I bet new flashlight saves buff will feel awfull for Killers

As you probably allready know, when someone is trying to flashlight save in front of you, sometimes what happends is that you get blinded even tho you quickly for the last half a second turn your head. Then it feels "unfair" when on your screen you technicaly avoid the last second but you still got blinded even tho your camera might be in totaly different spot.
Anyway, with that new buff what I expect to happen is that someone will run towards you, blinds you while you not even finish your animation fully and then you get stunned. It will feel pretty awfull and unfair.
probably and probably not
tho again not a lot of survivors can do flashlight saves lol
also loving you talking about flashlights with a lightborn pfp, i think between everyone u should be fine xd
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They will not even need to be good at it. Just aim at the killer not too early And Its done. Way less skillfull play.
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oh well, I guess they'll have to adapt.
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On the other hand, this is gonna make people who aren't very confident with the flashlight give it a try, which is gonna end up with more free 4ks.
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Well then my religion will find more and more young followers.
All hail to our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
May the shades be with us!
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eh....i got franklins, so no flashlight no items NOTHING FOR THEM
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I miss the BBQ Cult 😔
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Please supply the killers with expensive sunglasses, not cheap ones like Wesker's.
Oops, where are the demo and pyramid head eyes
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Where was this energy when flashlights were nerfed? 🤔
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I feel like they wanna make the game more friendly for new players and that's definetly the way to go if you want a big playerbase.
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Yeah, sorry. Bhvr murdered the old king.
Long live the king. 😎
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Not for me, lightborn for the win
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In the neck, just like every other killer! :)
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I won't make a single difference for me
When the survivors i face actually get in position for tbe flashlight save they get it.
I can't remember last time someone got in position and mistimed it
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Wonder would say this regarding a Survivor complaint.
Who knows. If it is bad enough Killers will “adapt” by playing something else! Enjoy your 20 min queues to go against sweaty Starstruck Nurses I suppose.
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But it won’t look different on the killer side, beyond the fact that the flashlight save might look a bit early, because the new buffer is happening before the current flashlight window, not after the flashlight window. And because the buffer is only happening before the current flashlight window, it won’t allow survivors to get flashlight saves in new situations beyond what they currently can do.
Yes, this is an over buff to flashlights, and it’s overall lowering the skill floor of flashlights, but it’s not going to make the SWF bully squads stronger since they can already reliably time flashlights.
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I'll just face the wall like Ive always done.
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Why would it feel awful, the pickup rules are unchanged. You just wont be as 'lucky' as in the past
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20 minute queues? Unlikely, killer queues have been longer than survivor for months.
Survivors have adapted to faster cooldowns for killers, like they were told to <3
I don't mind this flashlight change because the amount of VPNing killers I see hopping from NA / OCE to the EU is getting a little ridiculous now, I get more killers with bad ping in one day than I see survivors with in a week.
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It's really not hard to avoid a flashlight save. You have so many opportunities to bait out the savior.
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For sure man I've only heard that like 10 if not 20 times before and then nothing like it happens but I'm sure this time will be different!
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Laughs in Franklin's or light born
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Would there be any survivor buff that wouldn't feel awful for killers the first week? Same for the other way around.
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I could barely find a Survivor game earlier in year before the patch that actually buffed Killers. 10-20 minute queues were quite real.
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/thread lol
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I already get flashlight saved from off-screen and from survivors with terrible timing. How could it get any worse?
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Looking forward to trying out the new flashlights. It still takes a certain timing to decide when to start runnig to get in front of killer and when to start the blind during the animation. So by no means it's free, at least to players who never used flashlights.
I think making the game a tad more casual-friendly is the good way to go.
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Can you just stop with this, if im being honest lol the little hissy fit back and forth is just petty.
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0.25 seconds won't make a big difference unless they made it even more lenient
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They made it more lenient, it's now 0.4 seconds
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kinda gross then
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"Unlikely, killer queues have been longer than survivor for months"
Imagine my surprise when you completely ignored what I said, killers is and always has been getting easier. flashlights have always been the most counterable survivor item in the game, there are so many ways to avoid and use them to your advantage unlike actual problem items like medkits / bnps, I highly doubt a slight half second buffer on flashlight saves added because of lag / server latency is going to have killers leaving in droves.
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To be honest, it's on the killer for letting a survivor get into position in the first place. So many killers do not respect flashlights even because they are so bad and hard to use. Only a fraction of the player base can get good use from them.
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If you have issues after the change, particularly struggling with multiple blinds, you'll have to either:
A) Equip the appropriate counter perks (Ligjtborn/FD).
B) Play in a way that limits your pick-up attempts (camping/slugging).
C) Tunnel Flashlight users out of your games asap.
Either of these options will help alleviate the impact of Flashlights if they become an issue for you.
Last second switching eliminates your ability to counter them with perks, but the other options are base kit.
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It was funny, but now it is overdone cause its constant back-and-forth whining lol. Honestly, you must live in a bubble to believe that stuff. Forum members try not to do us vs them challenge (impossible)
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Easy fix : just bleed them to death.
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Yeah that upcoming basekit Unbreakable wont become an issue at all.
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Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.
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Option A does not work due to last second switching, and you shouldn't need perks to counter an item — counter play should be basekit.
Option B is scummy, and extremely inefficient. You will be better off baiting pick up and using self awareness to know when it's safe to pick up.
Option C, see explanation for option B.
Great advice, just a bit inaccurate.
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How my in-game actions are perceived by randoms is completely irrelevant to me - I don't really try hard most games, but if I want to win, I generally will.
Good players don't reveal themselves until they're actually going to attempt the blind/the animation is started.
The efficiency of camping/tunneling varies by the current state of the game and is sometimes the best play depending on how the match has/hasn't progressed in the killer's favor.
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Before I start, please do not take anything out of context and play however you want. I'm just trying to argue that camping / tunneling flashlights is inefficient, and overkill — you have way better options available.
If you want to camp / tunnel flashlights out, you're going to lose more games. All you have to do is bait pick ups and be weary of sneaky positions, which I'm assuming (or so I hope) you know how to do. If you know there are better options and more efficient (win more games), why camp / tunnel? I can get it if they were BM'ing or it was the most efficient option at the time. You get the point. However, flat out camping / tunneling for using flashlights (a base game mechanic) is unnecessary and shouldn't be surprised when you get what you give.
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2016-2018 DBD: "First Time?"
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You know the saying "Adapt for thee but not for me".
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Seeing how this is said to every nerf survivor gets I think you little killer mains can take a little heat, no?
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Good killers never worry about how many flashlights there are in a game. There could be 4 in a game every single game and I wouldn't care as a killer with lots of hours in the role. But 4 medkits or 4 toolboxes? Nah.. Those are the real actual good items survivors can bring.
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The patch has only been out for like 10h, but I got a good couple of games in. In my about a dozen matches as the killer the survivors got flashlight saves off not a single one. The buffer might be there, but the rules havn't changed: if you down a survivor face a wall or punish the wicket hiding in the bushes, etc.
But things might change as the player base gets used to the new timing..
Only time wil tell
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Tobe fair, after years of playing, many survivors master the use of Dead hard, it was a pain.
The introduction of Coh was too much for killers even for me who mostly play survivors.
But after the June 2022 update, there is nothing to complain anymore.
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I've been getting double BP and instant queues as killer ever since the update that added matchmaking incentives. Lol
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you can also just pick up facing walls or check for flashlighters before you pick up, lol
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I cant play survivor anyway teammates are always dead before gen 3 gets done really hard to play with brain dead ppl. So go team killer. Or whatever.