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Why has 3 Gen been buffed for killer

With eruption, pain resonance, Call of brine and overcharge it's impossible to do a Gen once a 3 Gen is established. How did the devs think this new meta would help solo q or nerf 4 man?

I'm tired of my gens being regressed for free. Has no one seen Choy's Wesker Cringe vids?

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  • Member Posts: 429
    edited November 2022

    Three gen should be removed from the game, it's a holdover from the past, doesn't fit the game-play loop anymore and is too easily abused.

  • Member Posts: 1,065
    edited November 2022

    Sometimes it's not even a true 3 closed together gens. I had this match yesterday against a wraith where there were two gens close, and the third was mid-map away. as he got invisible, he would go to the far gen to kick it and chase off the surv there and then go back to the two gens.

    The constant spam of eruption and pain res make the far gen explode more than 6 times without the wraith being nowhere near.

  • Member Posts: 429

    I'm referring to the rediculous three gens that are 10-20 feet apart from each-other and impossible to complete.

  • Member Posts: 663

    It's a team based game, all it takes is one survivor to create the 3 Gen. How are their actions my fault and thus to be punished? You killlers speak like I failed a fl save and got downed doing so.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    my favorite is Haddonfield

    always a gen by the porch and half the time another gen spawn 8 feet away inside the house. The last part of the three gen is at the end the street which isn't far from the house. (no line of sight blockers for that gen as well)

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    You're part of a team with no communication. At times it's good and at other times it rocks. If you don't want to take the good with the bad play Killer or join a SWF. I'm not trying to sound harsh but those are your only realistic options. Maybe once status icons or a chat wheel comes it'll be better but, for right now, those are your options.

    Also, for many Killers their only viable options to win against survivors close to their skill level is either/or camp, tunnel, 4 person slug, or a 3 gen. I prefer the 3 gen over the first three options but until the weaker Killers get updated that's their tool house.

  • Member Posts: 871

    It is obvious that everyone has to play the way they want to, soloQ or as a team 🤗

    But it is obviously the risk of playing alone that you find yourself in this kind of situation; we will say that you play knowingly.

  • Member Posts: 871

    If you want to remove the very concept of 3gen from the game, then you have to rework the cards to make them much bigger 😣

    I let you imagine the pleasure of patrolling on maps 2 or 3 times bigger 🤔

  • Member Posts: 871

    The WORST RNG in this map is when, in addition to the generator that is always in front of Myers' house, there is a generator in the children's park, and another one next door at the end of the street.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2022

    not only 3 gens many times there are 4 up to 5 gens in the same side is insanity and BHVR dont care. 3 gen is a thing having to deal with 2 gens because there is a 4 gen is a completely different thing especially if the killer knows how yto play the game. 3 gens and 4 gens must leave its just time to leave.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Yes, as you stated it's a team based game when you're playing survivor..

    You succeed or fail as a team. That's pretty much the entire point of a team, though I'm curious as to how one survivor can create a 3-gen all by themselves?

  • Member Posts: 663

    Okay, my question was why did they BUFF 3 gens.

    Not why their existence in the game is a thing.

    No one killer mains can surmise this balance issue even after the new survivor is the first with 3 gen perks?

  • Member Posts: 869

    What is even considered "buffing 3 gens" exactly?

    Wouldn't just any Gen defense perk be considered that?

    I wouldn't say Gen defense has been particularly buffed as of late.

    Should all Gen defense perks just go or suck badly then?

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Well, given that they didn't buff 3-gens your question is moot.

    Unless you have evidence to prove your assertion, of course, but you haven't provided any to date.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    This seems obvious since Ruin, which could be neutralized by simply breaking bones, is no longer useful.

    Considering solo, Eruption needs to change its numbers, but it is basically the survivor's responsibility to leave a very close 3gen.

  • Member Posts: 5,502
    edited November 2022

    I would go one step further and say "play a couple of games with Deja Vu and tackle those three gens from gen 1". Seriously, this perk is so slept on, because "uwu its babies first perk... I got more important perks to slot down", when in reality this perks shows you in real time which three gens are the most dangerous three gen right now. If you remove any two of these, a true 3-gen will be impossible and the best the killer can hope for at the last three gens is two that are close, but the other one will definitely be an island gen somewhere.

    "But I don't want to equip Deja Vu, I want to equip something more flashy!!11". Well yeah, understandably, but thats how meta and counter-meta arise and fall and rise again; something is super effective, people take countermeasures to that super effective thing, its no longer effective and people do something else, rinse, repeat, until someone will try that thing again etc. So be the change you want, be the one who breaks the 3 gens all the time, maybe making your killer regret that they overextented for just that one chase, and now their nice 3-gen, that they had decided to defend, is gone.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    For real, I can't tell you how often I finish a gen together with another survivor, and they immediately jump on the gen that spawned 10m next to that one. Yeah, how about skipping that one and doing the gen one over? If everyone always skipped the neared gen when finishing one, I bet that it would be statistically impossible to end up with a true 3-gen. But this is already something that could be considered as an advanced technique and too theory-heavy for a lot of players.

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited November 2022

    Yeah, I've been on the killer side of that one, and it's unbreakable unless you just afk.

    But as for the topic, avoiding a three gen is something you should start doing immediately at the start of the match, and being stuck on the wrong end of a strong one is almost always a result of the survs just not thinking about it until is was too late.

    So, so many times at the start of a match I see my teammates just doing gens in succession based in their proximity, which is just asking to be screwed in the late game.

    New perk changes make three gens easier to defend, but being stuck in a three gen to begin with is almost always a product of poor surv play. Spread your gens out, and it's far less likely the perks even matter all that much.

  • Member Posts: 228

    So to you,fair would be all gens spread to the corners of maps and so far apart that killers can’t defend them?

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited November 2022

    3 genning is easy to avoid if you have any situational awareness or map awareness. When you see a gen being done don't do another gen right next to it. Move further. many maps are easy to read they spawn gens 3 on one side 3 on the other and 1 at the middle . Pay attention to what gens are being done and try to do gens opposite of one that was done. Haddonfield always start doing a gen next to Michaels house or inside of it. That map has the nastiest 3 gen around that house.

    Sure SoloQ people can 3 gen but you can prevent this by doing a gen opposite side. Its not rocket science really.

    Some killers will try to camp a good 3 gen but this is easy to tell so just try to put more pressure on that side. Usually if killer camps a side they dont really get many chases going and you guys should be 3-4 alive even if the 3 gen happens and you should still be able to finish 1 of them.

    Use perks to tell your teammates which gen you are doing it actually helps. I run aftercare so people can always tell where i am.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2022

    i mean currently, only two perks that give slowdown that are worth bringing on killer are deadlock and pain res. other than that, there's no other perks worth bringing that are going to make much of a difference for killer in term of slowing gens down for the killer to go for many chases. All gen kicking perks encourage 3 gens and these are only perks right now that do anything because every other killer perk has been released as dogwater/nerfed. Your either playing deadlock/Pain and going for hooks accepting that your going to lose vs a strong team or your playing OC/COB/Eruption and running 3 gen strategy every single game which is unbelievably boring but effective.

    some killers i noticed run mix of this, they run eruption+jolt+pain res because eruption only gives 10% regression and jolt add 8% regression, so two perks make up old pop goes weasel while pain res is only perk that rewards killer for hooking. After that, you see BBQ for info(to go for hooks), stbfl(because many killer have trash-level lethality towards health-states(COH problem) and base-kit BT/OTR problem) or corrupt/No way out for late/early game free hook. Its a bit funny because no way out only grants 1 hook at the end of the game while corrupt only grants 1 free hook early game, though in my opinion, you'd be better off running lethal pursuer then current corrupt intervention.

    3 gen balance has always been problem in dbd, but it was not exploitable because killer did not have over-time regression perks to undo damage. the survivor could -gen-tap- and win the war of attrition. In the ptb, they're adding a new perk called Potential Energy which has potential to be broken but because its numbers and mechanics are extremely safe, it won't see much use due to the perk needing to be stacked 4 times to gain effectiveness and its associated drawbacks. Long-story short is that its not killer fault that bvhr does not invent perks to incentive chasing/hooking instead of gen-camping.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 871

    Of course, it is the goal for the survivors to break the closest generator sets to leave only one trio covering as much area as possible; I was just pointing out that if the killer sets out to stay in the area of this type of 3gens, on Haddonfield, the survivors will have a hard time finishing the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    I hate to be the one to tell you but 3 gens were actually easier before Pop got nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    One risky play that I often employ and that saved the day quite often is very simple: after I finish the first gen at the location were I started I then haul my shapely butt to the diametral opposite site of the map and try to do a gen there. Chances are that the killer is busy chasing someone on the side of the map were I started, and doing gens in the killers hinterlands helps a lot to stave off a 3 gen. If someone meanwhile manages to do the main building/centre gen, then you have practically sliced the map in half and won.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Going to play the devils advocate here a bit.

    A real common answer seems to be to not 3 gen yourself but it's fair to point out that it isn't always in the survivors control.

    If the killer chooses the 3 gen right from the start then you are stuck with a 3 gen garuanteed. No matter how smart the survivor team is with gens.

    I agree that survivors should look out to not 3 gen themself but it just isn't always in their control. 3 gens should be strong but not unbreakable. Which Eruption is kinda making it against solo's

  • Member Posts: 236

    I play killer often. Not once have I ever forced a 3 gen. I've been handed one on a silver platter every time the situation comes up, which is pretty often. Survivors simply don't pay attention and just hop on the next gen after they complete one. You don't need comms to see that. If you hear 2-3 gens go off at once, see that they're in the same general area or side of the map or even around the area you're currently in, then you need to leave the gen you're on and find one on the opposite side of the map. I've had survivors get super mad at me and even accuse me of holding the game hostage because I patrolled the 3 gen and chased them off each gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    This. I can try to get my avatar to shake his head no or point to the other side of the map while getting a gen to 99. But if the other survivor just says ######### it and completes the gen, now we're three gen'd.

    What did I do for that to be my fault?

    From there out it's just a slow bleed to finally get it to the predestined 4k (or 3k with hatch or lucky gate escape). And by slow bleed, some of those games last 40 minutes of hit survivor, they run to the far side of the map to heal, kick gen, hover around that area and repeat.

    This game should have a twenty minute timer like F13.

  • Member Posts: 663

    I run dejavu all the time, it's not helpful when the killer realizes I have full gen perks and decides to pressure me while my teammates decide to 3 gen and I'm on death hook.

    I employ all those whom ask how's 3 gens been buffed to watch Choys cringe wesker vids before coming here and saying "just pressure the 3gen from the start".

    It's usually a wesker, onryo or plague.

    Call of brine shouldn't have a notification once a survivor goes back to the gen, that's just facilitating this playstyle.

    Please don't assume I want to nerf killers I know it's stressful, I'd rather killers be buffed and gens go faster. These games can drag on forever and it's gets stale.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    DEJA VU and dont worry about it again

  • Member Posts: 949

    I'm gonna be blunt here. Getting mad at killer protecting a 3 gen is pretty entitled imo. If 1 gen is left, that means the killer has a lack of pressure and needs to do something to win

  • Member Posts: 445

    I'll keep saying it . . . slowdown perks should be limited to 3 per loadout max. Survivors can't use endless exhaustion perks and killers shouldn't be able to stack 4 slowdowns.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Map is coded with RNG layout tho. Both the gens and tiles are RNGs.

    Killer Side: Double Jungle Gym next to each other, Pallet into vault window at shack into another jungle gym. on and on. Best advice is to drop chase and partrol other gens.

    Survivor side: Noooo, killer cant have 3 gens, we cant communicate, team work sucks. Best advice is to try to break gens yourself rather than rely on your potato team mates.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Doing gens randomly IS on the team. If we end up not being able to do the last three gens I generally call it on me. You need to avoid that to happen. You can. So, it is not particularly strong.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    in maps like soffocation pit and one of the azarovs i dont remember teh name is not weird to see 4 gens in one side, how is taht fair if the killer only needs to play 50% of the map?

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