Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

One Button Random Bloodweb rank up

As a general quality of life thing, it's a pain and it takes a long time and a lot of clicking to level up the bloodweb when you have loads of bloodpoints. For example, farming up a million bloodpoints and then prestiging a character. A lot of the time in these scenarios, players already have all the perks/items/add-ons they need, or the don't care what perks/items/add-ons they get from leveling up.

Can we get a button that fills in the bloodweb randomly and just completes the level. I would use this CONSTANTLY and I am sure I am not alone. Imagine at the end of the season when you have 2 million blood points and instead of spending 30 minutes spending them down you could spend 5 minutes! That would be a joy!

I think there could even be different options, like:

"Instantly complete level (random selection)" - instantly fill in the current bloodweb level, making random choices

"Instantly spend all blood points (random selection)" - instantly spend all your bloodpoints on the current character, making random choices on all levels until you're out.

Adding some variation of one or both of these options would be a huge quality of life improvement, I think. Obviously you could still manually level the bloodweb exactly as you do now if you want to spend as few bloodpoints as possible by picking brown items or you want specific add-ons or skills. The idea would just be to add a button or two on the bloodweb screen to make it so players who aren't choosy about their bloodweb could level up more quickly and easily.


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    This is suggested over and over and over again. We shall not stop until BHVR listens and gives us an easy blood point spending option.

    A couple further options:

    "Instantly complete level (maximum perks)" - instantly fill in the current bloodweb level, taking the maximum if perks.

    "Instantly complete level (highest bidder selection)" - instantly fill in the current bloodweb level, buying the most expensive items/add-ons on offer.

    "Instantly complete level (cheap selection)" - instantly fill in the current bloodweb level, spending the least amount of bloodpoints possible.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    I come to present a simpler project to set up by BHVR:

    - Removed "press and hold" interaction on nodes.

    - A short click now unlocks a node.

    - Clicking on a node away from the center triggers an automatic path that will close other nodes as usual.

    With that we will have a click reduction to around 60-50 instead of the current hell.

    And I think those 3 lines are easier to read for BHVR, I don't want to say you guys are overdoing it, but keep it simple.

    And it's the easiest thing to set up.

    After all, they did remove the "Press and hold" interaction in the archive challenges.

    This is where you have to help/harass them.

    If you ask them something more complicated they won't think about it.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    You have to come together on this idea because if several different people present several different ideas, we don't move forward.

    You have to present the best and the simplest, and I found it.

    I just took a sentence that I had seen in the patch note concerning the archives.

    As BHVR did this for the archives, if we help them to do the same for the blood web, it will be easier for them.

    But we must be several to talk about one and the same idea.

    The most viable.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    They could even charge a convenience bloodpoont fee or heck, a 250 auric cell one time fee

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    It's not so complicated though and that's more of a band aid solution than a long term one

    Also there have been really simple sadako buff suggestions like only doing two things (reduce the TV cooldown time, increase the time you are not visible while demanifested) yet they still have not done so

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    How would this idea be just a long-term band-aid?

     Updates should be implemented step by step.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I didn't say it would be long term, by band aid I mean it's a short term solution because it would still take time to click on them and level up manually every time, it would still be a hassle to do so when they could instead add a random buy option so that there doesn't have to be anymore clicking

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,724
    edited November 2022

    I don't think this is necessary. Add options to remove level up prompt, add option to remove hold-to-purchase bloodweb nodes and instead just click them once to instantly purchase. It takes about 0.6 seconds every single node you buy, and 2 seconds every Bloodweb level you advance.

    I tracked and it takes about 9 minutes to spend 1m Bloodpoints if you're buying something as fast as possible and you're going mainly for perks. It's just silly. These two options would solve this problem.

  • skylarka
    skylarka Member Posts: 28

    This would be OK but it's not really a solution to the problem. Seems like it'd be easy enough to implement a random selection model of leveling up based on a single click. It could be more difficult or involved to create something like Akumakaji suggested where it takes best perks or or cheap selections, but random? That should be pretty easy. One button per level. Done.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I would love a small triangle if three orbs in one corner of the bloodweb. One finishes the bloodweb truly random, one buying the most expensive items, one buying the cheapest items.

    With a couple of clicks and probably less then 10nin you could spend 3 million BP and got what you want.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 864

    this, please. I have over 2 million BP and I need to use them before playing... i dont want to sit an hour just to waste them in a bloodweb i dont even want to fill