The Knight & his pack interacting with the other killers.

What do y’all think how the other killers would react to meeting the Knight and his guards. Personally, I think Oni and Knight would see themselves as worthy opponents, since they’re both warriors. Though I think they’re going to hate the Legion....
They'd duke it out with Oni on the regular most likely. They'd probably be very fascinated by Deathslinger's magical speargun and would be quite interested in its capacity to maim and kill. I was gonna say they might have a sparring match with Huntress but then I remembered that they're knights from the Middle Ages so they're most likely EXTREMELY sexist, so that's definitely not happening; matter of fact the only female killer I see them treating with any kind of respect whatsoever is Pig on account of her RBTs being great torture and execution devices.
Oh, and they'd beat the ever-loving daylights out of Trickster because, let's be real, who wouldn't?
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As for your trickster comment I still find him the dumbest killer in the game.
While you are correct that they are likely sexist, they also would be impressed when huntress ######### them up 1v1. She took out a whole army squad in her lore that had guns. And she TOYED with them while she did it. I think they would be won over but occasionally make comments that triggered her, assuming she can actually communicate any longer. Really I imagine first meeting they offend her and she ######### one of them up badly and then never again.
The knight and crew would likely beat up trickster and a lot of other killers lol.
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I mean, I feel like there would be several key differences between the WWI soldiers and the Guardia Compagnia when facing Huntress, not the least of which would be that the Guardia are most likely simply just better warriors than the soldiers were—in canon they felled entire legions (heh) of other knights by themselves, and spent their collective lifetimes doing so. Maybe we could also factor in how the Guardia definitely wouldn’t be scared out of their minds like the soldiers probably were when Huntress was playing with them, all but nullifying her efforts at toying with them to gain a psychological advantage. I think the single biggest game changer, however, is the fact that, well, Huntress uses a woodcutting axe and hatchets, and the knights are clad head to toe in armor pretty expressly designed to resist weapons of that nature.
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Thats fair. I wouldn't expect her to seriously harm any one of them, just enough that they know not to take her lightly. Also do all three of the summons have armor? I haven't viewed them closely in terms of art but I feel like some aren't as honored as the main knight is
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I think Carnifex is pretty lacking for armor, but then again you did specify a 1v1 so they’d probably just leave Tarhos to it.
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Yeah he is the one the big guy? Tarhos might enjoy the fight. Frankly medivel armor is so heavy that with her a axe and being unencumbered she may fair well against him.
I don't understand why her speed is worse than his tbh but i'll call that an in game way of dealing with her distance attacks and not lore that she is actually slow. no one living as she lived could be slow.
I get her low speed for balance reasons but lore wise I feel like she should be fast as #########.
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“Frankly medivel armor is so heavy that with her a axe and being unencumbered she may fair well against him.”
I’m not big on knights and their history, but I do feel the need to point out that medieval plate armor isn’t nearly as limiting to your mobility as you would think. Here’s a video of people wearing knight armor and standing up from sitting, doing full sprints, even doing cartwheels and suplexing other people wearing knight armor.
I wouldn’t argue this particular point myself, but if I saw someone try to make the point that with all her winter gear, survival equipment, and trophies and trinkets from hunts stashed on her person at all times, Huntress’s outfit might be more encumbering than Tarhos’s, I wouldn’t immediately disagree.
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Yeah I know how less cumbersome they are than we often think. Just wanted to give her a little hope in the fight haha
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I think her biggest advantage is her ability to take aim from afar, but she may need to “borrow” cowboy man’s gun for a bit to get that spearpoint pressure needed to puncture the armor.
There’s also stuff we’re leaving out, like if they’re fighting on one side’s home turf or some other environment, and more importantly any modifications made to their body, equipment, and abilities by the Entity—maybe the Entity would ensure the playing field is as even as possible, maybe they’d skew the odds to favor the one they like more.
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Swear to God, people always hype Huntress up way too much.
She defeated some farmers that were probably drafted into the war last minute with 0 military training or tactical knowledge whatsoever.
I mean, they weren't even using their rifles as far as we can see in her lore video. They just straight up rushed her point black like complete morons without even trying to shoot her.
One simple well-aimed bullet was all it was needed to kill her like every other human being, as she wasn't supernatural at all during the war and definitely not faster than a bullet.
Not saying she isn't skilled or dangerous, she definitely is a formidable foe but her success it's more on the idiotic and inexperienced soldiers than herself to be honest.
I believe Tarhos could easily kill her alone in a 1v1, let alone if there's also his 3 guards with him turning it into a 4v1... Huntress has no chance whatsoever.
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The corrupted not transformed version of the blight maybe.. He's an alchemist and knights made good use of them back in the day