What Were Your First Memories of DBD?

For me, I had watched DBD videos on YouTube since the game released in 2016; However, I only began playing in DBD in October of 2018. My first match was as Huntress on the Autohaven Wreckers Azarov's Resting Place map. I could barely hit my hatchets since at the time I was playing on Xbox and it was difficult for me to get used to the power. The survivors were clearly new too though as they mostly hid around and did not loop much. I managed to 4k in the end. However, I remember that after spending my bloodpoints on Huntress, my game had a connection error and my bloodpoints were still spent despite Huntress's bloodweb level reverting back to level 1 as if I didn't buy anything. BHVR moment. It was both a funny and interesting first experience though.
Me remembering my first ever game of DBD as Wraith in early 2018 that caused me to forever hate Claudettes
Post edited by Pulsar on2 -
Dbd was my first game on pc and i practically walk full game becuz i didnt have the coordination on my fingers to run or crouch lol
Your usual teammate on SoloQ
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Feng, Doctor, Fractured Cowshed.
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Me immediately buying doctor when my friend convinced me and some other to play, 2 of them actually knew how to play the game and the other were first game like me. Red forest.
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Trapping a Jake in the beta
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The earliest thing I remember is me and three friends forming a Bill ritual circle and confusing a very scared Wraith.
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That god damn Storehouse window...
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I remember trying to repair a generator in Old Thomson House, while all my teammates are dying inside the house.
I missed all my skill checks back then haha-
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I remember how happy I was when I unlocked sprint burst on my nea so I could urban evade everywhere until the killer saw me and I could then zoom away. I was quite pleased with myself for having thought of this big-brain strategy.
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I remember my third game of DBD I was playing Huntress with Tier 2 NOED and all her teachable perks thinking I had a really decent-viable build.
Played against some really new baby survivors managed to 4k really easily back then I felt like a god-tier huntress hitting these snipes against potato survivors with less than 100 hours lmao.
Even if I switched to Oni now I will always love Huntress she was my first main and the killer that introduced me to Dead by Daylight.
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Sneaking around in the corners of the map and start running when i heard terror radius, right into a chainsaw. :D
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Getting stomped by a Pig in my very first match on Torment Creek.
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My first memories are repairing a gen that constantly exploded, like non-stop, no matter what I did, the UI made little sense.
And then when I somehow figured that out, the generators own sounds scared me and made me jump at shadows. For real, we all have no more awareness for that, but the repairing sounds of the gens are squire spooky when you listen in closely.
Oh, and my first killer was a Clown, and he intoxicated and downed my within seconds. It was a very short game. Lol.
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Was playing with 3 friends on wreckers yard against a wraith on our first game ever. Halfway trough the match I got stuck in a gen and had to DC after trying to get out for 5 minutes and the wraith trying to down me somehow.
Not that unusual tho since I somehow always break the games I play.
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I got it near the release date, played only survivor, hated it and returned 4 years later to play killer and i like it. i mean if you can like playing a killer at all...
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Trapper on groaning storehouse i believe. got a 4k. Match felt perfect. Never really had anything close to it after a few hundred hours
First survivor i was dwight on the game against a doctor who would be revealed to be afk the whole match. I escaped but i was terrifed from occasionally hearing the terror radius. Fun match but yeah... afk killer lol.
I think the best moments with dbd are when you are discovering and learning the game as a whole. It's terrying and surprising. After that i just feel like the game falls apart.
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I had heard about DbD from my friend, who was looking for games to play during the lockdowns in 2020. He was a Spirit main and had played survivor a few times for a laugh and he recommended the game. So a sale comes around and I buy DbD and a couple of chapters, because why not.
Anyway, my first ever match as a survivor was against a face camping Bubba. 8D
I don't even think we had loaded in for all that long either, literally my friend (who had introduced me to the game and was helping me get started) and I had just found a gen, and hadn't been working on it for long before Bubba just came out of no-where. I took a hit and my friend and I scattered, I hid in a locker (a rookie mistake I know), got pulled out then hooked. Bubba just stood in front of me revving his chainsaw, I got to second stage before my friend and a random distracted Bubba long enough to get me unhooked, but I must have somehow insulted this Bubba's family with my mere existence. Because he chased, downed and hooked me again...Thus ended my first-ever game of DbD, luckily I was just confused as to what was going on to be mad or upset. I don't know if that was my friend's MMR dragging me up or just MMR trying to figure out if I was a smurf or something, but man, that was quite the introduction to DbD.
Nothing in comparison to my third game where my team and I were 4-man slugged by a wraith, just four minutes of bleeding out because the player was being an asshat. Like I get it, he was probably frustrated from a previous match but there was no need to do what he did.
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You too huh?
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Got the hatch in my very first match. Lots of trappers putting traps under my feet and wraiths face camping me.
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When I first started playing dbd I was someone who never really played video games before (not counting Mario and Animal Crossing ..and dabbling in MK😂) I watched my boyfriend play for months before I was like, I want in on whatever this is…
I still think of his patience as I told him things like, “I’ve gotten really good at escaping, I just hide in the lockers and then I go straight for the gate.” I genuinely didn’t realize this was so wrong. I’ll never forget the day I was like, “you know I’ve gotten really good at escaping after hiding..I think it’s time to maybe learn about those generator things.” 😭😭😭 Anyway, looking back idk how he wasn’t like, “ma’am what is wrong with you?”
While I’ve become an excellent survivor with lots of time invested in the game, turns out I’m a much better killer 😅 but I still at times regret becoming so addicted to this game. Can’t stop/ won’t stop/ wanna stop 🙂
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Not a long time player here, but here goes !
I've watched a friend stream DbD as both survivor and killer throughout 2021, without really understanding the game. During that same period, other friends were hounding me about playing it, and I'd always answer them the same thing, that I don't like pvp games.
I eventually accepted to buy the game when it was on sale for the anniversary this year, but only to play custom games between us.
But it seemed like a missed opportunity to not bathe in the bloodpoints fest of the event... so I relented and went with them to real games.
My first game, I was obliterated by a Trapper, who apologized for terminating me early in the game and gave a couple of advices.
Next game, a very good Nurse on Midwich notices I'm a baby and lets me practice my skillchecks without killing me, and gives me the escape.
First killer game, I'm completely lost on Midwich, and a survivor comes to guide me around.
I realized that even though the game is pvp and at times people are dumb and mean, there are also plenty of nice players, and I could live with that. =)
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Hiding in a bush behind a pillar in the treatment center because I was against the Trapper and was too scared I’d step in a trap.
Gosh, I was so bad back then. I mean, I’m still bad, but not that bad.
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Moring a Nea as legion that i instantly bought.
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Sweet Anita was the one who made me try DBD as I watched her playing it and it looked fun (ironic as she doesn't play DBD at all since then).
My first memories were being absolutely terrified on the swamp and sticking to the corners of the map while running Urban Evasion which was totally meta to me lmao
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My son ran into some sort of issue and he reported it to support. The support staff were awesome and handed him a bunch of blood to make it right. The next day I finished and claimed two daily rituals and didn't get the reward from them. I put in a support ticket and the support staff were the worst and basically told me, 'Too bad go away'... That is DbD.
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"Hey Bill is in this game... it's not his va though"
"Cool Ghost Face AND Bill are in this game"
"I'll buy anything with Silent Hill content"
Proceeds to get tunneled out in first game by a Legion using aura reading perks on Swamp.
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Bought the game when Stranger Things was about to leave, (Never watched the show, but Demo looked cool). Played the tutorial and thought that this seemed like a simple concept, hide from killer, do the gens, get out. Started the game as Nancy, got left to die on first hook. Next game, slugged by a Ghostface and left to bled out. Next game, almost about to escape, on 2 hook already, a Feng body blocks me from a window as a Legion mori's me and the other three escape. I thought okay, survivor kinda sucks let's try Killer!
Baby trapper against 4-man bully squad with flashlights.
I uninstalled the next day, but lo and behold, I came back, watched some tips, and just kept grinding. Hang in there dudes, it takes time. :)
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Watched Achievement Hunter play it back in the before times and despite me not being a horror fan at all the concept of the game just really intrigued me, it felt like something I could get into despite the genre. Finally bit the bullet and bought it shortly after Hag was released and my first game as a baby Wraith I got the old "rank 20s could and often would get paired up against rank 1s" bug and as a perkless no addon baby I got utterly demolished and BMed. It's a wonder I kept with it after that game, but something compelled me to keep trying (though I swapped to Trapper and then Nurse for a long while as I learned the killer side). Took a bit to get into survivor since that was the more horror-esque side and I definitely didn't pick Nea because of Urban Evasion as my first main, definitely not...
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Devouring the wiki content to learn bout the game. Watching streams pf the ptb for wesker.
First game as demo, 4k on coldwind. Then trapper on macmillans 3k slugged and bled out one to death to do a daily ritual which required a mori 😅 noob mistakes
My first surv games were awful, trapper on macmillan estate. Got shredded. First game I actually survived, was against wraith on red temple yamaoka estate. Wraith was simply farming us. Got double hooked pretty quick then i was kept injured the entire game. Eventually he just let us go. Bit of a hollow win lol.
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Buying the Halloween DLC as soon as I downloaded the game and thinking how cool it was to play as Michael Myers and Laurie Strode (big Halloween fan).
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Awwww, so wholesome! Lovethat vibe <3
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Me giggling as a child everytime somebody walked into my completely random placed beartraps
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I used to drop every pallet I came across because i though it would be easier to just vault when i'm chased
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i remember playing as a bill on crotus prenn against a spirit with terrible ping in 2018, it didn't go well
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I remember one of my early matches against a Myers, I was repairing a gen in cowshed and I looked behind me, looked away and when I looked back a couple of seconds later he was just standing there, MENACINGLY!!!
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my first moments of dbd were watching youtubers play it. back in 2016, i didn't even know twitch was a thing. Thanks, dbd obsession, for showing me the way!
I spent a lot of time watching videos. Then when videos weren't enough, I watched streamers like KangGaming and SwingPoynt. Then when that wasn't enough, I found out about Twitch and watched a lot of Bahroo.
I started as a claudette and hillbilly main! 😊