the chance to get one via RNG is really low. To make it worse, the only map that is CONSISTENTLY good for stealth builds is Lery's. Gideon's upper floor has a ridiculously open area with really good visibility, Midwich has long corridors there are impossible of entering without being seen and both maps from new RPD have some gen placements that can't be approached out of line of sight.

    By the way, Scratched Mirror Myers is the one affected the worst by map RNG because he is too slow in Tier I, but every stealth build loses effectiveness in most maps. That is specially hard on killers with oblivious/undetectable add-ons like Demogorgon, Nemesis, Wesker, Twins and Pinhead.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i dont like the idea of changing them in a way that prevents maps from appearing because then killer mains will never allow survivors to get good maps would ban springwood, garden, ormond etc. i would remove them entirely and get the points back, that would be nice.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    I am think that this is the best option. Don't forget that the killer can only negate one realm, with still plenty of unfavorable ones left. But still, this would allow the killer to manipulate things a tiny bit in their favor.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    nah keep them. I can only stomach the game sending me to midwich so many times before I play one.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    If only map offerings decreased the chances to go in certain realms, that would be so much better

    I'd finally start to make use of all my rpd badges and marys letters

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I need to save those whenever I play with my brother who thinks it's SOOOO funny to send everyone to RPD

    Freaking Masochist I swear, lol

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,915

    Maybe, maybe not. It's fun to choose where you want to play. In the past I bought into the idea that, "SWF just wants to bring me to a busted survivor map." But when every map is busted, no map is. So just don't care anymore if they bring me to a certain map. I do care when Scratched Mirror Myers brings me to The Game or Lery's, because those matches are infuriating to play. But other than that, I don't care either way.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    "But when every map is busted, no map is." hahhahahahahahhah okay that definitely is my COPIUM sentence until offerings or maps themselves are taken care of, thank you for that. because i task manager a jigsaw piece then i get a natural badham right after anyway

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    The only time I'm okay with map offerings is in the case of jumpscare Myers. That alone doesn’t justify their existence and all the bs that comes with them. Get rid of them ASAP.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    Mirror Myers are literally the best games and he only works on Lerys.