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Played with a hacker.

So i bought this game last october sale on steam with my Best friends, and we're having so much fun, now just yesterday when I played as a killer, there's this one survivor repairing a gen he can't detect me since I'm playing Ghostface and on night shroud, his generator doesn't go a sound and when I get close to him and try to attack/pick him up since he's repairing, I'm not able to do so. It just frustrates me since I'm loving the game and making this my primary game and considering spending in-game items to support the developer. I was able to report him in-game and on steam, checked his account and he has a record of being banned (VAC)
now my question is in-game reporting, do anything? And why was he able to play after getting banned from steam? I have a screenshot of his account, but I'm not at home currently.
Second! Yesterday too, played as a killer, a lvl 47 prestige survivor when only two remained and they're down. Hooked the other and when picking up the veteran I was forcefully disconnected from the host, and on that day I was disconnected 2 times and got 15 mins waiting on the last one. Question! The first disconnect is it possibly because of a cheater?
My last Question is how to avoid cheaters or getting disconnected from the game (I'm the only one using the internet, not downloading anything besides playing)
Please bear with me. I'm new to this game. Help a man out. 😆
To quote Aristotle "the only way to win is not to play"
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welcome to dbd
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Also yes, i'm 99.99% sure the forceful disconnect is a hacker. It hasn't happened to me lately, but maybe 2-3 months ago was basically the norm: You saw a survivor that seemed to be running tok fast, their gen repairs were too fast, they healed almost instantly, and if you managed to doen them, when you were about to hook them, boom, disconnected from the game. At least in my case it happened at least once per day, so in those days I basically just played to get a match as killer and a match as survivor and then turned it off...
These days I still see the soft hacks (players with permanent haste, or abnormal fast speeds in their objectives), but I havent faced a forceful disconnect hacker again, thankfully
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Why the hell they're not getting banned? The game is beautifully balance for me. I wish the dev will focus on the anti cheat system. Since the game was fun to me.
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It got a lot better the last weeks. I think they added a lot of checks on the server side.
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They banned over 50.000 cheaters this year alone with a total of 200.000 since the game came out. They are getting banned, so don't worry.
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In-game reports do things IF you create a support ticket with explaining the problem and with evidences of hacking. In-game reports with no tickets and evidences don't do that much. Well, they do in some other cases but for hacking accusation you must create a support ticket.
As for being able to play: vac-anticheat block people from playing games which are protected by vac. You still can play all other games.
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Thanks! what do you mean by evidence do I need to stream my gameplay every time?
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Thank you! I fell in love with the game. and going to support the devs by purchasing in-game items!
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Sometimes screenshots can work but mostly kinda yes, you have to record act of cheating somehow. Some consoles and Nvidea GeForce Experience allow to shadowly record everything (without saving) and save only last X minutes by hot-key, for example. Afaik, tt's not super system consuming. Or allow you to start/end recording. I use this shadow-recording feature myself to save accidental funny moments or cheaters. Of course it is not ideal and requires time from you (to crop/upload) but I'm invested enough to do that. Oh, and make note you have to provide your dbd player id (you can find it in settings) but cheater's name is optional! In case of anonymous mode or something like that feel free to report them in-game and leave the field in the ticket blank if you don't have information. This could be confusing at first but anonymous mode doesn't prevent you from reporting. Just for you know.
Also, developers announced improvements for the report system. New tools or smth like that. I'm looking forward to see more.
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It depends on the infraction.
Verbal abuse in post-game chat, for example, does not require additional evidence as they can just check the logs.
However cheating, griefing and similar require video evidence that can be gathered by setting up the Nvidia Replay system, as Hastarkis pointed out.
You can find more information about it here:
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Thank you!
I'll try this. thanks!