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i feel Deathslinger's common reload and missed-shot add-ons should be base-kit

These two common add-ons feel so damn good to play with. They both only modify their respective mechanics by 0.25 seconds, but that quarter of a second reduction is so nice. I genuinely feel like these two add-ons base-kit would make playing as slinger much better.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited November 2022

    I think having some extra reload speed basekit would be good for sure. Maybe remove both reload addons and just increase it a flat amount or increase basekit and make the green addon the only none

    I think the missed shot thing should stay as an addon though, considering he has 2 of these kinds of addons and I think a Deathslinger missing isn't super punishing if it's once in a while

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Right now you are mega punished for missing, even moreso than Huntress and Demogorgon. It feels HORRIBLE.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    "If it's once in a while"

    If you're missing constantly that's on you

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    No, if you are missing constantly that could be anything from the Survivor to map layout to bad ping. Lots of factors come into it.

    And it doesn't change what I said. Demogorgon misses and he loses a second or two, on a 115 killer.

    Deathslinger misses and he not only has the miss animation, but ANOTHER animation to sit through, and then on top of that he's a 110 Killer!

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    The missed shot cooldown being basekit sounds fine. The reload one doesn't seem necessary to be frank. Really his movement speed WHILE reloading should just be a tad faster instead. Make the spit polish rag basekit and make it do something else or completely replace it. And just make the reload walking speed slightly less punishing.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Seems like arguing for the sake of arguing

    If a survivor makes a mistake, it's on them. If a killer makes a mistake, it's on them. No two ways about it

    If you're good at slinger, you'll know what you can and can't hit, so I don't think being penalised for the times you do miss is that big of a deal.

    He does need some QOL changes for sure, like not needing to reload after a hook would be nice. It'd help keep the flow instead of having to waste a few seconds reloading after you down someone.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Punishments should be fair.

    Why should his be worse than every other Killer? What sense does that make?

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Honestly I kinda dislike most of these number increase addons. They often feel like they just neutered the base kit because these addons exist. So without them the killer feels clunky and overly punishing.

    Wesker's power feels like this to me, it takes as long as Blight's to fully recover but there's an addon to make it a little faster which just feels nicer. At least he does have a base kit mechanic that reduces his cooldown, so his base kit wasnt completely neutered by the existence of this addon.

    Deathslinger is like this where he feels utterly clunky and punishing without addons. Honestly his double reload speed is just nice, cuz you get to actually use your power. He already has so many mechanics that waste his time, that at least being able to use your power more would be nice. I'd love to see him have no reload speed addons, but have his base reload be almost as fast as current double reload. The brown miss cooldown addon at base would be nice too.