Gamebreaking perk ideas, go!

I don't know why I'm doing this, but I thought it'd be fun to develop some game-breaking perk ideas. Try not to make it too obvious, such as, "if you hit a survivor, they die instantly."
Something more like this: Gain the ability to trade a single hook stage.
To further elaborate: If survivor A is on death hook and Survivor B hasn't been hooked, B can give up a hook stage and now both are on 2nd hook.
Have 4 people with this, and it will be impossible to actually kill someone. What are some of yours?
Grim Prophecy - each time a survivor is hooked for the first time Grim Prophecy gains a token. Upon reaching 4 tokens Grim Prophecy activates and one healthy, non-hooked survivor is put into the dying state instantly.
Good Tidings - each time you finish repairing a generator Good Tidings gains a token. Upon reaching 4 tokens Good Tidings actives: the next generator you interact with is instantly repaired.
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Revenge Fueled ~ (Survivor Perk).
You start the trial with a Katana, whenever you go within 8 meters of the Kiler, press the active ability button to chop the Killer to pieces and instantly win the match and earn maximum bloodpoints for you and the rest of your teammates. The killer receives no points and has a 24-hour match ban penalty.
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Jack of All Trades :after the last generator is activated,any survivor fully healed by perk,but not by healthkit,teammates, self-care etc. is instantly put into the dying state for being a ****
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Just Leave: If a survivor rapidly crouches inside the exit gate, the survivor is fatigued or if injured they are sent into the dying state and the Entity blocks both gates/exits for 30s. If a survivor stands inside the exit gate area for more than 30s the Entity gives them the exposed status effect. If the survivor's flashlight clicks more than 2 times out of the exit area the Entity knocks the item out of their hand and holds it in place for 30s. "Just get out" - Unknown Killer.
Booby Trap: If a survivor slow or fast vaults a vault, pallet or window within a short amount of time within 32 meters of the exit gate during the EGC the Entity will block those vaults for 30s in the case of fast vaulted pallets they will be broken. If the survivor is uninjured, they will be given an injury if they fast vault a pallet, window or vault. "You can learn a thing or two from your fellows." - Blight.
Slipping Gears: Survivors have to commit to opening the exit gate or completing a generator, you can no longer progress them to 99. If any survivor tries to 99 and the killer is within a 24-metre radius of the generator or exit gate the survivor is afflicted with exposed for 30s and the gate or generator regresses by 15%. This effect is not cancelled out by "juggling", as the 99 exposure status still applies. "Can't rely on technology these days..." - Unknown Survivor.
Stain Removal: Removes the killer's Red Stain for the duration of the game, also grants a distortion effect to aura reading perks for 30s when the killer is within a 24-metre range. "..." - Myers.
Hex: Choose Your Hook: Regular hooks become Scourge Hooks after you first hook a survivor, these hooks also do not break once a survivor is sacrificed. "Behold, an alter to your greatness!" - Plague.
Hex: Reignited: Grants killers the ability to reignite their Hex totems after they are cleansed or to place their Hex on an unused or cleansed totem. "Can't go wrong with a little bit of magic." - Unknown Killer.
Hex: Circle of Pain: Afllicts exposed on survivors for 20s and inflicts deep wound on injured or sends injured survivors into the dying state. Uninjured survivors scream in agony when inside its radius. Attempting to heal inside this aura drastically slows down healing speed even when being healed by a teammate. "Pain is where beauty truly exists." - Unknown Killer.
Boon: Broken Hook: Survivors with this perk are crafty and clever, they have figured out how to almost permanently break basement hooks. "The basement, it's always the basement" - Dwight facing Basement Bubba
Boon: Inner Knowing: At random a survivor is shown one of the killers perks. "Able to connect to their own twisted insides and see their inner killer, thus they are given insight into the very mind of the killer." - Unknown Archivist
Boon: Pallet Repair: Allows a survivor to repair a single God Pallet once every 60s.
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Heart Attack: Everytime a survivor has to scream while inside the killer's terror radius he instead gets a heart attack. This survivor can not move for 30s. After 30s this survivor also falls into the dying state. During the 30s countdown others survivors could do a cardiac massage to save this survivor.
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Boom Goes The Dynamite: Gain a token for hooking each individual survivor up to a max of 2/3/4 tokens. After kicking a generator, the generator becomes trapped and will hit survivors with a difficult skill check. If the skill check is failed, the generator is damaged and the survivor is blasted 15 meters away, losing a health state if healthy and Deep Wounds if injured.
Bludgeoning: You can rummage through an open chest to find a metal pipe. You can use the pipe for an on-demand stun on the killer by swinging at them. The pipe breaks after 1/2/3 uses.
Momentum: While healthy you can press the active ability button to counter a killer's basic attack. You don't lose a health state, but still get the speed bonus. Momentum gives you the Exhausted status for 60/50/40 seconds.
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I actually might have made a couple inspired by horror games I'd like to see in DBD.
First it this. The only perk I can think is maybe Sharpened Senses and A friend Indeed.
As you can see a friend indeed is a whole paragraph and hard to actually fully charge. In essence by your teammate doing certain things with/for you, they get a total of 4% movement speed maybe permanently. What would make this rather broken is being able to turn all teammates into Flash.
This perk set is inspired from the game Haunting Ground (or Demento) which is a capcom game and is basically a hide and seek game. The last perk tries to emulate some of the interaction you have with the dog. Obviously the survivor would be Fiona (and the killer I would like it to be Daniella the maid)
The next set was made for Alyssa in Clocktower 3 also by capcom. As I feel she is a more confrontational heroine considering she can really take them on with her magical powers, but I had to make her perks more grounded. But since it's allowed to make them broken here we go.
I feel the first one now that I see it again is meh. The second one has potential. I would increase the duration from 5 seconds to 30 seconds maybe. Basically it turns killers into M1 killers, so it's strong against Nurse, Albert Wesker, Blight, Twins, Pinhead etc. I would maybe even turn off their secondary power. Like say if Pig has a trap on your head but she suffers from this debuff and a gen is completed your trap doesn't start countdown. Overall I feel it would be a very interesting perk and you'd probably get tunneled out by killers, but that's the whole idea of this build to get the killers focus on you. The last perk also has a lot of potential I feel, as it is great for extending chases.
The next two sets where inspired by Fatal Frame/Project Zero.
First Fatal Frame 2. I thought of the twins Mayu is more interesting imo. I wanted her perks to revolve around both being a nuisance to your team and being useful by dying maybe and it was a difficult concept because people could use it to be a-holes in solo.
Of the three I think Sacrificial Lamb has the potential to be most broken, since in essence it makes basement hooks useless while you are on. Maybe to make it more powerful, I would add a cooldown to basement hooks after you get rescued so your rescuers if they fall down, don't get immediately hooked and obviously make it apply on every hook, so killer cannot hood two people next to each other and patrol them. The first one is a bit confusing I believe but I was trying to implement the idea of being a nuisance (like bringing the killer to your teammate who's working on a gen). Granted now they are adding a similar perk for Vittorio by rewarding teammate with gen-speed (and it did cross my mind as well when I was making this but I didn't want another gen speed perk).
As for my last perk set, I wanted it to belong to Miku from Fatal frame.
Steady Hand: Activating this means you succeed in every action for 5 seconds. Your skillchecks don't miss, you can always get a fast vault no matter the angle, your unhook action always complete even if you get grabbed or hit, your sabotage action also completes etc. After use it is put on a cooldown of 45 seconds.
This has great potential and a lot of uses, it is a perk I was worried could be quite powerful with the fast vault, but thankfully I don't have to worry about it here.
From beyond: Your otherworldly guardian is dead set on protecting you. Every time the killer tries to reveal your aura, the aura of a wraith in a different part of the map is revealed instead. The wraith will never appear in close proximity to a teammate.
I don't think this is gamebreaking but mostly an interesting perk and I tried to make it as a reference to her brother.
Repel: You have learned to look at evil in the eye. When being chased hold the action button to charge and look at the killer, by releasing the button at the right time you stun the killer for 3 seconds and repel them 15 m away if you released it at the time of the attack. If you released kit anytime earlier than the time of the attack you stun them for 2 seconds. Afterwards you suffer from exhaustion.
Of the three this might indeed be the most broken, as it is basically a counter to dead-zones and very frustrating for the killer. The idea was to implement the gameplay mechanic of the Fatal Frame game which is basically to look at the ghosts in the face and when they get close in that instant they try to attack to snap their picture and repel them (as in counterattack). The only thing I dislike is the name, as I don't feel it's catchy or fits the game it is inspired from.
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Basement's best friend: "Wait, Mr. Killer. I'm hungry." The basement follows you.
Atlas: "You own the power of the mighty Atlas." Use the 2nd ability button near a generator to pick it up. Press the 2nd ability button again to drop the generator at a your position.
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Festering Desire- Gain a 5% haste boost at the start of a chase. Scoring a hit retains the speed boost for the rest of the chase (bloodlust tier 4 is possible). If you don't get the hit within 30 seconds of the chase, the perk goes on cool down for 20 seconds.
Prolonged Venture - Activate the perk when you heal by pressing the active ability 2 button. If you stop healing while the perk is active, your healing progress is transfered into endurance. A successful endurance hit adds 30/40/50 percent to healing progression that can't be overridden
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Dead Harder
Activate-able Perk.
You can take a beating.
When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage.
- Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.
- Avoid any damage during the Dash.
Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds
Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.
A Hex that affects the Survivors' skills at repairing Generators.
All Survivors are affected by Hex: Ruin, which causes the following:
- Good Skill Checks result in 3/4/5 % regression on the Generator.
- Great Skill Checks grant 0 % bonus progression on the Generator.
The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Hmm, that all seems familiar...
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Devotion Resurgence:
With blood on your hands, the Entity rewards and encourages your devotion, granting you strength for a greater cause.
Upon hooking a unique survivor, gain a token up a maximum of 4 tokens.
For each token granted to this perk, a random window within your Terror Radius will be blocked when you vault a window.
This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
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Live Or Let Die: Once a Survivor dies (by any means) the other Survivors have 200% Gen progression for 10-15-30 seconds... " fine I'll die but do something about it"
Old Undying..... just saying
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Survivor perk:
Foresight: Reveals the killer aura when the killer is next to a window vault or pallet within 2 meters when within a 10/13/16 meters of the killer.
Killer perk:
Out of breath: Survivors that drop pallets suffer a 7% hindered penalty for the next 3/4/5 seconds.
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Exclusive to Freddy:
- - Welcome to my world
- When 3 or more survivors escape they will find themselves in the same trial with all 5 gens un repaired. The first trial was just a dream and now they are in the real one.
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Pop Goes the Weasel only instead of kicking gens it allows you to break an undropped pallet.
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Last night I dreamt that the Knight had a perk that made it so that only one gen could be worked on simultaneously on the map. If someone was on a gen, all other gens were blocked by the entity.
It was like Thrilling Tremors on steroids, for all the game and without any particular activation.
It replaced Face the Darkness and was ironically called "Hatch". X)
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[name pending]: When you start a chase with the killer, reveal the killer’s aura for all survivors for 5 seconds.
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Survivor -"The Ol Switcheroo - while on the 2nd phase of a hook if the killer comes near your hook the entity will switch you for a body double and place you some other hook on the map and pausing the struggle for 20/25/30 sec."
Killer - "Last ditch effort - When only one survivor is left and the hatch has opened this perk activates if a survivor tries to jump into the hatch the entity will grab them and hold them for 10/15/20 sec revealing their aura to you."