Please make map offerings do the opposite
Weigh them like hook distance offerings (to prevent survivors from wiping out 4 realms from the options and killer can only deny 1) and make it so that offerings remove the realm from the RNG pool of maps, rather than 1 person deciding where all 5 people play a match. Survivors shouldn't be able to get their favorite Boil Over exploitation map nor should Scratched Mirror Myers get Lery's every time.
Killer can deny all map offerings, not "only deny 1" due to "Sacrificial Ward" offering.
But yes, oferings that removes certain realm from rng would also be nice... but there is a balance issue, should survivor offering be as powerfull as killer one? They can use 4 of those, while killer can use only 1? Or should they be as powerfull, because its only 1 ban after all...
But yes, ability to remove some realms would be quite interesting.
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I literally covered that problem by saying weigh the offerings like hook offerings. When I say "deny 1" I mean deny 1 realm not offering, in my suggested system, not the current. Each survivor can bring a 25% chance to remove 1 realm from the pool and if they all bring 1 that's 100% and Sacrificial Ward, like it currently works, can't counter a 4x offering. Survivors have to be weighted to 1/4 or else they could coordinate to remove 4 realms while the killer can only remove 1.
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Totally unfair for anything but 4man SWF. Also the game is asymetrical. One one hand you want to make symetrical offering, on the other hand killer can see survivor's items, but survivors can't see even which killer they will face. Pick one - symmetry or asymetry. You can't have cake and eat it too
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right, but in all my killer matches ive never seen a group bring x4 for a map, unless you got a supreme alpha squad with x50 of everything in their inventories
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Fun Fact, Sac Ward doesn't "deny" any map, it just goes back to using the normal map pool.
So there's still a good damn chance to get send to the offering map, even after sac ward.
i stopped using Sac wards after i got sent to the offered map 3 times in a row xD
useless offering
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This might be actually reasonable buff to sacrificial ward. After someone uses it, make random selection of a map, that is not one of selected maps.
Sidenote - i would finally have a use for midwitch offering in SWF setup (I presume no killer main will be angry by denying map instead of selecting one of more favorable maps for survivors)
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A 25% reduced chance to go somewhere is nothing to sneeze at. The current system is unfair and I'm suggesting a much fairer system. Having to play in someone else's map of choice because they brought 1 measly offering is unfair. We already have symmetrical offerings, so it's not out of no where that I suggest a symmetrical offering. Your objections to this have no grounds
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Your system is unfair.
1, it costs 4x as much to get same result as killer
2, it requires 100% cooperation which is unrealistic for soloQ (main mode how the game is played)
3, you are bringing in symmetry in this, but keep asymetry everywhere else where it suits you.
Would you be ok if killer's version also denied such realm only for 25%? Because 25% is nothing to sneeze at? Once again - killer's already have some specific advantages in lobby and are allowed to lobby shop survivors (you see someone you don't like to play against? As killer you can dodge. As survivor, tough luck. Are survivors high prestige and you don't like it? Again your pick. For survivors tough luck. Playing again items/addons you don't like? Add perk specifically against it or dodge - for survivors tough luck).
On the contrary survivors have it more favorable with consideration to map offering and you want to "equalize it" right away by 2 different things - you are no longer allowed to pick your map and instead you can only deny a map + you make survivor's offering have 1/4th of strength - because that is fair. However that's not fair. You can make it fair only if you equalize all the aspects of lobby (which quite frankly is impossible, because the game is asymetrical - and soloQ have no way how to coordinate for their 1 offering + still they would need to have 1 mind into knowing which map/realm they don't want to play - which is of course also unrealistic).
Overall you are cherry-picking things from symetry and asymetry to your liking and calling it fair. But the fact that you always take more favorable of the 2 is the reason why it's unfair. Hence I said you can't have a cake and eat it too
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Been saying this for months
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I think that offerings towards specific maps should be simmilar in power, like 3 survivors = 1 killer offering, because survivors can bring more of them.
Tho denying a realm should be equal 1 surv = killer offering, since its still random at the end.
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- It's literally already like that for hook distance offerings.
- You don't need to coordinate if you're removing realms from being chosen. everyone can try and steer away from whatever they like
- I am not bringing symmetry into this, it already exists. The hook distance offerings work the way they do for a reason and it makes sense to use that reason here too.
You're literally complaining about me wanting some semblance of symmetry of power in offerings based on an existing system while complaining that lobbies are asymmetrical. You're a hypocrite. You've already stated your argument which has been refuted, so please stop repeating yourself.
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Because they don't need to unless, on the rare chance, someone uses a Sacrificial Ward. And no one uses those because you never know when a map offering is going to be used. This system would encourage people to use more than 1 offering on a team to ensure they remove a problematic realm.
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1, Hooks have very good reason to be that way (game breaking potential) AND EVEN THEN they are not fully symmetric. If everyone uses best hook offerings, overall survivors have a little bit easier time overall.
2, so you would be ok to use offering against some map and getting it if nobody else used any offering? I think not.
3, no it does not. Right now killer choosing his map is the same as survivor choosing his map. You want to change this. And your reasons are weird because survivor choosing 4 different maps does not mean they will get beneficial parts of each of those maps (that's how hook offerings work) - instead only 1 map will be played (that's how map offerings work).
4, I pointed out lobbies ARE asymetrical (and my idea is that they should stay this way) -> and as they ALREADY ARE asymetrical, map offerings should ALSO STAY asymetrical. There's no hypocrisy about that one. I also stated that if lobbies should become symetrical (your idea about map offerings), then they should be symetrical consistently - because killers already get "unfair" value out of asymetry. So once again. Pick which one you want. Full symetry, or full asymetry. Not cherry picking for your side. Because that makes YOU hypocrite