When is the fix coming for not being hit with chains while solving Hellraiser's box?

It was advertised as being done by BHVR and its been many months since then.
Dealing with the box is a pain as it is, but not being able to solve it due to chains is OP. Yes, I know you can solve it before the chains start, but that is not always possible or practical, especially in solo queue.
chain hunt sends chains in waves of 3, just dodge the chains and there's long enough break to do the box. It's not that hard to learn counters
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Some people just want to do it even when chains are clearly firing just look at posts that say disable powers at hooks it's all about it being easy for some people
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The chains do not attack you non stop. They spawn at intervals, and there is plenty of time between these waves to fully solve the box.
Usual procedure is to pick up the box, find a safe spot in case he teleports, if chains are already after you, wait for the next wave and deal with it, then attempt to solve the box.
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Even if there are intervals, why does it need to be that way? Pinhead can already teleport to you as soon as you start solving the box. Allowing the chains to continue only delays the solving; it doesn't prevent Pinhead from teleporting. That is OP. One or the other only.
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Maybe you don't know this (which is fair) but when Pinhead decides to teleport to the box, the chain hunt never begins.
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Well Cenobite needs some nerfs anyway.
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There is plenty of time to solve the box before chains start. Whether or not you are in a situation that allows use of that time is another matter.
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Teleporting to the survivor doing the box is actually the worst play, so not sure why you're thinking that's strong or something. The chain hunt resets anyway, Pinhead drops chase/stops patrolling gens or whatever he was currently doing, and now he's on somebody who's not on a gen.
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Bruh. He can hit you with his power 8 times and still won't get a hit on you.
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Highest Kill-Rate in the entire game on average, Top5 at Top.
I know everyone asks for Nurse-Nerfs, but we know how it will end.
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Oh, you're one of those stat pushers.
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Not really. I just can imagine how BHVR thinks. Even if my Freddy is P4 on average, I keep asking for Buffs (Addon-Pass, Pallets + Snares Basekit or Rework).
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He has a high kill rate because he stomps solo q players with ease. Not being able to communicate whos going for the box is what makes him so strong against them since a Chain Hunt is pretty good at slowing the game down.
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Pinhead teleporting to the box acts the same way as if the box is solved. Meaning theres a 45 second delay before the actual timer for a new Chain Hunt begins.
The only time this isnt the case is if Pinhead himself picks up the box, in which case the delay is only I believe 10 seconds and a Chain Hunt begins immediately
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I know that.
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So if you know that... Why mention the stats? Things like this only have meaning once you know the reasoning behind them.
We all know he isnt in the top 5, there are quite a few killers who outclass him
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Because this is how BHVR acts. High Kills = nerfs, Low Kills = Buffs. Exception: Nurse.