Hide the killer perks till...

BieLey Member Posts: 46
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Whenever you are up against an SWF team and 1 of the teammates dies, they can just look at the killers perks and render them useless.

However it would be a wise idea that you could only be able to see the killers perks when the whole match is over, till then it should be invisible.


  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    I would be fine with this, however most of the time the survivors have the perks figured out by the time the first survivor dies.  NOED is the exception to this and I try to cleanse all totems, that I come across just to he on the safe side.
  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    yep kinda defeats the object seeing each others perks in a survival game. it breaks the balance when all we need to do is relay them to our other team mate. they should be invisible they need to be!

  • BieLey
    BieLey Member Posts: 46

    @Russ76 said:
    I would be fine with this, however most of the time the survivors have the perks figured out by the time the first survivor dies.  NOED is the exception to this and I try to cleanse all totems, that I come across just to he on the safe side.

    Yeah, bloodwarden is an exception aswell.

  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    As long as it doesn't promote more hook camping/tunneling, I would be cool with it.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    +1 hide everything until everyone dies.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    Honestly this is just one of those things I'm surprised they haven't implemented yet. +1
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I agree. Absolute bullshit that survivors can see a killers loadout while the match is still going and then communicate that to their friends. It absolutely shits on perks like NOED and Bloodwarden that rely on the survivors not knowing if the killer has it or not.

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  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335
    edited June 2018

    I went up against a group of 4 SWF yesterday (PS4). One died REALLY quick (killed themselves on the hook). They then proceeded to message me non-stop on during the game while also complaining about my perks ("OMG only Tier 2 RUIN" or "Why no BBQ Chili" or "Whispers gonna get nerfed"). I know I don't have the best perks. Working on it. Super annoying messages tho and a total of 42 messages without my reply. (If you're not on PS4, when you get a message, its a loud alert that pops up with a message in the top left of your screen. It's super distracting and yes I could turn it off, but I'd have to go into Settings during the match.)

    They knew NOED was coming, so all of the hex totems were dead before it could come up. That said, they got stupid at the gates trying to T-bag before they were open and then thinking they were invincible rescuing one another, so they all went down.

    I did reply "thanks for the notes" to the guy who was spamming me. No reply. :(

  • Krueger1428
    Krueger1428 Member Posts: 76
    As a survivor main, I 100% agree with hiding the killers perks till it's over. It'll bring back an element of fear/surprise. 
  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    as I said I have no problem with this.  to be honest I think the only real surprises are when I think they have a perk and they didn't.  ex.  the other day I was playing a match.  already moving toward a downed survivor, before he got hooked, as I was across the map when they went down.  as soon as they got hooked I started counting and kept moving in the same direction.  when I got to 6, assumed BBQ and Chili was done so changed directions.  when killer got closer they spent 30 seconds searching where I had been when I was counting. (wasn't running so no scratch marks) after match was over I looked and they had nothing to let them know survivors were near.  if I recall they had unrelenting and iron grasp.  anyway as I said I can get pretty close to guessing which perks they have, but figuring it out as you go is half the fun.