Are the AFK killers real players or bots?

Me and my brother have been playing DBD and noticed that layely we've been getting a lot of afk killers and we're wondering if they're just bots or if theyre real players trying to lower their MMR.
Best Answer
It's not bhvr's bots if you about that. Real players sometimes use bots too both for lowering mmr and for farm (rift fragments and bp). If they are completely afk - it's just afk players (sometimes with bot-scripts to restart search after the game but sometimes they watch YouTube and restart games manually every 15 minutes for example). You don't really need have bot to be afk.
If they hit air constantly and use their ability with no reason - that's bots. They farm bp, lowering mmr, and lowering chances to be reported (survivors can farm too and even pip hence they don't pissed off so much compared with afk insidious lightborn killers).
But still they are bots of real players after all.
Sometimes you queue and its so long you forget that you were in queue.
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Ah! Thank you that makes sense i mostly run into doctors who swing in the air and use their shock so ill farm off of them by letting myself get hit or shocked and then heal up and snap out of it. Might as well get som3 extra bloodpoints while im in a game with no real killer. But thank you for letting me know!
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Really? I had no clue those were bots, I ran into a few of those myself and I wondered was that a player that got somehow stuck. A bot didnt cross my mind
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Well, your thoughts aren't wrong, sometimes people can stuck that way (once I got stuck in generator as Doctor, lol) but it's more obvious. Like they are in between textures or/and spinning in confusion or/and nod acknowledging your presence.
And bots just use m1 and m2 every %x% seconds. Also, bots are more common than stucking in smth first minute in game so... yeah. Bots.
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Yeah happened to me once as Trickster on Lerys. I vaulted that window above in the main room, I got stuck and floated on air. It was such a shame because I was winning that game. I couldnt get unstuck.
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I think some are real players, there are some bots that attack in a spot and I even had a more sophisticated Doctor who could move within a range and shock as well as hit.
But I also encountered a Wraith who was afk and I found him cloaked and Flashbanged him for fun thinking he was really AFK, but then he re-position somewhere else in the map and when we finished all gens we went looking for him thinking we could maybe farm some BP and he simply opened the gate to make us leave.