Map balance should be DBD #1 priority before we start to address ANYTHING else in the game

Nothing in this game is worse or more frustrating then bad maps, poor loop designs, certain maps favoring certain killers a bit to much (and sometimes survivors on the other hand)
If I could, I would only play on mcmillian, autohaven and coldwind all day long as I find these maps to be the most balanced (excluding cowshed and rottenfields of course)
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I agree... Maps should be first
Then figure out what's next
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I just want them to fix the maps we have before creating new ones. Although I will admit Shattered Square seems to be not too bad of a map from what I could tell.
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I'd like to see Shelter Woods killswitched until it can be re-done. It just makes you want to DC (unless you are a killer).
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Flat disagree, Show us a loop or a part of a map and then give us your arguments for why its poorly designed?
At least then BHVR has a chance of picking your brain on this and solving the issue if they agreed.
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There have been a ton of posts on this forum that have provided specific examples of unfair loops and portions of maps. All BHVR needs to do is actually listen to the feedback they are already receiving daily on this forum
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Disagree, maps are number 2, Matchmaking is the single biggest issue in the game right now.
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I spend a lot of time on this forum,
I swear I have never seen a specific example of someone going through a loop or map with detailed descriptions of problems with arguments.
But since they are so prevalent, surely you can link me to 5 right now? :)
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I just played this wonder of a tile. There was a third pallet easily reachable as well as shack and a completely busted house loop.
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totally fair and balanced.
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Every now and again I come across some totally busted tiles.
Tiles where I literally can't stop laughing because there is just no way a regular ass player will ever catch me there.
And this happens more often than it should, I feel.
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u could take a time travel machine back to 2016 and show a player this and they would say " whats the problem we see this every match?"
the thing is.... we are no longer in 2016 and now this is a issue which BHVR straight up refuse to adress for some reason
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Jungle gym into Shack window on Father Campbell's Chapel.
The entire Fractured Cowshed map
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This. Also Lerry's is a map filled with godloops. Absolutely nasty when you know how to abuse it.
Maybe we need 1 Door 2 window shack back. I would love to see that just for one day.
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i agree with this Autohaven unplayable now since introduction to new tile is unplayable and 2-3 of those always spawn in now, 1 sure but ######### 2-3 yeah gg
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The entirety of cowshed... dont forget suffo pit, the entire realm of badham, new haddonfield houses, RPD etc. Actually... better yet the busted setups that can spawn on coal tower that go from main to jungle gym to jungle gym then to shack and back.
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That works, but idk if that's number one priority.
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I had pallets like this on Azarov's and Garden of Joy back to back once and genuinely thought that spawns must be bugged so I sent in a report. I just got the generic questions (what perks were you running, who was the killer etc - although this was all clear from my video clips) and then that they were looking into this.
Meanwhile I got an Azarov's spawn earlier where the whole middle part only had two pallets and two windows leading into deadlines from what I could tell - and the rest was just junk pieces you can... Run around but that's about it.
Post edited by Persephone_ on0 -
-The god window on Father Campbell's Chapel comes to mind.
-That new Autohaven loop that has an unsafe pallet with a z-wall. Guaranteed hit at those.
-Shelter Woods as a whole, being half dead-zone.
-The Game has an obscene amount of god pallets, often back-to-back.
-Eyrie of Crows as a whole. The map is just massive, and the main building is extremely abusable with Boons.
-Suffocation Pit and Azarov's being "3-gen or lose" maps.
That's just off the top of my head.
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very good list.
Midwich Elementary School - the window down with a opening for the killer next to it. they only have use when the survivor has balanced landing and for that you don't need the windows. also there are almost no pallets / loops that break the line of sight and bring any mindgame value to the game. the long corridors are very beneficial to ranged killers because they contain almost no obstacles and are basicly hold W zones. hook spawn is also the worst of all maps, but thats a different story.
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You have to ask what makes a killer want to skip a lobby...
Survivors with map offerings to some survivor sided map
Possible SWF (hidden)
I'd say both are close but SWFs with communications makes the experience of fun for the killer far less enjoyable and would want to switch
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I know that feeling. My heart sinks when I see that the map is the Eyrie...or the Game ... or the Garde of Joy ... or Cowshed ... or Red Forest.
It just makescyoucwannscDC (unless you are a survivor).
0 - Garden of Joy explained in a nutshell One of the many overviews of DBD map design
Post edited by AJStyIez on0 -
Yeah, but on the forum. I already watched those.