Will you buy upcoming DLC? (Forged in Fog)

Title + why yes / no / maybe / etc.
Also will you use shards (or wait for them) or just instabuy from store? Just curious.
This is the first chapter that I just find completely uninteresting. Not necessarily bad, and Knight could be A-tier for all I care, but I just cannot seem to find anything that makes me want to buy it.
Will I get it eventually anyway? For sure, but that’s gonna be exclusively out of completionist’s reasons.
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People have being suggesting a Knight for such a long time. Instabuy from me! Glad it is nothing to do with For Honour as having a Knight as a license would be silly. For Honour/Evil Dead could be good for paid cosmetics though.
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Yes because Fogwise is going to be a must have for my solo queue games.
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Nope. I like the survivor visually and he brings a good info perk but I'll just wait for it to hit the shrine a few months to a year later like I did with CoH. Don't really care for the killer, just another Artist playstyle more or less. Not very interesting.
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I buy all of the DLCs, no matter how bad/good they are. But if I didn't go for the completion of the pokedex, i probably wouldn't buy that DLC, it's not really appealing for me
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I will definitely if they don't nerf fogwise. It's really interesting
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On one hand, am I not really interested in the Knight himself. I think he looks silly in most maps and his gameplay as it is now (put knight at loop, 2v1 the chase) is not very fulfilling to me.
However, the perks are interesting. I'm waiting to see what's inevitably going to get nerfed before deciding to buy or not because of them though.
I might buy the DLC to celebrate the first original killer since I've started playing the game (I technically joined a week or two after Dredge came out), since I tend to like them more than licensed killers and I want BHVR to keep creating cool original concepts, even if that one didn't strike my fancy particularly.
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I haven't read about the lore but neither characters seem all that interesting to me. I'm not the biggest horror fan but I don't necessary put a knight and horror together unless it was one of those poltergeist type of knight. The only reason I would buy would be for the perks.
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Yes, for shards
I wouldn't buy it for money though, I was thrilled for a knight killer but I don't think BHVR nailed it. I expected the knight to be about brutal strength and not summoning stuff.
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I'll probably wait to see what kind of state the chapter is released in. If it's not too bad, I'll probably but the Knight with shards, since I was really gunning for a medieval killer or skin in the game for a while now.
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I will absolutely buy it. Be it shards or auric cells. Im more interested in vittorio as i will make him my secondary main. Love his design, his tattoos and lore being the 1st survivor from the distant past. Yes, he's good looking but im more interested in his design and perks as well. Cant wait to see what they will give him in the future in cosmetics. Im a sucker for medieval cosmetics.
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I will because I want to try the Knight (updated I hope) and I like Vittorio as a survivor.
I like swapping killers every match and The Knight is unique, no other killer can summon companions, so I think it will be fun having a different playstyle :)
I just wish he has some changes (for good) before release.
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i'll get the knight with shards
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I'll maybe get it with shards. But the killer and surv are pretty uninteresting to me. Backstory is kinda cool but gameplay looks tedious with the knight.
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I'm not too enthusiastic about the killer from a power design or aesthetic point of view, which is pretty much the reason I still don't have Binding of Kin.
But there are some cool perks in there. I may just buy Vittorio with shards, then hope the Knight's perks show up in the shrine in a few months time, like I did with Kate/Clown.
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No because they still haven’t released a Survivor that’s superior or at least equal to Claudette (only one that can come close is Henry Cavill).
Killer seems cool but I’m happy playing Doctor and just got Myers (and am in the process of hoarding scratches mirrors) so I can scare the crap out of people, irregardless whether I win or lose.
None of the perks are a must have for me either. Windows of Opportunity, Inner Strength, Unbreakable and Lithe all do their job and carry my potato butt and when I play killer I do fine with older perks.
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I don't see why not, the Killer is cool, the Survivor is cool. The perks are nice.
I always buy with credit card on Launch day. 💀 bHVR got my balls. 😛
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My inner completionist compels me to.
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Not for me. I won't play the knight (I'm too lazy for that learning curve) and Vittorio's perks aren't appealing enough. Fogwise looks decent but great skill checks aren't my thing unless it's by accident lol
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Undecided. I bought some characters in the Halloween sale, so this feels super soon to me. I'll probably wait a while and see what people think once the chapter's out.
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Same XD knight power is underwhelming
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Not interested.
I'll probably end up getting the survivor with shards if there's tome challenges requiring using him/his perks or if they do a sale like they did during the anniversary where original characters were 50% off using shards. His perks on their own don't interest me and I'd rather play the lesser used characters that rarely get cosmetics in hopes to increase their usage over a pretty faced one that will probably get plenty of cosmetics.
Killer I'll probably pick up if there's a sale using shards but his power doesn't interest me enough to use him over the killers I already enjoy playing.
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Definitely insta buy as usual,my obsession with this game,I swear.
But I don't like fog wise survivors have way too much information as it hopefully its on a decent cool down at l 120's most killer perks are sound fun but are often difficult to execute,if they are not straight forward
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i've done so for every single chapter, this one is no different
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They need to give an assasins creed skin for the survivor lol even tho its not really related to that property
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I might switch from Nea to Vittorio, and I will change my steam name to Max GigaChad.
But seriously, I think he looks awesome.
Post edited by StibbityStabbity on0 -
Buying with shards for sure. Thematically he's one of the coolest killers.
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Yeah, cause I'm a fanboi and wanna retain my 100% achievement completion. Also at least he perks of the new killer look fun, and if they iron put his issues The Knight might be pretty cool.
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New crossover cosmetic perhap for the knight?
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Eh, I'll probably buy the characters with shards later. Or maybe just insta buy them. Depends how I feel.
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probably the first dlc that i wont buy on launch. i dont like either character, knight seems like a watered down artist and i dislike his perks. Vittorio also seems like a cash grab (and i find his lore uninteresting, too)
i only like one of Vittorios perks (potential energy) but im not gonna buy a whole dlc for one perk, lmfao. at most ill get Vittorio with shards- eventually.
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Course not, not with my hard earned money at least. With shards yes.
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Yes due to how unique the killer is
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Yes and for Vittorio reasons
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I will get it with shards, as i have over 100k of them. If it was licensed, however, i wouldnt, because at the moment i will not give money to this game anymore.
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Unpopular opinion. I actually see the amount of effort and passion that goes into the game. Sans bugs and a few questionable changes. Their hearts in the right place. They communicate with us and take action to improve the game constantly.
I want to support these kind of companies that don't hold animosity towards their player base. Peanits and Mandy are absolute legends when it comes to the questions asked of them. I vote with my wallet. So, I'll be buying it to ensure the continuity of the game into the future.
Ask me how I feel about Blizzard for a salty take lol
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Heck yeah he looks so cool :)
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Definitely no.
The killer is not for me, I don't like to play AI-assisted killers. May sound dumb, but I consider chasing and hitting survivors my job and I don't want any AI to help me with this. I already refuse to play Nemesis because if I chase someone who runs into a zombie around the corner, it feels like RNG luck rather than a deserved hit.
The survivor has two perks that are basically 5th and 6th killer perk slots and a kinda interesting mediocre-to-good one (suffers from RNG and is hard countered by Fearmonger which is pretty common) that will be nerfed into the ground for release considering the complaints about it (though I bet even if it would go live as in PTB, which it won't, it wouldn't be as uber-meta and super OP as predicted as nobody would give up their Dead Hard, CoH or whatever for this). Though it's interesting, I doubt I would pick it over Empathy or Aftercare except just to run something different once in a while. So not worth levelling for the perks.
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I will, as I have bought every DLC. I don’t really play Killer, but the Knight looks interesting to play against if he can get some of the wrinkles ironed out before release. I am pretty excited for Vittorio, because I love his design and may very well make him one of my mains once the DLC comes live!
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Always wanted a knight killer so yes I ll be buying it. Looks like good fun,.especially if they give a little tweak here and there.
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Only if they speed up bloodweb... Don't want to spend 30+ minutes clicking bloodweb to level him up...
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Is it worth buying ? Absolutely.
Will I buy it ?, Probably not, and it's sad because I was saving up shards for cosmetics T_T (yes, I know I could just spend the money I would on the dlc on auric cells and then get the dlc with shards but... Idk is complicated)
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Yes but only bcuz I bought all the others, I'm too lazy to learn the knight and I didn't like Vittorio, I was hyped for the map but I wanted a castle and not another open map :(
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If bhbr do some fixes probably instabuy, if they keep guards getting stuck, some times pass throw windows other times they dont, when they start a hunt they at least try to go in surv direction instead of full fordward from 1° sight etc...
If releases as it is now, not sure to buy it.
If bought, with shards.
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I mean, I'm gonna get the chapter but I'm probably gonna leave the survivor at prestige 1 just cause I have a p100 goal rn. This chapter is nothing more than a distraction
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I'll buy it, but because I buy pretty much every chapter (I'm a completionist) and not because it seems particularly compelling.