Is there any downside to preventing survivors from getting keys from chests?

Especially with Plunderer's Instinct. I mean I'm a survivor main, but I see it like this:
Survivors no longer have to deal with useless keys (which you get so often from PI), and killers don't have to deal with the off chance you get blood amber or unlock the hatch. It seems like removing keys from chests would benefit everyone honestly. Thoughts?
Keys and maps in general need to be reworked, fixed, or removed from the bloodweb. They are so useless compared to medkits and toolboxes that you are handicaping yourself by bringing one.
In fact, to bring a key is an invitation to be tunneled early by the killer.
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So would you support removing them from chests, at least for the time being?
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I've never gotten or seen someone escape with a key since the nerfs, remove them from chest yes please
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A survivor sneezing is an invitation to be tunneled. I just wanted to make this point. Lol. Carry on!
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not true at all. While keys are the worst items there are, they still have SOME value. Aura reading, especcially for newer players who dont got any perks for it. When i started as a yui survivor, my only aura reading perk was when pallets were down. Which i obviously couldnt make use of, now i love that perk because i know it also gives some more info than it seems. And being able to resett the pallet gives the team some help, especcially if it is a main pallet. And also some bloodpoints.
but new players dont have such indepth knowlege and dont know to take dwight for bond or equip kindred in soloQ, they will start with whoever survivor catches their eye first. Depending on it, they really can profit off of keys and maps. I used to have add ons on green keys for reading teammates auras, it helped me with some challenges and all.
taking away all of it just because meanwhile we have perks for that stuff, wouldnt be fair. And just buffing them is dangerous for the balance of the game. Its ok to have things that have more use for new players and less for experienced ones.
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The problem is, aside of some niche interactions with blood amber and unique wedding ring, keys are largely useless now.
And the keys and its addons flood the bloodweb with items you will probably never use.
The maps are the same. Unless you really want to do things like cleansing totems or avoiding 3 gens, there is no real use for maps. The only situations i can think a map would be useful is against trappers or hags, but these two are weak and rare killers to encounter.
Although fair to say, apart from the previous two:
Luck offerings are also useless.
Fog reagents are also useless(the purple maybe could pass)
Shroud of union kind of meh
Survivors' shroud of binding and killers' shroud of separation should be swapped
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Yeah, they need a rework really bad!
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I get half of my escapes through key and hatch that I get through plunderer's and chest; it doesn't bother killers and actually boosts SoloQ stats; it also allows me to do last-minute escapes; denying survivors access to key and hatch is just oppressing the SoloQs at this point.
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Ok I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe you get half of your escapes through unlocking the hatch
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and my point still stands. Dont take away stuff some players could make use of.
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Well in my first comment i said "rework, fixed or removed"
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couldve aswell said "reworked or fixed"
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Can you make a montage of this?
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Happened two times to me. Both times I got "lol, gg eeeeeeez. Git gud. Noooooob lol. Rect" in post game chat.
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WOW, a survivor escaped through the hatch with a key, which means the game was practically over, so why bother?
Are people going to die in real life if you don't get a 4k?
Gee, people these days man, I can't
Just try to have fun with a videogame for once.
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No, because he's lying. There is no way in hell half of his escapes results in leaving through unlocking the hatch, unless he's crouching in the corner the whole game. And even then it's far fetched
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I feel you.
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No that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying they should be removed from chests because they're useless items in the game. Whenever I run plunderer's I get keys that do nothing instead of something useful like a medkit or flashlight
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I see, I misinterpreted you and I thought you are a killer main complaining about survivors escaping with a key found in chests. The only useless key is green, the others are still useful to escape through the hatch or even to bring to your item collection. They are very rare without Plunderer and to be honest I think if you are running the perk you should expect a key, otherwise you should be running Appraisal. Just a thought.
They need to rework the green key. They should make it last for 30 seconds.
And I agree that at least green keys should be removed from chests, but the others can stay.
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Yeah I just never see uses in the keys honestly. BHVR will never release it, but I'm willingly to bet very, very few people unlock the hatch. And I agree with adding the keys to your collection, but that requires you escape. I'd just rather they were removed entirely from chests honestly, but they 100% need a rework
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Yeah I don't think it's exagerated to say that when someones finds a key/map in a chest it is 99.99% of the time not the item that they wanted.
I'd go one step ahead and say that the existence of these items alone is the main reason why Plunderer's instinct sucks. They are so useless that if you'd remove them from chest it would actually be a pretty significant buff to survivors, especially at lower tiers.
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Funny enough, when I'm nearly the last surv and I really need that key to have any chance to escape everything I get is supergood medkits and toolboxes. Like, thanks, very useful, can we remove them from chests this game, please?
Keys is fine. They just should be a little more useful outside of "I'm the last surv" situations like they were before.
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Hatch escapes aren't factored into stats.