Would map offerings even be an issue...

Like if the maps was actually balanced surely map offerings wouldn't be an issue?
Always see people say they should be removed but I dont see that fixing the problem which makes people hate playing on them.
Map offerings are great, it allows you to have the chance of going somewhere to make the most of your build or quite often a meme (fun) build. Issue with map offerings are people using them for a clear advantage over other maps by base
No, I still don't want some random guy from a lobby decide on which map I will play.
Let the RNG decide.
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Well say goodbye to more build diversity, some builds and perks only work on X maps.
And if the maps are all balanced the same what would be the big deal?
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I don't think it's a good build, if you can use it only on "Certain maps". So it's a build issue.
"And if the maps are all balanced the same what would be the big deal?" - for my HUGE and OBNOXIOUS EGO, yes. xD
It has something to do with "equality", if you can say... Everyone is equal, so no one aside from RNG should decide the things like map.
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- There's no way to completely balance maps unless you completely redesign half of them. The simple fact of there being indoor and outdoor maps, means that certain killers like Blight, Billy and Oni will be handicapped, while Ghostface and Myers will have an advantage, and vice versa.
- Maps really aren't as unbalanced as people make out. Even maps like Garden and Joy and Eyrie of Crows are more or less the same layout as any 'square' map with a main building in the middle. Even the 'worst offenders' like RPD, are not 'broken' so much that the result is a foregone conclusion. I have regularly won and lost games as both killer and survivor on all of these maps. Size is a factor though, and most of the issues with these maps are 'details' like ground too light to hide traps, not enough LoS blockers, and janky hitboxes of bushes and twigs.
- Those details should be tweaked and adjusted, so there is stuff that can be done to improve the maps. Mothers Dwelling could be reduced slightly. A few maps darkened here, or lightened there, and hitboxes refined. That would honestly be enough to make all maps 'balanced' in so much as they can be.
- But this still won't be enough for most players. The prevailing mentality among DBD players is "if it slightly inconveniences me, it's the end of the world and I must DC to prove a point." Even though they can play on all maps just fine, they will refuse outright to play on certain maps out of spite. For this reason the best solution is to make map offerings a Hidden Offering, just like Mori's and shrouds.
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Like I said, spite is the most common emotion among DBD players.
This is purely irrational. If you didn't know another player had intentionally sent you to a map, you wouldn't care.
Make map offerings hidden.
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Well, If I can't see on what to be angry, I will not be angry.
So you got me there.=)
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True growth is understanding your emotions, and choosing to not let it bother you.
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In theory, I'd say no. If maps were well balanced, map offerings wouldn't really be an issue.
However, indoor maps exist. I don't think that any amount of balancing could make those not suck for many killers, unless they all turned into indoor arenas with very little that actually makes them feel like an indoor environment. I COULD be wrong, and it could be possible while still feeling like an indoor map, but I simply can't imagine it.
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Thank you.=3
But I'd rather let it out and be done with, rather than bumping and stash anger inside me.
The main thing is - As long as there are favorite and hated maps, I'd rather RNG decide, than the random guy from a lobby. They mostly picking the most hated ones.
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Here's what I want for maps . . .
- Shelter Woods killswitched until it is completely re-done.
- Differentiation in terror radius sounds from above or below on two-level maps.
- More vaults upstairs on the Game.
- Offerings having a lower percentage influence (closer to unhooking yourself).
- A higher priority on addressing maps in the roadmap.
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So, number 2.
That sounds like a great idea, but I'm trying to think of how to do it on a technical level, and coming up kind of short.
Generally, you would want such a feature to be universal. It should work the same on ANY map and get the expected results. This rules out using Z coordinate checks, since some maps have multi-story buildings that shouldn't probably behave like an entire map with multiple floors.
The second is to have large, invisible meshes that take up the top floor, bottom floor, and stairs. Each would have their own. Each would flag where the player entity is when feeding information to the other player entities, essentially telling the survivors where the killer is silently. It would then play the TR that pertains to their location. Stairs would have to be separate because you don't want the TR suddenly shifting hard if they bounce up and down through the middle of the stairs, so the entire stairwell would have to be treated as always on the same level as the survivor that hears it. Otherwise, you'd have survivors being chased on stairs that hear sudden, drastic differences.
Long story short on the second method, you'd basically be labeling levels as Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, etc, and stairs as Zone 0, which would get special treatment and always play the TR as if the killer is on your level on account of their direct access to verticality changes.
Edit: This method would still have issues with holes that allow the killer to drop. So even then, this is not a great method.
There are other methods I can think of, but they are iffy and would have odd issues. If they flagged floors as, well, floors, then used a Hitscan to detect if a Floor is flagged between the killer and survivor, it might create odd interactions with holes, unusual angles, etc. Also, the stair thing again. Swamp also presents a lot of issues with anything but the second method I detailed, as it is not flat and could easily produce a lot of false positives or false negatives.
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One of my dreams for this game is the map offerings getting removed, I always found them unhealthy for the game, most of the times are used by survivors for abusing strong maps and some map offerings are never used because nobody likes them.
BHVR released the Sacrificial Ward as a counter offering for maps, but I don't like it, not using a BP offering for using the ward just in case someone is using a map offering is ridiculous, a lot of times nobody is using a map offering and you are losing BP for using that (mostly) useless offering. At least they should implement the lower chance offerings which were removed, removing the current ones and become the lower chance ones an ultra rare offering.
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Not every build is designed to be the strongest, some are made to be niche and fun which are obviously limited to certain map layouts in general
Well yeah half the maps do need a redesign, just because its take time/effort doesnt mean it's not a good idea.
And yeah indoor and outdoor maps will always be different, and that's fine because it's one variable and I'm sure they can find a middle ground (so if indoor maps are harder to see for survivors give them something else to compensate such as more vaults, just a random idea not thought about it)
But size and safety of tiles that can spawn should be made more neutral no matter the map, big maps just shouldn't exist and there shouldn't be maps with loads of safe pallets and others with none. And killers like trapper, huntress should be considered on maps, there should always be grass in areas and not every loop should be tall (for example the longer side can be shorter in height while the less safe side higher)
I mean you could hide maps, I'd rather them just be made neutral overall so outdoors are similar and indoor ones are similar
Yeah but if the maps was balanced it wouldn't matter if survivors take you to a farm map. Like you said yourself they would do it to get a competitive advantage at base, they haven't done it to help certain perks/builds but done it simply because it gives them advantage by base.
Now if farm maps was made more balanced all round it wouldn't matter and they would probably be used less
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Or you make all area effects (terror radius, boons, etc.) A spherical zone instead of a vertical pillar.
This way if the source is on a different level, the effective area on the other levels is greatly reduced.
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While that would tell you a bit more accurately where the killer is, it still wouldn't create a clear difference between them being on the same level as you or not. I guess it depends on how one reads it, though. If they just want it to be a bit more accurate, your method would work. If they want the sound to, say, sound like it's behind a wall to specifically tell people the killer is on the level above/below them, your method would only work if they were running around in the TR to determine if the killer was on their level or not.
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I would like the addition of a "I don't want to go to this particular map" voting checkbox, that would lower the odds of that map in particular or completely remove it as an option without someone bringing an offering.
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Which would be an improvement, as the terror radius would more closely match the level of danger your in and the distance the killer is from you, while still allowing for the potential that the killer is right above you and able to drop down.
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Well if you wanted to know exactly all they have to do is add a symbol on the screen ^ = above you - = same level *down arrow* = below you.
Thought I feel that is too much info given, the idea of not knowing actually keeps me focused abit more while on flat maps I can quite easily chill on my phone lol
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It would be lovely if the map "RNG" actually worked though. The number of times over the years I've had the same map games in a row, without an offering has been astounding.
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Ya, I just don't know if the OP wanted the sound to be very different depending on level or not.
An arrow would be a bit too blunt. I think that a sound filter might work better, but it's also harder to implement. Also, the arrow bit would still require flags to tell the player entities where they are in relation to each other and would still need a similar setup to the sound one in order to avoid it affecting some smaller structures.
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I have a buddy that once we get a map 3 times in a row, or 2 maps in 4 straight games, he will play a map offering every game for the rest of the session (different every time) just to make sure we get map variety.
Its pretty sad when you can go a whole 4-6 hour session for 3 straight days and not get your favorite map.
I actually tracked it a couple times and was pissed I played like 30 hours between getting Ormond, and once over 40 between getting Dead Dawg Saloon
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This is exactly why I put in an offering... like 4 times in a row Midwich, followed by 5 times Azarov?? How is that rng working xD
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No. I am so sick of playing Auto-Haven or Macmillian for the millionth time due to BHVR's broke "random" map selector.
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Do not want survivors dictating which maps I play on.Don’t want to have to waste offerings on blocking maps.Would rather use bp offering.So the magic glitch when map offerings shows up is always a nice thing.
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Don't give us realm maps, give us offerings like "indoor map", "open", "great hights" and some more map manipulation offerings "brightness", "a hill", "one ultra rare item chest", "25% to spawn an LT gym" etc