survivors who refuse to leave when the gates are open
What do you killers do while this happens?
I have a super high end pc, so I will literally have a game like MW2 alt tabbed, and play that while I wait. Or do some housework.
How do you people pass this time?
i walk at them to force them to leave?
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thats what they want, protection hits, tbag etc
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I go around searching for pallets to destroy or sonething that could give me some points
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If they're holding you hostage, its likely they are bullies or you did something so they think you deserve it. Did it today to a Huntress who camped and tunneled an Ace (all solos) immediately upon hooking him. Saw cause Kindred. Didn't go on anyone else, despite me and the others taking hits for him, trying to grab the killer's attention, or doing gens right in the killer's face as the Ace ran by. Huntress got the Ace at the very end when we powered gates, the 3 of us remaining got out (after waiting for EGC's bar to get to 1%) and sure enough the Huntress decided to talk s*, laughing and making fun of the Ace for dying. Context matters a lot.
Either way, simple solution is to force them out. Alt tabbing is just contributing to the problem. Like if you won't help yourself then ?? I guess keep alt tabbing.
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You don't force them out. That's what they want most of the people who stay till 1 sec before collapse are people that won't to rub there escape in your face if you force them out they get what they want and will continue.
I just go around the map and smash pallets and walls that are left and some killer can get points for just using there ability so you can get some points. I actually got some really angry post game chats for not forcing them out cause they deserve there tbag time with me
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Those really aren't that big of a deal. Push them out, move on.
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I corner up and resume watching whatever i was watching before the match started.
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alt tab and do something else
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How does alt tabbing make it worse?
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Yes and i don't wanna waste more of my time
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I go to the farthest corner from the nearest exit, face the wall, and go on my phone. Whenever I spectate a teammate doing this dumb #########, I always say to myself: “I can’t believe people still do this in 2022.” 😑
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push them out? my ego doesn't get hurt from a few crouches most of the time haha.
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I got 3 monitors so that's not an issue.
Just tab over to shitpost on dbd forums.
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If I have one of those games where I fell off hard I turn on my phone and literally blast Ayesha Erotica. Can't put me in a bad mood when I'm singing "Body glitter running down her halter top" and serving
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I...kick them out...tada
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I go around breaking any walls or pallets I missed. They only do that to be s h i t t y humans. They are probably the same people who kick dogs in real life.
Ive said it a million times
killer does something 'toxic" because it helps them win and everyone cries
survivors do something toxic for NO REASON EXCEPT PURE TOXICITY and no one understands why its infuriating
If I tunnel someone or camp them as killer it's because the survivors are playing in a way that forces me to. No it's not fun but it furthers the objective
Survivors being toxic (in this case waiting in gate but really any example works) do it PURELY to make the game unenjoyable for the killer and to make the community worse.
Those surivvors hanging in the gate (and tea bagging, and clicking before the nerd, and all the other ######### they do_ are literally why the game keeps getting worse, can't be balanced
devs can't balance around ######### because them doing that ######### doesn't affect gameplay, its just to be #########.
My friend welcome to seeing why camping and tunneling are encouraged by so many killers. The survivors actively WANT to ruin the game for the otherside so ruin it for them first.
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Yeah but you get bp too so it's fair.
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Imagine if they added a perk, or buffed bloodwarden to block the exits for survivors if they're hit by a basic attack while they're in the exit area
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I check around map for any pallets/breakable walls I may have missed for some extra BP, if it's one survivor I try to find/close hatch for extra BP. If I'm playing distance killer where I suck with aim I use it as opportunity to practice. If I want it to end quickly though I just push them out.
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I use my mouse to make my camera face in their direction then press the W key, they either leave pretty quickly or die. Oh I have to hit them? That complicates things slightly, throw in some M1 and/or M2 presses depending on the killer to achieve the same end result.
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If they are not out , move deep into the map and hide. Make sure that they can only approach you from compromised directions. As they approach go the other way around and voila , you are standing between them and the exit. Hook the curious. Farm the rest if they attempt rescue. This won't happen often but these kind of toxic people allow their thirst for mocking to get the better of them sometimes.
If they are still in the trial , the game is still on :P
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It’s also annoying when you’re solo survivor and want to see what add-ons and perks the killer was using but you can’t because your ‘teammates’ are standing at the exit t-bagging like they’re listening to ‘drop it low’.
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If there's only a minute or so left on the EGC timer I'll wait just to avoid feeding their ego's. But normally I'll just push them out because I can't be bothered to wait that long
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I go around and kick stuff.
If clowns with neither an audience nor jokes want to put on their two minute show, that's fine by me. I enjoy wasting their time.
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That Killer, slugging, mending, etc is boring; standing in complete safety in the gate for 2 minutes doing nothing is not boring - BMing survivor logic.
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I explore the map, break pallets, and see if I can close the hatch or maybe get lucky occasionally and catch a survivor who forgot where the gate was or something. (It doesn't happen often but once in a blue moon I'll get an extra kill because someone was goofing around far from an exit.)
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I either farm or force them out, depending on my mood.
If you dont want to give it to them --> farm. Search for pallets, breakable doors and gain some more bloodpoints, maybe spam your secondary abillity/use teleports while your at it.
If you want it to end fast and just move on to the next match, give them some hits at the exit gate, if you hit its also some more bloodpoints, if not, then they are out anyway.
in both cases you decide what is going on, not them.
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had a group of highly toxic survivors once, but soloQs. The bill was as anyone else, tbagging like hell. But he kinda forgot to get out since he thought it would be funny to block my pallet. So i acted as if i were especcially stupid and did not hit him, i did fake try to break that pallet wheil he actually just vaulted it. He had only like 10 seconds left and the door was litteraly behind him, but his little nasty game was more important.. And he died to the entity XD
in the endgame chat he was the laughing stock.
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I just open some other stuff to do with my computer while I wait. EIther that or I get up and do something else for the remainder of the EGC. Unless I'm playing Huntress. In this case, I practice my long range Hatchet Throws and try to get progress for the Skilled Huntress achievement.
I find funny that so many people complain that doing a gen for 90 seconds or being slugged in the ground "boring" and yet, when survivors escape through the exit gate, there's almost always someone who will wait for 2 full minutes in the exit gates while doing absolutely nothing.
Post edited by Malkhrim on4 -
I either go break pallets/walls or go afk and do something else. They're wasting their own time at that point.
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If by "holding you hostage" you mean waiting at the exit gates and refuse to leave, then they definitively don't do it because "you did something". In my experience, most of the matches where survivors escape through the exit gates have one or more survivors who waits at the exit gate for a long time. I see it happen as both killer and survivor. I have even seen a case where the killer was clearly having a bad game, so he let us do the last gen, openned the exit gates himself and went to a corner of the map to wait for us to escape... I left right away while the others, all healed, kept clicking their flashlights and vault-spamming near the exit to taunt the killer.
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I don't think survivors are aware that by taunting the killer and being "toxic" they create the conditions to be camped/tunneled on the next trials :') call it karma
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Make me wish there was a kind of punisher perk or something built into the EGC that would discourage this. Like survivors who hang around tagging, standing idle or spamming their flashlight )even tho they can't really do this now) trigger Blood Warden or something where they're inflicted with exposed or causes the EGC timer to instantly complete and they all get killed by the entity (if the killer isn't present to kill them).
Just no excuse to gloat over a killer who is either new to the game, is trying to chill, testing out a new killer or got screwed over by RNG/MMR. Like GG you drew out an already torturous experience for someone who just wants it over. I hope you feel proud of yourself and that your mother got the camera and took all of the pictures of you winning a video game.
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Oh no! Giving them 200 more Bloodpoints!
What a tragedy!
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OK? So what? Just hit em and force them out so that they stop wasting your time.
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Who pissed on your cereal today? It's just a game, no one wants harm for the other side.
I myself stay at the exit gates to occupy the killer incase my teammates need more time to open the other gate.
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I'm not saying that doesn't happen. I see that too. I said its either bullying or people decide to do it to spite the killer for something they did or didn't do in the match. Even brought an example of myself doing it to someone I thought had it coming. Yea so that example of yours falls under bullying/rubbing it in. But to say people don't do it as well b/c how a killer plays, is not true.
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Just another typical survivor behaviour that keeps the neverending cycle of toxicity going game after game on both sides.
Killer gets annoyed because they played in a non toxic manner yet survivors don't recognize this and like to gloat because they managed to escape. Next game killer has no mercy and tunnels the weak link out the game early and survivors get all salty and proceed abuse end game chat and teabag & waste time at the next available opportunity. The cycle continues & everyone just plays toxic and doesn't really care anymore.
I wouldn't even consider this the most toxic thing. I really despise when you have 2 survivors left and the game is unwinnable at that point because they 3/4 genned themselves and they just tap gens and hide for like half and hour. Normally I'll at least give them the opportunity to find the hatch if they play normal, but if they waste my time I just let them bleed out.
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Just push them out, and skip the post-game lobby if you don't want to listen to them brag.
Just because they WANT you to force them to leave doesn't mean it's not the best option. If a jerk WANTS you to save someone tied to a railroad track, you still save the person on the railroad track. You don't let them get hit by the train just to deny the jerk what they want. Sure, they are being petty, but you being petty in return doesn't actually do anything but make the entire scenario worse.
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someone's angy
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It's hilarious to see people defending this
If the gates are open just leave... why waste time T-bagging and flashlight clicking?
Healing is fine... it's whatever
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Stop being afraid of crouching and force them out? Lol
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I never understand these posts. Just hit them out. The game ends faster, and both sides get chaser points
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I'll usually just wander about smashing destructible walls/dropped pallets for a bit more BP or spamming powers like demo's portals or firing crows with artist. Usually survs do his just to teabag at the end of a match so I don't indulge them. Unless I'm using death slinger, I've pulled a couple of toxic survs back into the map with the gun lol.
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You. Toxic players like you pissed in my cornflakes. People like you are also why I stopped playing the game for real and just tunnel with rancor now. Every. Single. Match.
Rancor/nemesis. Tunnel and camp one person out. Then if the gens are not done tunnel the obsession and down them to kill at last gen. I
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This one gets me every time
I had FIVE games in a row recently where i decided to play by their dumbass rule book.
All five someone ran to a dead hook where player four had died, then past it to the corner, knowing it meant I couldn't hook them. I am a good killer and know this. So I left to chase a teammate. Hooking number three meant number two had to pick up number one. Gens are now regressing and we are cycling. Except not cycling hooks. Survivor just keeps running back to that corner. Has the audacity to ######### about being slugged and bled out.
Can any survivor player tell me how the ######### you do that then complain when you get left there? You are CHOOSING to go to an inaccessible area for the killer then cry when you get stuck bored bleeding out. Whats the point? I get its better than a hook but if you want to take the killers hook away the killer isn't going to reward you for that.
These people watch one or two pro streamers do this on OCCASSION because SOMETIMES its a good play. But it's often not optimal and gets you slugged. But since you can't loop you try some ######### you aren't skilled enough in game awareness for then cry when you bleed out.
Basekit unbreakable is going to make these specific plays impossible. Killer either has to let them get up by going back in the map, picking them up to wiggle free again and run back (this SPECIFIC issue will make basekit unbreakable so strong that it will be nerfed almost immediately because kill rates will plummet when survivors start abusing this), or just go afk and dc
Again the devs hate killers despite the big buff we recently got. It has done nothing to actually help the game, in fact the buff forced survivors into emergency mode and they are playing more sweaty and toxic than ever before the buff to keep up. I can acknowledge sweating more but not the toxicity.
tl;dr yeah survivors are pretty awful
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It is indeed, they dont deserve them for being toxic. So they can teabag all they want on the gate, they wont see me unless im done breaking all breakables.
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If they are being that toxic I don't WANT them to get points. And as killer I'm getting more than them anyway. I'd rather them waste their time and not get the points while I get points breaking things I missed in the trial. They want to be toxic they don't get their points.
I used to try to give people hatch or door but have stopped that too. Even doing that doesn't garner a sense of community comraderies from 85+% of survivors
Had a guy recently start teabagging me because his adrenaline went off when last gen popped. Got him and the other player left who did the gen anyway. Walked OVER hatch to hook him. Had the audacity to call me an ######### for not giving him that hatch. Pointed out how toxic he was being and asked why I should have given him the hatch and he said "cuz it was rude not to give it to him." But fine with him showboating and being a dick over his second chance perk popping off because someone else did a gen.
And still wasn't even good enough to make use of it. Mans lost to a trapper, and I don't even play trapper. Lol.
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They are. I had someone being a toxic dick a few days ago and I messaged them later (ps4 is only direct no group chat after game) to attempt being friendly and say GG sense they got slaughtered
Lo and behold ms. toxic and I have had THREE matches over the course of a year where they are so toxic-but also very bad- and lose. Was really depressing thinking I could talk to the person, maybe they weren't toxic and I misunderstood, nope. Everytime I hope to be positive in this community people just disappoint, most do anyway.
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I play Wesker, and use an add-on that can chain throw a survivor indefinitely (assuming I don't miss). If survivors let me get behind them with my M2, I guarantee a sacrifice (again, assuming I don't miss) and it's a lot of fun doing throw simulator. Most survivors don't respect it and gotten plenty of sacrifice that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten.
Example Clip Here: Names Hidden ofc.